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Thread: My Second Cycle

  1. #1
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Talking My Second Cycle

    Hey guys I'd like to share my second cycle experience.

    Age: 23
    Height: 180cm
    Weight: 86kg

    First cycle: 10 weeks test enanthate 500mg/week
    I don't feel like my body responded very well to the gear but I did manage to put on about 5kg and lost some water weight when coming off. (also forgot to add, finished last 3 weeks with test prop 300mg/week)

    I'm now in my second week of my second cycle which is:

    Week 2-6: dbol 25mg/day
    Week 1-6: test propionate 300mg (mon-wed-fri)
    Week 1-10: deca durabolin 400mg(mon-fri)
    Week 1-12: test enanthate 500mg(mon-fri)
    Week 8 -12: anavar 40mg/day
    Week 1-12: arimidex 0.5mg (mon-wed-fri)


    Main sources of protein include: beef mince/patties, chuck steak (in casseroles), steaks, chicken breast, chicken sausages, chobani yoghurt, protein powder, salmon, barramundi fillets, lentils.

    Carb sources: bread, white rice, pasta, beans, veggies.

    Fat sources: olive oil, avocado, egg yolks.

    DAILY ROUTINE (the meals do vary):
    6am - 30 gram protein shake with water before my cardio
    CARDIO: either 1 hour walk, 30min jog, 30 min bike (intense)
    7:30am - breakfast: 5 eggs (2yolks) scrambled + 2 toast with 1 whole avocado + mushroom and spinach
    11am - shake: banana, almond milk, whey protein, raspberries
    1pm - lunch: half cup rice + about 200g beef patty + salad + stir fried veggies
    4:30pm - postwrkout: half cup rice + about 150-200g chicken breast + salad + stir fried veggies.
    6:30pm - about 150g yoghurt + whey protein + oats + berries
    9pm - salmon or barramundi with veggies.

    TRAINING (weight training does vary obviously)
    -cardio every morning-
    I try to incorporate 3-4 excercises per body part: 3-4 sets each aiming for 6-8 reps. (My experience with higher volume less weight did not yield very good results, so far training heavy seems to be working well)
    mon: shoulders
    --db press or military press, side laterals, face pulls, shrugs
    tue: back
    -- barbell rows, lat pull down variation, cable row variation, deadlift (or tbar rows)
    wed: chest and calves
    -- incline db press, bench press, flyes, seated calf, standing calf
    thur: arms
    -- barbell curl, db curl, cable curl, seated ovrhead db extension, cable variation, skull crushers (depending on muscle fatigue level)
    fri: legs
    -- extensions, lying curl, seated curl, leg press (or squat)

    I understand it's quite a heavy cycle and I've included these compounds to experiment with both fast and slow acting compounds.
    Last edited by milkshakes; 05-27-2016 at 10:54 PM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by milkshakes View Post
    Hey guys I'd like to share my second cycle experience.

    Age: 23
    Height: 180cm
    Weight: 86kg
    Goals: gain 10kg of muscle + increase strength

    First cycle: 10 weeks test enanthate .
    I don't feel like my body responded very well to the gear but I did manage to put on about 5kg and lost some water weight when coming off.

    I'm now in my second week of my second cycle which is:

    Week 2-6: dbol 30mg (this may change due to sides) If you're going to take dbol, just start from day 1. I don't like dbol 'cause holds too much water and I don't like that puffy lool.
    Week 1-6: test propionate 300mg (mon-wed-fri) Front load for 3 or 4 wks with prop is good enough. Why 300mg and not 500mg? If I were you, I'd just run Prop at 500 mg/wk for 8 weeks and be done with the cycle. Cycle is shorter and you get faster results but you have to get poked more.
    Week 1-10: deca durabolin 400mg(mon-fri) If you're going to freak about erectile dysfunction get your Cialis ready or drop the Deca.
    Week 1-12: test enanthate 500mg(mon-fri) I would just run Prop or Enth.
    Week 6-12: anavar 50mg Anavar's the weakest steroid out there. With the water retention from the dbol and Deca, I don't know how much good the Anavar will do for your cycle.
    Week 1-12: arimidex 0.5mg (mon-wed-fri) Are you going to run HCG?

