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Thread: DNP not working???

  1. #1
    Remington's Avatar
    Remington is offline Alligator
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    DNP not working???

    I'm currently on Enhanced Athlete 50 mg DNP PILLS {not caps--PILLS} 4 DAYS @ 200 MG 2 DAYS @ 400 MG So far the sweat is almost non existent. On a scale of 1-10, its a 1 at best. Almost zero sweat.
    How long should my new 400mg /day dose take to 'kick in'?? I don't want to continue upping the dose if the quality of the product isn't there. Suggestions? I put my log of it here: Yet ANOTHER DNP log.. - Enhanced Athlete Forum

  2. #2
    Marsoc's Avatar
    Marsoc is offline Productive Member
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    Never heard of it. Then again I never cycled either

  3. #3
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    I would never touch DNP in my life people die from this , this is not something to play with maybe you're dnp is fake and thank you're supplier for saving you're life
    Get on a diet and ECA stack if you really want

  4. #4
    Mr.BB's Avatar
    Mr.BB is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thank God is not working.

    That stuff can kill you.

  5. #5
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Thank God is not working.

    That stuff can kill you.
    X2. That stuff is really not a quick fix, At that dose even at half that you would know about it. Good job it's fake.

  6. #6
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This is yet another reason to stay Clear away from DNP ;
    one can't know the potency for certain and its an incredibly Dangerous drug.

    When even experienced DNP users have died from it, (just check the web and you'll find DNP users that had done several cycles With it eventually die from an overdose)
    that should tell one something.

    And just imagine how horrible it has to be to die from an DNP overdose.
    Luckily consciousness drifts away With very high Fever,
    but People have died after hours in intensive care on it.

  7. #7
    Scorpion0922's Avatar
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    OP; 86 views and no only a few responses. Why? No one is going to comment on that poison.

    Bump post #6 above.

  8. #8
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    First it's hard to believe that you're taking DNP with all information that you've been given.

    Second I can't believe that you would buy DNP from a guy who gave himself the nickname Dr Tony Huge.

    That guy is the biggest scam artist on YouTube next to Dylan Gemelli

    Everyone reading this should be forewarned, the guys mentioned above are frauds and shysters.


    Anyone asking themselves "who the heck is Dr Tony Huge?", and wants a good laugh should check out the video below.

    You only need to watch the first 2 minutes to get the full effect.

    Mr.BB, Livinlean and DocToxin8 like this.

  9. #9
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remington View Post
    I'm currently on Enhanced Athlete 50 mg DNP PILLS {not caps--PILLS} 4 DAYS @ 200 MG 2 DAYS @ 400 MG So far the sweat is almost non existent. On a scale of 1-10, its a 1 at best. Almost zero sweat.
    How long should my new 400mg /day dose take to 'kick in'?? I don't want to continue upping the dose if the quality of the product isn't there. Suggestions? I put my log of it here: Yet ANOTHER DNP log.. - Enhanced Athlete Forum
    Have you checked your body temperature? I have sweat bullets on 200-400mg dosages.

  10. #10
    12345shawn is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remington View Post
    I'm currently on Enhanced Athlete 50 mg DNP PILLS {not caps--PILLS} 4 DAYS @ 200 MG 2 DAYS @ 400 MG So far the sweat is almost non existent. On a scale of 1-10, its a 1 at best. Almost zero sweat.
    How long should my new 400mg /day dose take to 'kick in'?? I don't want to continue upping the dose if the quality of the product isn't there. Suggestions? I put my log of it here: Yet ANOTHER DNP log.. - Enhanced Athlete Forum
    Any updates?

  11. #11
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    First it's hard to believe that you're taking DNP with all information that you've been given.

    Second I can't believe that you would buy DNP from a guy who gave himself the nickname Dr Tony Huge.

    That guy is the biggest scam artist on YouTube next to Dylan Gemelli

    Everyone reading this should be forewarned, the guys mentioned above are frauds and shysters.


    Anyone asking themselves "who the heck is Dr Tony Huge?", and wants a good laugh should check out the video below.

    You only need to watch the first 2 minutes to get the full effect.

    WTF! He's asking a tiny guy to explain AAS use, while at the same time flexing like a mofo WTF!! He serious!? I'd bitch slap somebody if they interviewed me and then started to flex during my answer of his fucking question! Man! And the video from using public transport in Thailand just to prove they're in Asia or something, WTF! Fuck that twat, the idiot just propagates the notion of brainless sells absorbed body builders. He should be dragged out in the fucking street and fucking shot, twice; once in the gut then wait 5 minutes before shot again in the neck. Shit!

    No updates I guess?! Yeah, like I said, DNP is dangerous enough by far, use a product of unknown potency as well and you better just throw that shit away.
    What else u gonna do? Up to 1g a day and hope it's at 50% purity?
    With such a substance, if used at all, it has to be exactly measured,
    and I wouldn't touch it with a stick nonetheless.

    Hope the OP is doing ok at least.

  12. #12
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    This is yet another reason to stay Clear away from DNP ;
    one can't know the potency for certain and its an incredibly Dangerous drug.

    When even experienced DNP users have died from it, (just check the web and you'll find DNP users that had done several cycles With it eventually die from an overdose)
    that should tell one something.

