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10-01-2016, 06:01 PM #1
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First Time Trenbelone Acetate Questions
I am looking to use Trenbelone Acetate for the first time.
I am already on TRT for naturally low Testosterone .
80mg of Test Cyp, 250mg of HCG , and .25mg of Anastrozole each 2 x a week.
Looking to run 50mg of Tren , Mon., Wed., Fri.
I already take NAC and Milk Thistle as daily supplements for Liver Support.
Can I still use the HCG when I start on Tren?
The amount of Tren I'm looking into will last aprox. 12 weeks.
Is 12 weeks to long to be on it?
Since I am already taking an AI, HCG and Liver Support Supplements.
Do I need to run a PCT or can I just stop the Tren for two months while continuing with the other Supps and Hormones I take?
10-01-2016, 07:58 PM #2
Thats a good starting be more apt to run 6 weeks tren a than 12..ehh little long imo. Some say you wont need any prolactin control on a low dose..well "they" may not..were all different. I know i needed caber at .25 x2 when i did tren a 50mg are already on trt so pct is useless...although it wouldnt hurt to have nolvadex ...some old school guys will run nolva low dose while on tren.
Im no tren expert, ive only ran it one time and dose was low...amazing results like nothing before. Its just harsh stuffLast edited by Cuz; 10-02-2016 at 03:56 PM. Reason: Wrong number keyed in
10-01-2016, 08:06 PM #3
Since your on TRT there so is no need for PCT.
What I suggest you is to have caber (dostinex/cabaser) at least on hand but it would be wise to do .25 2x weekly. You probably already have lot of progesterone from the HCG and I wouldn't bet on the eventuality of gyno and prolactin elevation. Preventing an ailment is better than fixing it.
10-02-2016, 03:30 AM #4
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Well you want to ensure that your bodyfat is already low or Tren isn't going to do what you expect. Also boost your Test or you'll be shutdown hard. You need quality Tren as its hard to find legit I mean I tried DP but it did nothing for me. Which brand you using?
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10-02-2016, 03:31 AM #5
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Caber from Pfizer is what I have relied on
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10-02-2016, 09:03 AM #6
10-02-2016, 11:37 AM #7
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Thanks for all the responses!! I will run it for no more than 8 weeks with 8 weeks off.
They don't list the brand of Tren A. It has their name on it so I'm assuming that they have it made for them at an independent lab.
I've found some liquid Caber.
I read that taking GW-50156 with the Tren helps with cardio endurance as well as cholesterol and BP.
Has anyone used GW and Tren together?
10-02-2016, 11:40 AM #8
GW is junk, complete useless.
Ppl pushing it also sell it.
10-02-2016, 04:17 PM #9
Liquid caber? Strange caber is not very stable in liquid form. So iv heard. Just feel it out as you go. I would pin EOD. The whole Mon wed Fri always seemed strange to me. Start low and adjust ur dose as needed. You don't have to have such a set plan when your swing how u react
10-02-2016, 04:41 PM #10
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10-02-2016, 05:43 PM #11
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IMO - I really haven't been impressed by any peptides I've tried, but that's just my opinion.
I have taken GW before and it mostly just made me sleepy. I already have some so no harm in taking it, but I only use 10mcg because the usual dose of 20mcg makes me real sleepy for whatever reason.
As it stands now I will be taking:
Test Cyp 80mg, HCG 250mg, and Arimidex 25mcg 2 x a week each.
Tren A : 50mg Mon., Wed., Fri
Caber : 25mcg 2 x a week, on the same days as the Test.
GW-50156 : 10mcg 5 days on 2 days off
Daily NAC, COq10, Saw Palmetto, etc.. Supplements
10-02-2016, 11:59 PM #12
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Dosing sounds pretty good for your 1st run. Be prepared for the sides. Tren lung and night sweats can be surprisingly uncomfortable.
11-08-2016, 03:20 PM #13
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First dose of 50mg yesterday. A little sweaty during the day. A couple times short of breath. Otherwise, so far so good.
11-08-2016, 03:57 PM #14
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I'm currently on my 5th Week of my first 8 week Tren Ace cycle. Doing it w/ my TRT protocol of 200mg Test Cyp and .25 3X week of adex. Also, weeks 1-4 was running .5 caber 2x a week, and have since backed caber off to .25 2x a week. I haven't taken AAS in over a decade. Beginning of cycle I was 6'4" 240 and probably 12-15% bf.