    PCT: Nolvadex 40mg/day 2 weeks then 20mg/day 2 weeks You need Clomid 100/50/50/50

    I pin mon-wed-fri as I like to give my glutes a break over the weekend. The prop can be quite painful and takes a couple of days for the muscle to recover for another injection. I don't pin any other sites while I'm on the prop (quad injection was very painful with prop). Once I drop the prop I will include quads.

    I feel like like the prop has begun to work and I feel like I'm responding well to it. I've noticed some strenght gains and slightly better pumps from the dbol only a few days in however there are sides along with it which are discussed below.

    First I'll start off by saying I do not weigh my food or track my calories! I did so for a few weeks during my first cycle and it really made everything feel like such a chore. I want to enjoy this experience and not want to note down every little detail. For me training and nutrition needs to be enjoyable! I'm willing to sacrifice some gains if necessary

    I'm keeping carbs pretty low but drastically increasing my veggie and salad intake for health and digestive purposes. Main carb sources: white rice, oats, bread (proper bread from a bakery), pasta. Previous cycle was very high carbs and minimal veggies and I put on unnecessary weight from the high carbs.

    My fat intake I believe is moderate to high as I use a lot of olive oil in my cooking and well as avocado and egg yolks. I find that I sleep, poop and generally feel so much better when I have a good amount of fats in my diet. Previous cycle had very low fats and I got constipated here and there and didn't enjoy my food.

    Main sources of protein include: beef mince/patties, chuck steak (in casseroles), steaks, chicken breast, chicken sausages, chobani yoghurt, protein powder, salmon, barramundi fillets.

    DAILY ROUTINE (the meals do vary):
    6am - 30 gram protein shake with water before my cardio
    CARDIO: either 1 hour walk, 30min jog, 30 min bike (intense)
    7:30am - breakfast: 5 eggs (2yolks) scrambled + 2 toast with 1 whole avocado + mushroom and spinach
    11am - shake: banana, almond milk, whey protein, raspberries
    1pm - lunch: half cup rice + about 200g beef patty + salad + stir fried veggies
    4:30pm - postwrkout: half cup rice + about 150-200g chicken breast + salad + stir fried veggies.
    6:30pm - about 150g yoghurt + whey protein + oats + berries
    9pm - salmon or barramundi with veggies.

    TRAINING (weight training does vary obviously)
    -cardio every morning-
    I try to incorporate 3-4 excercises per body part: 3-4 sets each aiming for 6-8 reps. (My experience with higher volume less weight did not yield very good results, so far training heavy seems to be working well)
    mon: shoulders
    --db press or military press, laterals, pace pulls, shrugs
    tue: back
    -- barbell rows, lat pull down variation, cable row variation, deadlift (or tbar rows)
    wed: chest and calves
    -- incline db press, bench press, flyes, seated calf, standing calf
    thur: arms
    -- barbell curl, db curl, cable curl, seated ovrhead db extension, cable variation, skull crushers (depending on muscle fatigue level)
    fri: legs
    -- extensions, lying curl, seated curl, leg press (or squat)

    I didn't notice any sides from the injectables at all so far. However I began my dbol at the start of week 2 (10mg morning - 20mg pre workout). I'm now 5 days in with the dbol. At day 3 I began to take notice of my heart beat. Day 4 BLOOD PRESSURE went up (I check it myself) and after my workout on that day I had a HEADACHE. Day 5 today ... been feeling a rush in my head, increased blood pressure, raised heart rate and feeling irritable. During my cardio this morning on the bike I really pushed myself and towards the end noticed my HEART RATE at 182 and could feel my heart pounding. IS THIS SOMETHING TO WORRY ABOUT? OR IS THAT CONSIDERED OK WHEN PUSHING YOURSELF DURING CARDIO?? I continued to have a rush/pressure feeling in my head for the rest of the day.

