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  1. #1
    cwm9805 is offline New Member
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    Little help with tren dosage

    I know I hate asking these questions because I always fear I will just get shit on by not knowing myself but hey hopefully that wont happen =)

    26 years old
    268 lbs

    I am starting a cut with tren ace and test c. I'm thinking about 400 mg test c a week once a week on Wednsday. The tren is what I dont really know. I was really thinking about doing 3 times a week Mon Wed Fri I just don't know about how many mg per injection. Would 300mg a week be good or higher or lower? Plan on doing about a 9-10 week cycle.

  2. #2
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cwm9805 View Post
    I know I hate asking these questions because I always fear I will just get shit on by not knowing myself but hey hopefully that wont happen =)

    26 years old
    268 lbs

    I am starting a cut with tren ace and test c. I'm thinking about 400 mg test c a week once a week on Wednsday. The tren is what I dont really know. I was really thinking about doing 3 times a week Mon Wed Fri I just don't know about how many mg per injection. Would 300mg a week be good or higher or lower? Plan on doing about a 9-10 week cycle.
    Don't deter from asking questions here. Yes, some people will flame (hell, I've prob been guilty of it myself), but don't take it to heart. After all, we're just strangers on the internet, right?

    First of all, how many cycles have you run in the past? If this is your first cycle, drop the Tren . Test only for a first cycle. With that said, given the half life of Test C, you will need to inject it twice per week, not once. So, for example, you would pin Sunday morning and Wednesday night to keep blood levels stable. You didn't mention anything about HCG , AI, or PCT. I hope you have all of this on hand?

    Now here's the most crucial part of the advice. Your body fat is too high to run a cycle. People with high body fat are much more likely to suffer from estrogen-related side effects. Furthermore, if you're above 20% body fat, then it really shows that your diet is off. No amount of gear or training is going to negate the effects of a poor diet. It will be a waste of a cycle. My advice is that you diet down to 15% or below before considering. How long have you been training? Head over to the diet/nutrition forum for some solid advice on how to perfect your diet.

    TLDR: Body fat is too high to cycle. Not knowing that Test C needs to be pinned at least twice a week shows you're not ready to cycle. Assuming you don't have HCG, an AI, and PCT in place shows you're not ready to cycle (again, only assuming here). Spend the next several months dieting down and reading through the stickies on this forum to gain more knowledge about what you're doing. Don't be afraid to ask questions. We're here to help.

  3. #3
    Althenery's Avatar
    Althenery is offline Associate Member
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    1cc of each 3x per week
    Pct clomid and nolvadex
    Do keto diet it's a 0 carb diet and cardio and maybe add intermittent fasting for extreme fat loss!

  4. #4
    cwm9805 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Now here's the most crucial part of the advice. Your body fat is too high to run a cycle. People with high body fat are much more likely to suffer from estrogen-related side effects. Furthermore, if you're above 20% body fat, then it really shows that your diet is off. No amount of gear or training is going to negate the effects of a poor diet. It will be a waste of a cycle. My advice is that you diet down to 15% or below before considering. How long have you been training? Head over to the diet/nutrition forum for some solid advice on how to perfect your diet.
    Okay so since I'm new here spam filter is blocking me for something so short version. I take HCG and Estrogen blocker already. This is my second cycle. Have been training for 4 years. Lost a lot of weight already. Diet is good now used to be not good. And thanks for advice!

  5. #5
    cwm9805 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Althenery View Post
    1cc of each 3x per week
    Pct clomid and nolvadex
    Do keto diet it's a 0 carb diet and cardio and maybe add intermittent fasting for extreme fat loss!
    Just to clarify my test c is 300mg/cc and tren is also 300mg/cc

  6. #6
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Althenery
    1cc of each 3x per week Pct clomid and nolvadex Do keto diet it's a 0 carb diet and cardio and maybe add intermittent fasting for extreme fat loss!
    At the time you posted this, you had no idea what the compounds were doses at, so how can you tell him to take 1cc of each 3 times per week?

    He just now listed the doses, which are both 300mg/mL. So, you're telling him to take 900 mg of each compound per week?

    OP, ignore althenery's advice. It's great that you've lost weight, but you still need to cut down quite a bit before you're ready to run another cycle. This is just my opinion.

  7. #7
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    You should definitely consider dropping your bf before cycling.

    The higher your bf the higher your e2 conversion. Even when using an estrogen blocker.

    If your e2 elevates while on a 19 nor then you will likely have prolactin issues.

    If you really want to use a second compound this cycle that's cool but tren isn't a good choice.

  8. #8
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Your bodyfat is too high for cycling, diet and cardio will dictate your fat reduction not steroids .
    Running gear at that body fat you can run into a lot more side effects.
    At least drop the tren as it exacerbate all estrogen conversion and make all side effects worse, for cutting you just need a bit of test anyways to reduce muscle wasting.

  9. #9
    cwm9805 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all the advice guys!!

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