I started off at 50 EOD, quickly bumped to 75 EOD, then 100 EOD, now I'm finishing the last half (4 weeks) at 125 EOD. Obviously, everyone is different, but I didn't feel much difference other than strength increase on 50 and 75 EOD. At 100 EOD I started to feel it, and now at 125EOD I feel like I'm really starting to make some changes.
I use salicylic acid for acne. I've yet to have night sweats or the cough (thank god), and no insomnia so far. I've actually been sleeping better (prior to tren I struggled with insomnia).....Tren ace killed my appetite at first, but it has since come back.
The Legendary Tren
I've heard about all the massive gains (strength, size, and fat loss) and horrendous sides.....but to be honest I think it's all overblown to an extent. At least in my limited experience, its not magic and I've yet to experience any sides other than acne. I've gained some lean mass, but haven't had any crazy fat loss. I still weigh the same, just put together a little better.
Didn't mean to hijack your thread, just thought my experience might give you some insight as to what to expect.
11-08-2016, 04:30 PM #15
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No, I appreciate the input.
Why did you lower your Caber dose?
What did you feel physically at 100mg & 125mg that was different?
I'm sticking with 50mg this first time, 8 weeks. I'm a warm person anyways and I already feel a little warmer. I did have a little short of breath cough this morning, just 3 coughs. Not too bad.
I had Pneumonia over the Summer so I know what short of breath feels like. In a way it prepared me for the Trenbolone .
11-08-2016, 08:29 PM #16
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I was told by Kel that .25 2X per week would be plenty, I just wanted to make sure because I'm scared to death of gyno. So I started at .5 2X per week, pulled prolactin bloods at the halfway point and they were below the normal range. That was good enough for me, so I bumped back to .25 2X a week like he said, because caber is expensive and hard to find.
I can't really explain it, but at 50EOD and 75EOD I could feel a difference, but just didn't feel like I was on steroids . I got a lot stronger the first week, then strength gains plateaued. Because I didn't have any of the dreaded tren sides, I figured why not bump it up....hell its Ace, so if I get the sides I can just knock it back down and they are gone in 3 or 4 days max. That's the great thing about Ace, you have more room to experiment with the dosages to find what works for you.
At 100EOD and 125 EOD, I can see the gains coming faster, and my strength is increasing more frequently. Maybe my shit is underdosed.....its not a huge brand name. So I can't definitively speak for your situation, but for the gear I have, 125 (or what I think is 125) EOD is my sweet spot dose.
11-09-2016, 08:12 AM #17
How many cycles have you ran?
11-09-2016, 12:52 PM #18
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That was smart getting your Prolactin levels run.
Yeah, what I've read that is a benefit of Tren A it's out of your system in 48 to 72 hours.
I agree, if your're not having side effects why not try a higher dose.
I have read that taking Tren Ethanate can help lower side effects a bit because it stays in your system for 3 weeks, minimizing the ups and downs of Tren A, but taking 3 weeks to leave your system can be a problem too if you start getting intolerable side effects.
I'm using liquid Caber and didn't have a problem finding it and it was on sale.
11-09-2016, 01:02 PM #19
Subscribed....I'm also on trt and have ran several cycles prior, and am thinking of taking the Tren A plunge soon. Keep us posted frequently!
11-09-2016, 03:55 PM #20
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First workout on Tren A. Started Monday, today was my Second dose of 50mg. First day taking liquid Caber.
Test Cyp 14mg Every Day (I have a High Hematocrit. Someone recommended pinning every day supposedly it affects HCT less. Will See.)
HCG 250mg, and Arimidex 25mcg 2 x a week each.
Tren A : 50mg Mon., Wed., Fri
Caber : 25mcg 2 x a week, on the same days as the Test.
GW-50156 : 10mcg 5 days on 2 days off
I was a little nervous because today is leg day and it's my most lung taxing workout. I do squats followed by deadlifts.
I wasn't more out of breath than usual. I did not notice it probably took an extra 30 seconds of rest before doing my next set. Otherwise no complaints.
11-09-2016, 05:35 PM #21
11-12-2016, 11:01 AM #22
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Tweaked my lower back. Been hurting since Thursday, got worse yesterday. So gotta take a few days off from the gym. Hopefully be back in there Monday.
On a side note I had a Pulmonary Stress Test (Breathing Test) on Thursday. It was scheduled for Mid-January, which would have been after my Cycle, but they had a cancellation. I had Pneumonia over the Summer. It should be interesting to hear what they say. I had only done two doses of Tren A at that point, my prior dose was on Wednesday.
