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  1. #1
    TestoSuper's Avatar
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    Testosterone and warm inside the body

    Hello guys,
    I am in the third week of 40 mg Dbol and 750 Test E and I feel a strong heat inside the body during the day.
    Let me explain, the outside temperature is below 10 degrees celsius, but I have warm, that is inside my body feel hot, and I feel the cold outside on the skin only, do you know what I mean?
    Honestly I can not remember the past year to have this effect, .. today for example temperature was less than 10 degrees celsius and I wanted to put the summer shirt...
    Sometimes I feel a little cranky also, if I suffer the wrongs I feel the heat rising fast in my head and make my face turn red like a bull .. but it's just a feeling, of course I refrain myself...
    what is this caused from? high estrogen??

  2. #2
    DHew's Avatar
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    Did you take your temperature? That seems like an obvious way to see if you really are hot or not...

  3. #3
    TestoSuper's Avatar
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    honestly no .. it's just a feeling ... but it's not like I have a fever, it's different ..

  4. #4
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TestoSuper View Post
    honestly no .. it's just a feeling ... but it's not like I have a fever, it's different ..
    I have the same thing. I'm usually the first one to get cold but not on cycle. Keeps me awake sometimes. No complaints though.

  5. #5
    DHew's Avatar
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    I think sometimes people's minds convince them something is happening.

  6. #6
    TestoSuper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I have the same thing. I'm usually the first one to get cold but not on cycle. Keeps me awake sometimes. No complaints though.
    I'm glad to know that someone has my same feelings! no complaints even for me anyway, it's just curiosity!

  7. #7
    TestoSuper's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=DHew;7233767]I think sometimes people's minds convince them something is happening.[/QUOTE

    you're probably right

  8. #8
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TestoSuper View Post
    Hello guys,
    I am in the third week of 40 mg Dbol and 750 Test E and I feel a strong heat inside the body during the day.
    Let me explain, the outside temperature is below 10 degrees celsius, but I have warm, that is inside my body feel hot, and I feel the cold outside on the skin only, do you know what I mean?
    Honestly I can not remember the past year to have this effect, .. today for example temperature was less than 10 degrees celsius and I wanted to put the summer shirt...
    Sometimes I feel a little cranky also, if I suffer the wrongs I feel the heat rising fast in my head and make my face turn red like a bull .. but it's just a feeling, of course I refrain myself...
    what is this caused from? high estrogen??
    I feel the same. I dont use as much test and bol as u but i do tren with it.
    I know its not e2 prolactin hct or BP.

    I dont know but by now i go for mr BBs suggestion..(again)...its just enchanced methabolism.
    Like...i want to shit 6 hours before i usually hit the toilet. This tells me everything goes faster and its heating up.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 11-17-2016 at 07:21 AM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    I feel the same. I dont use as much test and bol as u but i do tren with it.
    I know its not e2 prolactin hct or BP.

    I dont know but by now i go for mr BBs suggestion..(again)...its just enchanced methabolism.
    Like...i want to shit 6 hours before i usually hit the toilet. This tells me everything goes faster and its heating up.
    sometimes it's the same for me...
    so, in your opinion it isn't caused by E2 elevate?
    Surely not BP because I keep it monitored and I have like 120/70.. very good

  10. #10
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TestoSuper View Post

    sometimes it's the same for me...
    so, in your opinion it isn't caused by E2 elevate?
    Surely not BP because I keep it monitored and I have like 120/70.. very good
    No. Because i started first week with borderline low e2. Monday the second week i added tren to test and dbol . Soon i felt the warm sensation. Guesd i broke an ARstimulant border. I do AI ofcourse.
    There is noway in hell my e2 went from borderline low to destroying high in one week.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    No. Because i started first week with borderline low e2. Monday the second week i added tren to test and dbol . Soon i felt the warm sensation. Guesd i broke an ARstimulant border. I do AI ofcourse.
    There is noway in hell my e2 went from borderline low to destroying high in one week.
    ok clear .. I also have no way to have high estrogen because in my pre-cycle bloodwork were below the minimum, and I'm using adex EOD from start ... I don'y know!

  12. #12
    diesel101's Avatar
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    I am running a tren cycle right now and it feels like a furnace is kicking in a few times a day especially in the morning when I wake up.

  13. #13
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    I am running a tren cycle right now and it feels like a furnace is kicking in a few times a day especially in the morning when I wake up.
    How about when you eat? I've noticed on tren the one time I poured sweat eating anything hot or Luke warm lol it was like I was losing the weight b4 eating the meal

  14. #14
    Mr.BB's Avatar
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    Totally normal. You're on STEROIDS!

    Get over it

  15. #15
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    anyway this isn't a disorder for me...
    ah... I forgot to say that I'm in the third week only, and obviously test e has not kicked in yet!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    How about when you eat? I've noticed on tren the one time I poured sweat eating anything hot or Luke warm lol it was like I was losing the weight b4 eating the meal
    Definitely when I eat. I sweat like a fat kid running between houses on Halloween.

  17. #17
    Bonaparte's Avatar
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    No shit. Androgens increase your BMR.

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