    I strongly believe that these issues are from the dbol. I plan to stop the dbol to see if these issues subside and if so I will resume the dbol at 10mg/day and assess my tolerance from there.

    Does anyone have anything to add regarding my heart rate, blood pressure issues? Any advice would be great as it's my first time using dbol

    Any thoughts on my cycle so far? How does it look?

    I will continue to document my experience hopefully every week with pics!
    Be ready to be flamed. Have fun, be strong.

  3. #3
    themexicanguy is offline New Member
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    Whoa. Second cycle? You've already jumped to all those compounds? I've only done two cycles and still stuck to test only. I'm "gearing up" for my 3rd cycle. But will only add in one more.compound. anyways, as a newbie, I was told. The name of the game here is to.get the most out of as little as possible. I can't think of any reason one more test only cycle wouldn't yield great gains. No cycle, is ever like your first cycle. but anyway, that's just my newbie opinion any route you take, be safe with it.

  4. #4
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    End of week 2 update:

    Sides: some head rushes, increase blood pressure, wanting to sleep in, bit more irritable (I strongly believe these are all from the dbol ). Due to this I've decided to lower my dbol dose to 10mg per day split into 2 doses and see how I feel after a few days and assess my dosage from there.

    I'm up at 88kg now. I look and feel a bit fuller. My diet is going well. Training is fantastic with better pumps, better activation of targeted muscle groups (I do attribute this mostly to better form but the increased pumps do help here). In terms of strength I'd say I'm about the same but my ability to hammer out extra sets has improved as well as recovery between sets. I have an increase in appetite and feel much more alert throughout the day.

  5. #5
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Yeh I'm expecting some flaming, I know it's a heavy cycle for a novice... but I've made my decision and thought I'd start this thread to give others an insight into my experience regardless of whether its good or bad.

  6. #6
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Be ready to be flamed. Have fun, be strong.
    Yeh I'm expecting some flaming, I know it's a heavy cycle for a novice... but I've made my decision and thought I'd start this thread to give others an insight into my experience regardless of whether its good or bad.

  7. #7
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    I'm approaching the end of week 3.

    Weight is up, currently at 91kg.

    Strength has increased as well as ability to smash out extra reps and sets. I'm looking fuller, and developing overall size. Pumps are better, but not amazing as everyone else makes them out to be on dbol (could be my dose?).

    DBOL DOSE: I dropped my dose to 10mg a day for about 3 days hoping that the headaches and tweeky feeling would subside, which they did. I've been at 20-25mg a day for 4 days now, feeling ok. I think I should have started very low in the first week and tapered up from there. I will try and get up to 30mg next week depending on how I feel.

    - No acne, in fact the few spots I had pre cycle have completely gone away.
    - Night sweats have begun week 3
    - Appetite is decreasing, most likely due to the dbol
    - Sweating a lot when training, which isn't really a bad thing
    - Heart rate jumps up when doing cardio. I can EASILY get up to 140/150 doing moderate cardio. Again here I blame the dbol.
    - No gyno symptoms, I've been consistent with my arimidex doses.
    - Can feel short of breath at times
    - day to day activities can put me in "workout mode" .. EG. climbed a ladder at work yesteday a few times and heart rate went up, felt hot, VERY alert, like I was ready to smash a set out... weird! subsided after a few mins.

    Decided to give my glutes a break yesterday and inject into my right quad. It was the first 3ml injection I've had in my quad. Most I've done there was 1.5ml. Needle went in smoothly. Injected 0.5ml at a time with a break in between to ease into it. All round was a good injection. PIP began within an hour (which is common for me with 3ml injections... anyone know why this would be?).... Trained legs straight after which resulted in less pain today. I'd only ever inject 3ml in my quad knowing that I was training legs that day otherwise I'd be limping for a week!

    Until next time

  8. #8
    Steve051 is offline New Member
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    Hi Milkshakes I cant believe you are using all those compounds on just your second cycle! I've not tried my first cycle yet. Im planning on just test e 500mg/week with a good pct.

