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  1. #1
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    Tren Ace, Masteron, and Test P

    Hey all, new member here. Need some help asking about a cycle. I'm going to be running a mix of tren ace, Masteron , and test p. Will be taking a shot eod. Thing is I've never ran Masteron. I have clomid for pct. Have prami for tren. Should I run anything else with this to help prevent any side effects.

    Background: I've ran a few cycles before but it was a couple years ago. Basically let myself be lazy as **** with school and work and family life. Told myself wouldn't start cycle until I got to certain point. Been working out for 8 weeks again. Currently lost 22 lbs so far and made some decent lean mass gains. So thought I could reward myself with a cycle lol and to help boost these last few months before beach season. ��
    Last edited by Golden8638; 04-19-2016 at 11:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Thunderx is offline New Member
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    So... let me get this straight... you been working out for 8 weeks and wanna do a cycle??!! with tren ???? are you ****ing retarded?!! And no it does not matter you have been working out for 10 years 2 or 5 years ago

  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunderx View Post
    So... let me get this straight... you been working out for 8 weeks and wanna do a cycle??!! with tren???? are you ****ing retarded?!! And no it does not matter you have been working out for 10 years 2 or 5 years ago
    Well, I was going to be more polite but you hit the nail on the head pretty much.

    OP concentrate on your diet and training consistency and you will be getting those newbie gains again as its been so long you you had any consistency.

  4. #4
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    No I've been working out for years. And I've taken a few cycles with tren . This won't be my first with it. And I've remained working out. When I said let myself go i basically just ate shit. And didn't work out has hard as usual. And the last 8 weeks I've just been eating correctly. Appreciate all the info

  5. #5
    ePeeZy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden8638 View Post
    No I've been working out for years. And I've taken a few cycles with tren. This won't be my first with it. And I've remained working out. When I said let myself go i basically just ate shit. And didn't work out has hard as usual. And the last 8 weeks I've just been eating correctly. Appreciate all the info
    Assuming this is true, you didn't give what doses you are planning to take so I can't offer much advice other than to answer your original question, no, you shouldn't have to take anything else. Mast is pretty good AI by itself, and Test P doesn't aromatise that much, so you should be fine, but everyone is different. If you are more prone genetically to high estrogen, you may need an AI. Blood work will give you your answer

  6. #6
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    I have a mix of 75 tren ace, masteron 100, and test p 75mg. That's all in an ml.
    I planned on doing a cc eod, taking prami a few days before starting the tren and tapering up. Starting st .125 and tapering up to .5 day. I have had a few cycles of test at higher doses per week than this and never needed an AI so I didn't think I would need one with a lose dose of test as this. The masteron should cover it I thought. For my pct would do clomid bc for some reason nolva ****ing hates me I can't stand using it. If this sounds bad please tell me, I'm not looking for someone to bash me just want information. Appreciate all the info.

  7. #7
    kinetixtrainer is offline Junior Member
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    OP: what is your current bf%?

  8. #8
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    I started at 18% lost 4% so far I redid test a week ago 3 times. I got 14,15,14

  9. #9
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden8638 View Post
    I have a mix of 75 tren ace, masteron 100, and test p 75mg. That's all in an ml.
    I planned on doing a cc eod, taking prami a few days before starting the tren and tapering up. Starting st .125 and tapering up to .5 day. I have had a few cycles of test at higher doses per week than this and never needed an AI so I didn't think I would need one with a lose dose of test as this. The masteron should cover it I thought. For my pct would do clomid bc for some reason nolva ****ing hates me I can't stand using it. If this sounds bad please tell me, I'm not looking for someone to bash me just want information. Appreciate all the info.
    You never needed an AI in previous cycle because of no physical side effects or because BW showed you e2 was within range?

    Cycling is kind of a waste if your PCT is ineffective.

    Nolva is a really effective SERM and you should force yourself to take it along clomid.

    If you're completely against using nolva then you can substitute torem, it's just not as good as nolva.

  10. #10
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    I've never had any bad side effect when taking test. Granted I've never taken huge doses but easily double what I would be taking on this cycle. I could take nolva it's just I know it's nolva that gives me bad sides. I've taken it by itself and its what caused sides. I just preferred clomid. I could force my self to take it though.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden8638 View Post
    I have had a few cycles of test at higher doses per week than this and never needed an AI so I didn't think I would need one with a lose dose of test as this.
    Seriously re-think your logic here as it flawed.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #12
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    It's not like I did it on purpose I never could get ahold of any AI when taking the test. Now I can but I thought since possibly I hadn't exp any sides and would be taking the masteron with a lower dose test it would function as an AI. I realize masteron is not an AI but it helps block estrogen at he receptor site and interact with the aromatase enzyme from what I've read

  13. #13
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    I really think that you should take some daily stane while on cycle then pull mid cycle labs to check out your levels.