Based on my observation, they'll probably want me to use an Asthma Inhaler a couple times a day. Will see.
11-12-2016, 10:22 PM #23
Disagree. Its wonderfull for heartbeat at rest and cardio. Its much more easy to do 20 reps squats when on it.
If the pushers brag too much its more related to its fatlossing capabilities i think, but those i mentioned, no doubt. And its not anabolic . But lifiting without gasping for air is a powerfull tool for everything.
Never tried it on tren but i can imagine it will even shine more.
11-12-2016, 10:38 PM #24
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Cardio is a much better way to cure gasping for air during a set. GW is garbage that was abandoned by one of the largest pharmaceutical companies for causing cancer. Pharmaceutical companies dont drop products that could potentially make them millions if the product is viable. GW and sarms are pure garbage.
11-13-2016, 03:23 AM #25
If you go to this sites drug profiles u will find out that the author suggests Cardarine as the number one drug. (Better than test p and deca f.i) Its the same author that disects all aspect of hundreds of known and unknown PEDs and all our dicussions are based on his conclusions. His knowhow turns austinite and kel into watermelons in comparison. And Marcus to a baby-aspirin. Just saying.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 11-13-2016 at 03:27 AM.
11-13-2016, 04:00 AM #26
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11-14-2016, 07:58 PM #27
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2nd Week 4th Dose of Tren A 50mg.
Getting leaner. Shirts are looser. No Tren Cough, No Night Sweats (Knock on Wood). I do get easily winded, but that was to be expected.
Gym on Wednesday. Back should be 100% by then.
11-14-2016, 09:45 PM #28
Everyone is different I have ran Tren at 600 mg a week and was fine a few different times.Then one time I ran it at 300 beacuse my stash was low.I only lasted a couple of weeks before I jumped off.I was going crazy.And that was my 7th or 8th run on Tren.So dont take things for granted beacuse you only got you toes wet so far and you aint hit the big boyz end yet
11-15-2016, 03:41 PM #29
Maybe that one time you got properly dosed Tren .
11-15-2016, 05:34 PM #30
11-15-2016, 06:52 PM #31
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The higher the dose the Higher the Side Effect Affect or more chance of Multiple Side Effects?
11-15-2016, 07:05 PM #32
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Both increase.
I find the the more experienced I become and the more I use tren the less tren I need to get positive results.
11-16-2016, 07:01 PM #33
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I noticed over the last few days I've been feeling more Sarcastic than usual. Curious if anyone felt that way while taking Tren A.
I had my Total Test, Free Test and Estradiol-Sensitive drawn yesterday. So I will know if it's Estrogen related in a few days.
11-16-2016, 07:56 PM #34
Originally Posted by jwh7699
11-16-2016, 08:08 PM #35
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Yes, I agree.
In the past when I had big swings in Test and E2, due to every 2 week dosing, I couldn't stop the moodiness once it got rolling.
This time I'm aware of it and can let it go easier. Tren related.
11-19-2016, 09:50 AM #36
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Anyone notice any dry mouth with this? I notice it mostly at night when trying to sleep. No night sweats.
11-19-2016, 11:42 AM #37
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The sarcasm probably comes from the Tren . I didn't list it as a side effect, but I am considerably more irritable. Little things will piss me off and I'll have to remind myself to calm the fuck down.....but its never gotten to the point where I have actually acted out or said something I'd later regret.
Irritability is always one of the listed sides of tren, but at least in my opinion--just like everything else about tren, its overblown.
Side Note - I'm really liking my cycle. I weigh the same, but am a lot stronger. If I had to quantify it I'd estimate I've lost 5 lbs of fat and gained 5 lbs of muscle. I have about 2 weeks to go.....and am interested to see if my gains diminish, and if they diminish, to what extent.
11-19-2016, 04:32 PM #38
11-19-2016, 08:32 PM #40
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Thanks Nach3, I appreciate the info. It's just a pain because it wakes me up.
I've been able to keep the irritability, sarcasm in check after recognizing it's there.
No Constipation. I've actually had better bowel movements with taking Tren , but it also could be because I'm eating more salads.
The shortness of breath is still a pain, but for better or worse getting used to it.
I live in Florida and would not run Tren in the Summertime, with the Summer Humidity and the Shortness of Breath I could see a real possibility of passing out.
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