    Why did you decide to take such a plunge and mix all these compounds so early>?

    I am planning my second cycle based on the kind of body i want I will be using tren at 200mg/week and will never increase test e as I want the dry and lean look. Test at 500mg/wk is basically just there as a necessity and backdone for using AAS. I am really starting to think test e and tren will be the only compounds I would ever require.

    Although am currently 240pounds at 5ft9 seem to be doing okay naturally am quite lean too. I want to increase strength and loose some weight first otherwise I will be 260pounds in no time with AAS. Want to make sure I dont gain fat mass or too much bloating/water mass basically thats why I want to keep test low and mainly use tren as my primary tool with test as the backbone.
    Last edited by Steve051; 06-03-2016 at 09:12 PM.

  9. #9
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve051 View Post
    Hi Milkshakes I cant believe you are using all those compounds on just your second cycle! I've not tried my first cycle yet. Im planning on just test e 500mg/week with a good pct.

    Why did you decide to take such a plunge and mix all these compounds so early>?

    I am planning my second cycle based on the kind of body i want I will be using tren at 200mg/week and will never increase test e as I want the dry and lean look. Test at 500mg/wk is basically just there as a necessity and backdone for using AAS. I am really starting to think test e and tren will be the only compounds I would ever require.

    Although am currently 240pounds at 5ft9 seem to be doing okay naturally am quite lean too. I want to increase strength and loose some weight first otherwise I will be 260pounds in no time with AAS. Want to make sure I dont gain fat mass or too much bloating/water mass basically thats why I want to keep test low and mainly use tren as my primary tool with test as the backbone.

    Hey bro! I didn't respond very well to test e and test prop during my first cycle and this time around I wanted to put on some decent size. So I went ahead with a heavy bulking cycle. Dbol , deca , test... perfect combination for size from what I gather. I've also refined my training and nutrition prior to starting the cycle so I felt confident that it would be successful and so far it's been absolutely great... yes there has been some side effects and negatives but nothing extreme. Overall I'm enjoying this cycle.

    I think test and tren would be a fantastic cycle from what I hear... I've never tried tren myself but would like to try tren enanthate in future.

    If you wanna follow my cycle, check in here every week or so and I should have a weekly update I hope that this can be educational for people as I'll try and go into detail.

  10. #10
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Approaching end of week 4!

    Weight has been stagnant at approx 90kg all week. I'm not too worried about this but if weight doesn't increase next week I will increase calories.

    DBOL : so last week I dropped my dose down to reduce sides... This week I started with 30mg and 40mg the past few days. I will keep it at 40mg and bump up to 50mg next week and max it there. Dropping my dose down last week to 10mg then slowly upping it was GREAT. My body has gotten used to it and I'm not feeling shitty. I wish I had tapered up from the get go! **note for first time users **

    Strength has increased again this week! Pretty much weight for all exercises has improved especially for compound exercises. Leg strength has skyrocketed and all round endurance has improved. I attribute this to the prop and dbol peaking at this stage in the cycle. It really does take a couple of weeks for things to get going.

    PUMPS! WOOWWW --- pumps are amazing! this week especially. Everything I train gets a pump... even my shoulders and my back are getting great pumps during my workout. In the shower my biceps get a pump... walking around my calves feel great.

    I'm getting over the test prop to be honest. The PIP is becoming quite annoying. I'm constantly sore in my glutes or quads. Another 2 weeks of prop to go and I'll be dropping it... Had a shocker of a pin on monday. Pinned my left quad and hit a nerve on the way in and my muscle twitched and it was quite painful. I was limping for 3 days and the spot became red and very sore. This has subsided and I've noticed that I went too low down the quad. I should have pinned higher up the leg.

    I haven't been getting much cardio in due to crazy work hours this week and next week but will get back into the morning cardio starting week 6. It's annoying because I feel great the whole day when I do morning cardio.