    It should cost you about 100 bucks to run stane for a cycle and about 75 for mid cycle labs.

    Having high e2 is probably the most unhealthy thing that can can occur on cycle, and stane won't crash your e2.

    I'm on 50mg of prop and some ace EOD and I take dex after I pin.

    If you can force yourself to take nolva that would be good.

    Nolva and clomid go together like PB&J.

  14. #14
    kinetixtrainer is offline Junior Member
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    with that bf% I would save the masteron for a later cycle.

  15. #15
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    I would save it but unfortunately it's in a mix lol.

    Numbere: thanks for the info really appreciate it. As I haven't ever taken stane or Adex which one would you say to use? They are both AIs but does one more effective then the other with less side effect or vice Versa.

    Also if i do take an AI should I still take the prami or just keep on hand if I start feeling sides from tren . Read that if you keep e2 in check shouldn't have elevated prolactin but it still can happen even while on tren with just an AI as it doesn't work the same as a DA such as prami for the prolactin

  16. #16
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Golden8638 View Post
    I would save it but unfortunately it's in a mix lol.

    Numbere: thanks for the info really appreciate it. As I haven't ever taken stane or Adex which one would you say to use? They are both AIs but does one more effective then the other with less side effect or vice Versa.

    Also if i do take an AI should I still take the prami or just keep on hand if I start feeling sides from tren. Read that if you keep e2 in check shouldn't have elevated prolactin but it still can happen even while on tren with just an AI as it doesn't work the same as a DA such as prami for the prolactin
    Anytime brother I'm happy to help, that's one of the reasons I'm here.

    Dex and stane are both awesome AIs.

    You really can't go wrong with either one.

    I think for your situation of using a small amount of aromatizing compounds and never using and AI before that stane would be best.

    Take it everyday with dietary fats and then pull a sensitive e2 lab along with PRL a few weeks into your cycle.

    You're right about e2 and PRL.

    I don't like making assumptions but you've used these compounds before without much issue.

    So you should be fine with controlling e2 with an AI and having a DA on hand in case things get out of control.

  17. #17
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    Alright sounds good, main reason for wondering about the DA is I've read about tren dick and seriously don't want to run into that problem. Is there a specific reason people get tren dick or is it just an increase in prl or shitty pct that causes it? Basically I'm saying if I should take a small dose of DA to help prevent it throughout the cycle I'd be fine with that.

  18. #18
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    Also the stane should it be ran 12.5mg/day then after labs mid cycle adjust either up or down? L

    Edit: after talking with my source I can get arimedex much faster. I can get the stane. But he can get me the Adex today. If I did that, would I start at 0.5mg eod and then do the same thing. Draw labs and adjust etc.
    Last edited by Golden8638; 04-21-2016 at 12:39 AM.

  19. #19
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    A'dex 0.25mg EOD and adjust if needed.

    If you want a chance of recovery after running tren then you should have HCG in your on cycle protocol and run your PCT

    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20

    The mast will be a waste, that's the problem with blends, you can't govern what you have. You should run your test longer than your tren but, again, because of your blend you can't do that. That might not help at all with your concerns over tren dick.

    Not the ideal cycle and I'd recommend if you feel you have to run tren that you buy your test and tren separately and go that way.

  20. #20
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    Back in black. I can get my hands on enough test to run some after I stop with the mix. After my last pin of the mix how long would you recommend running test only and then starting pct after last pin of test?

  21. #21
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Get test p and run it 10-14 days after your last tren shot. Pct starts 3 days after your very last pin.

  22. #22
    Golden8638 is offline New Member
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    So with the cycle I will be taking A'dex 0.25mg EOD and I will get labs after a few weeks and adjust as needed. I don't see the problem (unless someone please correct me if I'm wrong) in running low dose prami throughout the cycle. I will start with 0.125mg and taper up to 0.5mg/day. Again will take labs and adjust if needed after a few weeks. I know what Numbere said and I appreciate it man really. And if im completely wrong please tell me. I just thought running the prami and adex would cover both sides for sure. If it will hurt me to run both during the cycle please educate me. Thanks.

  23. #23
    ePeeZy's Avatar
    ePeeZy is offline New Member
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    Prami can have some nasty sides if it's not needed. You're at such a low dose of Tren , I doubt you'd need it, but if you want to take it, I would take a very low dose. But IMO you should wait to take a DP until you see your BW, DP's aren't something you want to f*ck around with.

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