I'm just over 40, and in relatively good shape. 5'11" 185lbs about 10.5%. BF I've been training off and on for the past 20+ years. My only medical issues are occasional asthma and my joints are really achy depending on what i'm doing with training. I'm fairly athletic and lean towards more strength based sports, so I am conscious about joint preservation. Gaining mass and vascularity is not my end- goal.

I have been on TRT for 18 months, originally overseen by a doctor until I realized was a financial scam it was. Then I started self administering. My TRT regimen was about 150mg a week with the doc, about 200-220mg when I do it. Done a few weeks at higher dosages and I've have seen tremendous results while on just test alone, as one would surely expect. As an impulse purchase I bought some Var and was considering adding to a cycle perhaps 20-40mg a day (still trying to determine dosage). I already have the Var but not married to the idea of using it. Perhaps Deca for joint health, or perhaps Winstrol is easy to manage?

I know that I will be on TRT for life so, concerns about PCT are very small. But then again I dont know, what I dont know. I'm a noob with this stuff and feel like I should of jumped on this 10 years ago.

Looking for advice, in any way. I see dudes taking Test 250mg 2x times a week, which from my vantage point seems really high, but again its a matter of perspective. Plus I may be too old for that sort of strain on the body.

I was considering a 10 or 12 week cycle. Of course I will get blood tested prior to ensure HCT and lipids are good to go.