    And just imagine how horrible it has to be to die from an DNP overdose.
    Luckily consciousness drifts away With very high Fever,
    but People have died after hours in intensive care on it.
    I don't know much about, is fatality associated with DNP toxicity from hyperpyrexia?

  13. #13
    DHew's Avatar
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    Remington, are you good?

  14. #14
    songdog's Avatar
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    Cardio and T3 are safer quick being lazy and hit the road.

  15. #15
    Marcus G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remington View Post
    I'm currently on Enhanced Athlete 50 mg DNP PILLS {not caps--PILLS} 4 DAYS @ 200 MG 2 DAYS @ 400 MG So far the sweat is almost non existent. On a scale of 1-10, its a 1 at best. Almost zero sweat.
    How long should my new 400mg /day dose take to 'kick in'?? I don't want to continue upping the dose if the quality of the product isn't there. Suggestions? I put my log of it here: Yet ANOTHER DNP log.. - Enhanced Athlete Forum
    I've used the same stuff from the same place.. It's very dangerous, the problem is everybody metabolises dnp different every time you take it I did 7 days no serious problems just sweaty and quite warm second time I took it (4 month later) pre contest I ended up in the hospital because it damaged my kidneys and I needed serious treatment my kidney function is normal now but if I didn't get go to hospital I could have had very seriously issues quite possibly kidney failure.

  16. #16
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    I've used the same stuff from the same place.. It's very dangerous, the problem is everybody metabolises dnp different every time you take it I did 7 days no serious problems just sweaty and quite warm second time I took it (4 month later) pre contest I ended up in the hospital because it damaged my kidneys and I needed serious treatment my kidney function is normal now but if I didn't get go to hospital I could have had very seriously issues quite possibly kidney failure.
    You don't metabolize DNP .

    DPN metabolizes you.

  17. #17
    Livinlean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    I don't know much about, is fatality associated with DNP toxicity from hyperpyrexia?
    I believe the main cause is dehydration.

  18. #18
    Livinlean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marcus G View Post
    I've used the same stuff from the same place.. It's very dangerous, the problem is everybody metabolises dnp different every time you take it I did 7 days no serious problems just sweaty and quite warm second time I took it (4 month later) pre contest I ended up in the hospital because it damaged my kidneys and I needed serious treatment my kidney function is normal now but if I didn't get go to hospital I could have had very seriously issues quite possibly kidney failure.
    What dose were you running your DNP when you went to the hospital if you don't mind me asking?

  19. #19
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post
    I don't know much about, is fatality associated with DNP toxicity from hyperpyrexia?
    From the case reports I've seen there was no clear cause of death.
    That's another thing that scares me about DNP . In one instance I read they had the patient in an ice bath and temp was under control, then he died an hour or two later in the hospital. Heart stops but they don't know why.
    DNP isn't considered cardio toxic as such.

    seems like one can just say it can become so though the body can't handle it, but hyperpyrexia is always a symptom at admission.
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  20. #20
    Marcus G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Livinlean View Post
    What dose were you running your DNP when you went to the hospital if you don't mind me asking?
    300mg day 1, took 200mg felt OK day 2 felt horrible extreme fatigue, chronic headache, and muscle Cramps. I couldn't even get out of bed. I used an electrolyte drink and took some ibrufen, slept all day. Day 3 didn't feel so bad I went to gym got back and then decided to do 100mg (half a pill) and within an hour I experienced extreme lower back pain in the kidney area and I couldn't even move from off my bed at all. My gf got me an electrolyte drink and ibrufen (anti-inflamatory) but still I was in no better condition so then I rang the ambulance.

  21. #21
    Batmanreturns is offline Banned
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    What are the numbers to justify DNP ?

    Anyone have an estimated % it raises metabolic rate?

  22. #22
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batmanreturns View Post
    What are the numbers to justify DNP ?

    Anyone have an estimated % it raises metabolic rate?
    Well that's the point. If you just look at how it raises metabolic rate I'm sure it would make perfect sense to use DNP.
    It's the way it raises metabolism that's scary;
    In short in inhibits the mitochondria from producing ATP, or energy that can be used for "work" (like muscle contraction, etc) and instead release the energy as heat. Not only does this mean it will cause a fever than can kill you, but inhibiting such a basic process as making ATP, in all cell types, can lead to death by unknown causes.
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  23. #23
    Batmanreturns is offline Banned
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    Say someones metallic rate is 3k calories. What do you think adding DNP can raise it too?

    Def not interested in trying DNP myself, the math interests me.

  24. #24
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Batmanreturns View Post
    Say someones metallic rate is 3k calories. What do you think adding DNP can raise it too?

    Def not interested in trying DNP myself, the math interests me.
    The increase would be dose dependent. How much it would actually constitute is very difficult to calculate. We're not even at the point we're we can say for sure how much energy is in one gram of sugar in vivo.
    We burn food (in an incinerator) to calculate caloric yield.
    Measuring metabolic rate could be done by being placed in a chamber where some of the oxygen is a different isotope than usual, and then measuring the amount by of that oxygen isotope in the CO2 content one hour later f.ex.
    So it is possible to get a rough estimate,
    but since DNP isn't used for weight loss anymore,
    but rather limited to experiments on its neuromodulating actitivity,
    I'm not so sure any experimental data exists on this subject.
    But try Pubmed and see.

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