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Thread: Hard and lean

  1. #1
    TRA's Avatar
    TRA is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hard and lean

    I am a 55-year-old male, on fairly high dose test pellets. 6'0, 215, diet keto, body fat est 22-24%, active cardio running 30 min 4-5 d/wk. Started lifting again today.wanting to get hard and lean, keep muscle but not gain mass necessarily.
    Starting HGH 3-4 ius/d X 4-6 mos.
    What would you recommend to help achieve goals of toning and getting hard and lean?
    Can I add anavar ? Mastering? Winny?

  2. #2
    Scorpion0922's Avatar
    Scorpion0922 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Magic beans go great with Mastering.

  3. #3
    TRA's Avatar
    TRA is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Mastering = masterone
    Did not mean to imply that I think any AS will take the place of diet and/or training--diet is dialed in and has been for 10 mos - have dropped 50lbs and seen great body recomp - dedicated to training. Waited until now to add HGH and looking at others AS if would be of utility. 😉
    Last edited by TRA; 09-10-2016 at 09:52 PM. Reason: Add information
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  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    For a person who just started to lift I dont suggest anything other than wat you are doing.Now its not hard to see you know very little about aas.So I suggest you not take any of the compounds you listed.Beacuse if you do without add test.You will have trouble.
    devil-1986 likes this.

  5. #5
    Marsoc's Avatar
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    24% bf. Is quit a lot. It going to take. While cutting that down first. Before you will see the muscles. Let alone get them lean and hard. If your doing cardio each day make sure you take a protein supplement pre and post to preserve any muscle mass now. Other then that just et proper diet no adding weight trining into the routine will increase your calorie burned , burn that ft and preserve muscle mass. And since your on test now. That should help a lot. I never cycled before so I have no advice on that. Other then what I've seen on here. And that is wait till your in good shape before your first cycle. First cycle should just be testosterone . And then after you know how your body responds. Then Add in lol them other compounds on your other cycles. But not first.
    devil-1986 likes this.

  6. #6
    Marsoc's Avatar
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    I see some people say what they do using general word. Such as cardio etcetc. But that doesn't describe the intensity that you do it at. And that what makes the difference. What does your trining regiment look like. Describe it ?

  7. #7
    TRA's Avatar
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    Have cycled before on test, tren , deca . With good results but was younger and now just wanting to preserve and improve quality. If additional test required can add but not seeking mass. Just curious about the cutting aas with high dose pellets and HGH. I think maybe bf high as suggested so continue on diet and training to lean up first may be best bet. Thanks for noting my perceived ignorance however. I guess the forum has changed. It used to be a bit more user friendly.
    Last edited by TRA; 09-11-2016 at 01:19 AM. Reason: Typo

  8. #8
    Vash the Stampede's Avatar
    Vash the Stampede is offline Associate Member
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    Hard AND lean?

    Woah that's a bit over ambitious right there. Perhaps start with a more reasonable goal like soft and lean, or maybe hard and fat. Hahaha I'm sorry I couldn't resist!

    You say you have cycled test/tren /deca before, surely you would know how your body respondeds. If you want a more conservative approach, then adding Anavar would be a good choice. If you after something more aggressive, then Tren is the answer. But at your age, I would take a more conservative approach.

  9. #9
    Scorpion0922's Avatar
    Scorpion0922 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    For a person who just started to lift I dont suggest anything other than wat you are doing.Now its not hard to see you know very little about aas.So I suggest you not take any of the compounds you listed.Beacuse if you do without add test.You will have trouble.
    X2....100% agreed

  10. #10
    Scorpion0922's Avatar
    Scorpion0922 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    User friendly? No one is here to sugar coat anything, sometimes we ask questions and don't get the answers we want.

    We are giving you the RIGHT answers, you don't have to like them.

    When we save you serious damage to your body you can hate us forever.
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  11. #11
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Fix your diet buddy. Aas are not the answer and you aren't upwards of 20% body fat because you haven't been lifting or taking aas.

    Head to our diet section and get some advice over there.

    Good luck.
    Marsoc likes this.

  12. #12
    Flex69 is offline New Member
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    Same age as you at 25% BF and finished Tren Test Cyp and did wonderful plus lost 10% BF. Now, the difference between us is I changed my diet 4 months prior to vegan. Strength and muscle mass through the roof, went from a 34 in the waist to a 32 and almost a 30" waist. Cholesterol from a 150 to a 98, went FROM being n blood pressure meds and blood pressure ON MEDS 160/90 to OFF meds 120/70. Now, I know that's all because I went Vegan (-:

    Everybody s different , hope he helps
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  13. #13
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    57 myself and on TRT for about a year. Curious, when you say high dose pellets, is there a way to approximate how much T you're getting per week?

    No familiarity with HGH personally, but understand its purpose. From what I understand, it seems to be not as important at this stage and a lot of extra cost.

    Love the Keto diet. Personally started at 30% bf a few years back and presently around 15% (was at 12ish), realize diet is easily 80% of the battle if not more in losing weight (imho).

    Keep lifting, add more cardio (if tolerated due to age).

    Shoot for 1-2 pounds of fat loss per week and you'll maintain muscle (test or no test).
    Last edited by Proximal; 09-11-2016 at 10:33 AM.
    devil-1986 likes this.

  14. #14
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    Needs the details to give you an accurate routine for your goals. But remember there are phases and you can't have cake and eat it to. Or whatever tht saying is. Like chiseling stone into a Greek god statue. Get rid of all the access me then chisel down. But since we are organic and not stone. You will have to build up ares tht you want bigger and then get Lean to make it show. unsure about cycles. Never have cycled. So I'm unaware of the benifets. Such s the ability to put on solid Lean mass while cutting fat. Etc. but I'm sure if you follow the guideline of reaching that goal naturally. Then cycle can only boost your gains I. Imagine. I can't wait to start a cycle.

  15. #15
    ryobi1 is offline Associate Member
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    skip the HGH it wont help you,
    test at trt dosage plus anavar or whinny would
    be a better choice, but as stated, get at least
    a year of diet and good training regime before
    considering using aas, even though you used them before,

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