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  1. #1
    saucerking is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2016

    How do my pre-cycle blood test results look?

    Got the $50 female hormone blood test from Private MD Labs. I'm a 26 yr old 6'1 195 pound male by the way. Here are the results:

    Test Name Result Flag Reference Range Lab

    CBC With Differential/Platelet
    WBC 4.2 3.4-10.8 x10E3/uL 01
    RBC 5.37 4.14-5.80 x10E6/uL 01
    Hemoglobin 15.1 12.6-17.7 g/dL 01
    Hematocrit 45.4 37.5-51.0 % 01
    MCV 85 79-97 fL 01
    MCH 28.1 26.6-33.0 pg 01
    MCHC 33.3 31.5-35.7 g/dL 01
    RDW 13.3 12.3-15.4 % 01
    Platelets 226 150-379 x10E3/uL 01
    Neutrophils 46 % 01
    Lymphs 41 % 01
    Monocytes 12 % 01
    Eos 1 % 01
    Basos 0 % 01
    Neutrophils (Absolute) 1.9 1.4-7.0 x10E3/uL 01
    Lymphs (Absolute) 1.7 0.7-3.1 x10E3/uL 01
    Monocytes(Absolute) 0.5 0.1-0.9 x10E3/uL 01
    Eos (Absolute) 0.1 0.0-0.4 x10E3/uL 01
    Baso (Absolute) 0.0 0.0-0.2 x10E3/uL 01
    Immature Granulocytes 0 % 01
    Immature Grans (Abs) 0.0 0.0-0.1 x10E3/uL 01

    Comp. Metabolic Panel (14)
    Glucose, Serum 78 65-99 mg/dL 01
    BUN 17 6-20 mg/dL 01
    Creatinine, Serum 1.04 0.76-1.27 mg/dL 01
    eGFR If NonAfricn Am 103 >59 mL/min/1.73 01
    eGFR If Africn Am 119 >59 mL/min/1.73 01
    BUN/Creatinine Ratio 16 8-19 01
    Sodium, Serum 143 134-144 mmol/L 01
    Potassium, Serum 4.9 3.5-5.2 mmol/L 01
    Chloride, Serum 103 97-108 mmol/L 01
    Carbon Dioxide, Total 26 18-29 mmol/L 01
    Calcium, Serum 9.6 8.7-10.2 mg/dL 01
    Protein, Total, Serum 6.6 6.0-8.5 g/dL 01
    Albumin, Serum 4.3 3.5-5.5 g/dL 01
    Globulin, Total 2.3 1.5-4.5 g/dL 01
    A/G Ratio 1.9 1.1-2.5 01
    Bilirubin, Total 0.8 0.0-1.2 mg/dL 01
    Alkaline Phosphatase, S 57 39-117 IU/L 01
    AST (SGOT) 25 0-40 IU/L 01
    ALT (SGPT) 27 0-44 IU/L 01

    Testosterone , Serum
    Testosterone , Serum 596 348-1197 ng/dL 01
    Comment: Comment 01
    Adult male reference interval is based on a population of lean males
    up to 40 years old.

    Luteinizing Hormone(LH), S
    LH 7.3 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL 01

    FSH, Serum
    FSH 3.0 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL 01

    Estradiol 30.5 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01

    How does it all look? Only thing I thought was a bit high was the Estradiol which is 30.5. Idk if that's considered too high.

  2. #2
    saucerking is offline Associate Member
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  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Well, everything looks good to me with one caveat. For as high as your LH value is I'd expect a higher T serum level. Curious what your Free T level is? Not saying anything's wrong, just an observation. It could be normal for you and if you feel fine, no worries.

    Your estradiol level is not high, it's just the wrong test. You need a sensitive estrogen assay (next time) for accuracy. Standard estradiol is geared to women and can read much higher in men.

    And I'm totally jealous of you guys with such great liver values.....
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  4. #4
    saucerking is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Well, everything looks good to me with one caveat. For as high as your LH value is I'd expect a higher T serum level. Curious what your Free T level is? Not saying anything's wrong, just an observation. It could be normal for you and if you feel fine, no worries.

    Your estradiol level is not high, it's just the wrong test. You need a sensitive estrogen assay (next time) for accuracy. Standard estradiol is geared to women and can read much higher in men.

    And I'm totally jealous of you guys with such great liver values.....
    I don't know my free t levels. These blood tests are pretty expensive. This blood test alone was $56 and was the cheapest I could get.

    But I mean can I get away with just this type of blood test? Or do I need to get more info?

    Also, yeah I always felt like I had lower than normal testosterone levels (Still have a squeaky voice, not much hair on my face, etc. Don't know how much that actually has do with my test but yeah..)

    Mine is showing 596. I mean, what's the norm?

  5. #5
    Alta's Avatar
    Alta is offline Associate Member
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    That's close to what my test level measured at. I'm 40, a horny bastard with the wife, I'm a grey chest haired bearded for her pleasure man, and I have most definitely been through puberty. Doctor said it was normal.

    What the doc told me was that the T level can be an indicator of something, but he was more concerned with my libido and general energy levels. If those are fine I wouldn't worry about it. Just use it as a baseline when you run PCT to ensure you have recovered.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alta View Post
    That's close to what my test level measured at. I'm 40, a horny bastard with the wife, I'm a grey chest haired bearded for her pleasure man, and I have most definitely been through puberty. Doctor said it was normal.

    What the doc told me was that the T level can be an indicator of something, but he was more concerned with my libido and general energy levels. If those are fine I wouldn't worry about it. Just use it as a baseline when you run PCT to ensure you have recovered.

    Very well said. You're healthy and now have some baselines like Alta said. You're already a step ahead of most guys.
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