    - i sweat alot during sleep!
    - hair growing much much quicker
    - can feel out of breath at times
    - some head rushes but not as much as before
    - feeling quite tired during the day but i think its more to do with work
    - body heats up RAPIDLY when doing any sort of physical task... even moving a few boxes at work and I'm sweating and hot. Great for my workouts though!

    I think that's all for now Until next week!

  11. #11
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Headaches on dbol ?

    Hope you have been monitoring your blood pressure.

  12. #12
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Headaches on dbol ?

    Hope you have been monitoring your blood pressure.
    I check my blood pressure everyday. On average its about 135/60 ... I also see my doctor once a fortnight and he's not too concerned with the BP at this point. He is also aware of my cycle.

  13. #13
    Back In Black's Avatar
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    Hope your doc will be doing bloodwork for you. Although with that prop for that long your levels will be all over the place.

  14. #14
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Short tip for dbol use. Water-retention- highbloodpressure- headache. Doesnt have to be so. Lower your salt intake, up pottasium intake (banana). That simple trick will help alot. Less water-retention, lower bp, less headache.
    But remember, never go below 4-5 gs of salt pr day.

  15. #15
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Hope your doc will be doing bloodwork for you. Although with that prop for that long your levels will be all over the place.
    Do you recommend cutting it a bit shorter with the prop?

  16. #16
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Short tip for dbol use. Water-retention- highbloodpressure- headache. Doesnt have to be so. Lower your salt intake, up pottasium intake (banana). That simple trick will help alot. Less water-retention, lower bp, less headache.
    But remember, never go below 4-5 gs of salt pr day.
    Thanks for the tip! Will try and implement from here on out.

  17. #17
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    Monday Week 5:

    I'm experiencing intense thirst! I did some researching and found that its caused by the dbol .... Not that big of a deal for me really, in a way its good because I'm drinking more water. Also, I don't feel like I'm experiencing much water retention... or "bad" water retention thus far.

    Since starting the cycle I've been having a 1 hour massage every Sunday and I can honestly say that its a massive help. I feel like all the tension gets released, I'm able to relax and start my new week of training completely fresh with no knots or tightness in the muscles.

    My weight has been stagnant since last Monday (week 4). I've been upping my fats and carbs in order to gain weight again. **GUYS do you think my weight is steady because I've made use of the dbol and prop and I won't benefit from them any longer? Should I be expecting more weight gain once the test and deca build up enough levels? Any advice here would be great! thanks!

  18. #18
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by milkshakes View Post
    My weight has been stagnant since last Monday (week 4). I've been upping my fats and carbs in order to gain weight again. **GUYS do you think my weight is steady because I've made use of the dbol and prop and I won't benefit from them any longer? Should I be expecting more weight gain once the test and deca build up enough levels? Any advice here would be great! thanks!
    You're weight hasn't changed either because your gear is bunk, your don't know how to eat properly on cycle or you are training incorrectly.

  19. #19
    Gloopo is offline New Member
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    Im very curious to see what u do now shake..

  20. #20
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    You're weight hasn't changed either because your gear is bunk, your don't know how to eat properly on cycle or you are training incorrectly.
    I have to agree with you in some way.

    I'll be implementing some changes as of next week. I will be incorporating new workouts for each muscle group and upping my carbs dramatically. I may also change my training split to really switch things up.

    Earlier I failed to mention that I've been doing crazy hours at work last week and this week and I'm on my feet all day. I do believe this is having some impact... I feel more tired at night and in the mornings. Hours will be returning to normal as of next week. Hopefully with a new training routine, changes to diet and easier work hours I'll be able to push through this barrier!

  21. #21
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Quite normal for weight gain to cease when stopping dbol , even losing some wait is normal. Dbol heavy aromarization makes you gain a ton of water weight, which your body will get ride of when you stop it.

