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Thread: TEST E/DBOL 1st cycle

  1. #1
    ryzel is offline New Member
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    TEST E/DBOL 1st cycle

    Hi all,
    I have just begun my 1st cycle and thought I might as well make an account so I can get advice from people who have a bit more experience than me with using AAS.
    I am 25 years old, weight is currently 77kg, been lifting on and off for 7 years.

    My cycle is as follows:

    Week - 1- 4 Danabol Ds (30mg ED)
    Week 1-10 Testosterone Enanthate 500mg per week (split 250mg Monday and 250mg Thursday)
    PCT - Nolvadex starting week 13 or 14 - 40/40/20/20
    I have Arimidex on hand incase of gyno (bloat/acne doesn't bother me)

    My questions are:
    1. I have read of various opinions regarding PCT. Some people state Nolvadex alone is fine others state that Nolvadex combined with Clomid is best? (sorry this question has probably been asked a million times I just cannot seem to find a straight answer)
    2. Is is necessary to run HCG on a cycle this size?
    3. And SHOULD i be running the arimidex from the start? I am now 5 days in and have not noticed any sensitive nipples/gyno symptoms. I was thinking of only using an AI if required as bloat does not bother me, only gyno.

    The Dbol has put my strength through the roof already and I am loving it but have been suffering from bad headaches. I have read that this is normal as it increases BP so guess i shouldn't be too worried?
    Thanks in advance guys, I appreciate it !!
    Last edited by ryzel; 09-20-2016 at 12:41 AM.

  2. #2
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Due to high BP and then its ok?...Wrong, high BP is the most dangerous thing and you should do something about it. Max 5 g salt each day, increase potassium intake, drink at least one gallion of water each day. Eat a lot of veggies. If you do so you may get rid of the headache aswell.

    An even better solution. Drop the dbol and get rid of it that way. People around here dont fancy two coumponds on the first run, and i agree.

  3. #3
    ryzel is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Due to high BP and then its ok?...Wrong, high BP is the most dangerous thing and you should do something about it. Max 5 g salt each day, increase potassium intake, drink at least one gallion of water each day. Eat a lot of veggies. If you do so you may get rid of the headache aswell.

    An even better solution. Drop the dbol and get rid of it that way. People around here dont fancy two coumponds on the first run, and i agree.
    Cheers for the feedback.
    I wasn't saying high BP is ideal, i was stating I am aware its a side effect caused by dbol .
    Been drinking plenty of water. I will increase my potassium intake and if headaches do persist i will DEFINITELY be dropping the dbol. Is there anything i should be aware of regarding stopping the dbol? or is it safe to just stop it all together until the test kicks in or should i gradually lower the dose?
    Last edited by ryzel; 09-19-2016 at 07:59 AM.

  4. #4
    ryzel is offline New Member
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    I am thinking I will drop the Dbol there anything i should know about stopping dbol this early or is it fine to just stop taking it.
    thanks. I've also decided to get some clomid to combine with my pct.

    Regarding HCG do you have to run it from start to finish? by this i mean is it okay to start using it after a few weeks and can you stop using it before your last pin or would that be pointless? i guess i just want to know if there is any advantage of running a little bit as i will be travelling in a month and believe it needs to be refrigerated? I know a lot of guys don't use HCG at all so am wondering if i use a bit will it be helpful at all or just throw things out of whack? cheers
    Last edited by ryzel; 09-19-2016 at 08:28 AM.

  5. #5
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Drop the Dbol . Add your ai and Hcg . It is all explained here.

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

    What is your body fat %? You are really really light for having lifted for 6 years, I bet you had loads more natural growth left in you. Can you post a current pic?

  6. #6
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm not a fan of running an AI unless it's needed, lots of opinions on this.
    (If you don't mind bloat, have no gyno issues, the somewhat increased estrogen can have positive effects IMO)
    About the hCG , the point of it is to make sure your testicles is normal size when you begin PCT, or the part of PCT where the aim is to increase LH/FSH secretion so natural test production begin.
    Will it matter if you drop hCG for a month?
    Perhaps, if you're on hCG long enough to regain normal tesitlce size then no it shouldn't matter.
    However, while hCG in theory should keep testicles in action at any time, my experience is that it doesn't necessarily bring your testicles back to normal size if started in the midst of a long cycle, when the testicles have allready shrunk to childhood levels.

