Good Afternoon,

My last cycle consisted of 400mg Tren Enth and 500mg Test Enth per week. AI and HCG (500 iu) on cycle and standard Clomid/Nolva PCT. I went for 15 weeks before 2 weeks off then PCT. My question is, for my third cycle, I want to do the same Tren/Test combo as i got great results, however I would like to reduce to 12 weeks and do short esters. I was thinking of keeping it at 400Tren/500Test again.

My results were very good last cycle. Strength went up a ton as well as muscularity and vascularity even though I was on a very strict diet, slight caloric deficit and carb cycling. HOWEVER - I had some sides I was wondering if could be combatted in any way?

First, I knew cardio would go in the toilet, but damn . . . I didn't know I'd get winded after just 5 mins private time with the old lady. I know that one probably cannot be helped. However, the inability to orgasm and sometimes even keep it up is a problem. I used Cialis to combat the ED but the inability to finish never worked itself out until coming off cycle. I've heard increasing the test can help? Or that caber or dostinex would help as well?