11-14-2016, 01:34 PM #1
Test enanathate+Primbolan for blasting
hi guys.
TRT isn't my area of expertis so would appreciate some help. My bro is on TRT, 1000mg test undecanoate(nebido) every 10weeks, so very long lasting.
test levels on 290 prior to TRT. Doc trying to get long term levels at approx 600 with trt. LH, FSH normal.
5-6prior cycles. current stats, 38years, 190lbs, 10% bf.
Want to blast with a 12week cycle:
500mg test enanthate w1-12, inj 2times week
400mg primobolan w1-12, inj 2times week
maybe some hcg w10- to get the jewels working so they don't shrink too much.. kidz is not an issue , done that👍
goals to gain lean muscle and burn som fat. diet wil be strict.
11-14-2016, 02:31 PM #2
With his cycle expirience I would run the primo at a minimum of 600mg/wk to see some good results.
11-14-2016, 02:44 PM #3
How long has he been on nebido? If any length of time his LH and FSH will be far from normal.
He should be running Hcg as part of his TRT protocol anyway.
How tall is he?
Why doesn't he join?NO SOURCES GIVEN
11-15-2016, 02:30 AM #4
his english is non existing so thats why I am helping.
length 5'9.
LH, FSH, and thyroid were all normal prior to nebido. he has been on mebido for approx 1year.
LH and FSH are somewhat depressed now but still within normal intervall, but in the low regions..
basic question is if it is ok to go with additional test and add primobolan while on nebido, and should one think differently on the dosage of test because already on TRT?
11-15-2016, 04:16 AM #5
He should base his test amount based on his stats. He really isn't very heavy so he shouldn't need any more than an additional 500mg per week IMO.
His primo would need to be run much higher and for longer to get the benefit.NO SOURCES GIVEN
11-15-2016, 05:58 AM #6
will stick to 500mg test ent and up the primo to 600mg/week. and also prolong cycle to16weeks. thx for the help!!
11-15-2016, 06:53 AM #7
If hes on nebido LH and FSH are not normal anywhere.
They will be <0.2, FSH can rise a bit but always below 0.8
^^^^ This will be completely normal from nebido usage!
11-15-2016, 11:15 AM #8
11-15-2016, 01:20 PM #9
Primo will work best on lean guys and make them even leaner. If his body fat is less than 12% when he starts, he'll have a better Primo cycle.
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