    And finally about the headaches.
    These may come from high BP, which you should check out, as high BP is serious.
    But, I remember the first years I ran AAS I would get headaches whenever dosages very even remotely high, with normal BP.
    (And could happen with test e alone, Pharma grade)
    So, the headaches needn't be any problem, just your body reacting.
    But check your BP!
    ryzel likes this.

  7. #7
    ryzel is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Drop the Dbol . Add your ai and Hcg . It is all explained here.

    What is your body fat %? You are really really light for having lifted for 6 years, I bet you had loads more natural growth left in you. Can you post a current pic?
    Cheers i had a read of it earlier - very helpful answered a lot of questions.

    Body fat is 13%. I had food poisoning this week so dropped fair bit of weight so i put the amended weight before that i was sitting at 80kg. Im naturally pretty skinny. I've gained 20kg in 6 years, and no i have not been lifting non-stop the entire time, its been on and off.

    Regarding HCG - I know ideally its ran up until last pin, but is there any harm in stopping before then? for reasons stated above.

  8. #8
    ryzel is offline New Member
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    Thanks man very helpful advice

  9. #9
    ryzel is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    I'm not a fan of running an AI unless it's needed, lots of opinions on this.
    (If you don't mind bloat, have no gyno issues, the somewhat increased estrogen can have positive effects IMO)
    About the hCG , the point of it is to make sure your testicles is normal size when you begin PCT, or the part of PCT where the aim is to increase LH/FSH secretion so natural test production begin.
    Will it matter if you drop hCG for a month?
    Perhaps, if you're on hCG long enough to regain normal tesitlce size then no it shouldn't matter.
    However, while hCG in theory should keep testicles in action at any time, my experience is that it doesn't necessarily bring your testicles back to normal size if started in the midst of a long cycle, when the testicles have allready shrunk to childhood levels.

    And finally about the headaches.
    These may come from high BP, which you should check out, as high BP is serious.
    But, I remember the first years I ran AAS I would get headaches whenever dosages very even remotely high, with normal BP.
    (And could happen with test e alone, Pharma grade)
    So, the headaches needn't be any problem, just your body reacting.
    But check your BP!
    Thanks man, appreciate the response

  10. #10
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    There is more to Hcg than just testicle size, don't underplay its potential importance on any cycle.

    HCG: Why you should use it on-cycle only & how to prepare your hCG for injections

    Run it as long as you can during the cycle.

    Love to see your diet, 80kg is still pretty light, let's see what we can do to help.
    DocToxin8 and ryzel like this.

  11. #11
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Point taken BB.
    Especially about the Production of other hormones during cycle with hCG .
    The point about keeping LH sensitivity with correct hCG dosing is intresting, I'll check that out.

    But, for simplicity and also the main point: hCG prevents testicular atrophy.

    Also nice to read that hCG isn't as fragile as most think.
    This goes hand in hand about studies I've seen on other "fragile" compounds like insulin and hgh.
    (A study showed no reduction in potency of insulin or hgh 2 years after expiration date when kept refrigerated.)

    keeping LH sensitivity and the production of other hormones from the testes (by using hCG) will be more and more important the longer the cycle lasts.

  12. #12
    ryzel is offline New Member
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    is it alright to use HCG for a few weeks then stop? By this i mean I would be able to run it from week 2 until about week 5 (reason stated above, i will be traveling and don't know if i can get HCG at destination) . is there any disadvantages of this? i.e. when i stop using HCG and continue the cycle it throw my body out of whack? I've already looked everywhere and can't find an answer for using HCG "mid cycle" . Thanks in advance
    Last edited by ryzel; 09-20-2016 at 12:39 AM.

  13. #13
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    There is more to Hcg than just testicle size, don't underplay its potential importance on any cycle.

    HCG: Why you should use it on-cycle only & how to prepare your hCG for injections

    Run it as long as you can during the cycle.
    As stated^^^^^

    Still love to see your diet.

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