My next cycle will be my 6th or 7th. I reckon I'll wait a few months though til I'm off my SSRI medication (escitalopram).

I've run Tren before at 1.2g / wk so I can handle the sides.

I think I'd start by putting my cycle together as follows:

Test (multiple esters) 200mg / wk
Tren E 400 mg / wk

For a kickstart I reckon Dianabol or Anadrol . I never really liked Dianabol, I always thought it just turned me into the Michelin man. I've heard good stuff about Anadrol as a kick start though. So maybe something like:

Week 1-4 : Anadrol kickstart
Week 1-12 : Test 200mg / wk
Week 1-12 : Tren 400mg / wk

And then to finish up, maybe go out on Winstrol ... maybe like this:

Week 1-4 : Anadrol
Week 1-12 : Test 200 mg / wk
Week 1-12 : Tren 400 mg / wk
Week 8-12 : Winstrol

I wonder should I shorten the Tren to 8 weeks and take over from there with Winstrol rather than running them both simultaneously? I'll consider throwing in hCG and a low dose of Arimidex too.

I want to look ripped to f**k at the end of my cycle.

Any advice from anyone?