  22. #22
    Gloopo is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Quite normal for weight gain to cease when stopping dbol, even losing some wait is normal. Dbol heavy aromarization makes you gain a ton of water weight, which your body will get ride of when you stop it.
    Dbol sounds like a fancy

  23. #23
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    So last friday my ankle swelled up at the end of my shift and I thought it was from excessive standing... saw my doctor today and said its most likely gout. It's weird though because my blood test from 2 weeks ago showed normal acid levels. Not too sure what's causing it but my ankle has been swollen for a few days now, slightly painful but getting better.

    Everything came back perfect except for liver. Doc said liver figures weren't ideal. However he said he wasn't too worried about it and he is aware of my cycle and was expecting this to be the case... So that's some good news. Will do another blood test in about 4 weeks.

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    Ok so not too happy with recent progress unfortunately. But no biggie! Only halfway through.

    Changed my workout split this week. I'm not on a push/pull/legs split to switch things up. It's a bit strange and workouts take pretty long but I'm willing to stick it out for a few weeks and see if i adjust well.

    Weight still at 90kg. Though in the mirror I look leaner and slightly more defined. Abs are starting to show. This is sooo strange considering im still on DBOL and on high carb? Anyway will be cutting the dbol this sunday and my last prop shot will be today.

    So from here on out I will be shooting Mondays and Thursdays TEST + DECA only. I do have a ton of anavar on hand that I might throw in after a couple of weeks.

    Guys do you think the deca should have started working its magic by now? Or do you start to see deca results in the later weeks? I was expecting it to start working around about week 6-8.

  25. #25
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    Starting to break out a little more than usual - nothing major but I've noticed more spots mostly around my glutes and thighs. Hair growth is increasing and growing much quicker than usual.

    I'm assuming that the enanthate and deca have started to hit decent levels in my systems. I will monitor my strength, weight and endurance over the next couple of weeks. Dbol and prop have been dropped.

  26. #26
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Tuesday Week 7.

    Weight is at 90.5 kg.

    I've been off dbol for 3 days now.

    I've jumped straight into var at 60mg/day (im expecting flames here).

    Had an amazing gym session today. Trained chest shoulder and triceps: military press, lateral raises, bench press, dbl incline press, cable flyes, skull crushers, rope pulldown. Shoulders have never been so pumped! Could be from the var?

    I feel like the deca is working its magic as I experienced much less joint discomfort. My endurance has skyrocketed. Normally training chest after shoulders would be very fatiguing but I was able to push through.

    So glad I'm pinning twice a week now as opposed to 3 times and no more PROP PIP I get mild pip for a day and that's it now.

  27. #27
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    Ok so I've come to my senses and decided to wait it out before taking the anavar . I took 60mg just that one day only... I want to wait a week then schedule another blood test to see how my liver is doing. If all is well I'll jump into the anavar. If not I'll wait another 2-4 weeks and do another blood test and go from there.

    I will buy some liver cleanser tabs from the chemist in the meantime (I don't really believe it's gonna make that much difference but it will probably help me mentally).

  28. #28
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Take some NAC, 1200mg/day, for the liver. Its OTC.

  29. #29
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Take some NAC, 1200mg/day, for the liver. Its OTC.
    thanks will check it out

  30. #30
    milkshakes is offline New Member
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    End of week 7 update:

    Hasn't been the best week

    Tuesday trained chest and shoulders and woke up the next morning with pain in the shoulder. I saw my physio on Thursday and he said I've injured my bicep tendon. He said I should be 100% in a few days. I've also caught a bad cold this week and have congestion! I've started a course of antibiotics. ahhhhh im annoyed at the set back but it's ok. I'm gonna take all next week off training. Might do light cardio a couple of times but that's all. Will resume training starting week 9 after my shoulder is fully healed and the antibiotics are out of my system. In the meantime I will keep my meals as they were! Will try my best not to lose weight during this next week.

  31. #31
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    End of Week 8 Update

    Have not trained at all! I don't want to risk this shoulder issue becoming a long term problem. I'll be seeing my physio again today as well as going for an ultrasound. In the mean time I'm still pinning as per usual and using this time to load up on food (good and bad food!) simply to increase weight. Finished my course of antibiotics today for chest infection. I hope that I can get back in the gym by next week ...

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