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Thread: Cycle Advice

  1. #1
    jiujitsumuscle is offline New Member
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    Cycle Advice

    I'm 26 now. I recently just decided to end a 50mg/100mg alternating days cycle of anavar only after two weeks, realizing it was a bad idea to not run with test, so my first question is....

    Will 50mg of clomid with 30mg nolvadex (all I have on me right now since I was planning on this going longer) straighten me out from being on avg. 75mg Anavar for 15 days?

    I did my first cycles at 22 and 24, the first being 500mg TestE/wk, and the second being 75mgTestP/EoD with 75mg TrenA/EoD. Admittedly, these were the only things I did without attending to a legitimate PCT, AI, HCG , and all that (I did take clomid and an OTC PCT/Test Booster), but now I want to do a legitimate cycle when I get back from India for a month in August, and have this 10wk cycle planned.

    100mg TestP EoD
    2.5mg Femara/wk

    PCT of....

    2wks 50mg Clomid, 2wks 25mg Clomid
    2wks 40mg Nolvadex, 2wks 20mg Nolvadex

    What am I missing.

  2. #2
    ePeeZy's Avatar
    ePeeZy is offline New Member
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    Clomid doses look low to me on your PCT, most guys do something like 100 mg then go to 50mg after 2 weeks, Nolva looks fine.

    Don't hold me to this as I am TRT and haven't run a PCT in ages.

    I would pin the Test P ED at 50 mg, that will keep you from having PIP. Your body can only absorb about 50 mg of Test P per 12 (maybe 24) hours, so injecting 100mg will give you some nice PIP the next day, unless you do it in 2 injections.

  3. #3
    jiujitsumuscle is offline New Member
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    How about immediately for coming off the anavar I was on for two and a half weeks?

  4. #4
    ePeeZy's Avatar
    ePeeZy is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jiujitsumuscle View Post
    How about immediately for coming off the anavar I was on for two and a half weeks?
    I can't speak to much to this as I don't know the science. Off the top of my head, I would imagine your fine since you ended it very soon after learning you were doing it wrong, cudos to you for that!

    Anavar doesn't shut you down like other anabolics, don't get me wrong, it does shut you down to an extent, but not like other drugs. I would imagine there's no need for clomid or nolva at this point since your planning to cycle anyways. I would just pin as soon as you are able, the test prop will kick in in just a few days. If you are waiting until August to start your cycle, I still wouldn't run the nolva or clomid. 2.5 weeks on anavar shouldn't have done much damage.

    I'm sure there are more knowledgeable members on this topic than me though

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