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Thread: Dnp

  1. #1
    12345shawn is offline Junior Member
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    hey guys just wanting to know your thoughts on dnp and experiences, like carbs, or keto, or low carbs, supps, cardio etc

    Yes i know diet and exercise is key and all the rest, but i am just curious and would like to hear some personal experiences, and yes i am planning on taking it but only for a very short period of time to see where my body goes

  2. #2
    4linked's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 12345shawn View Post
    hey guys just wanting to know your thoughts on dnp and experiences, like carbs, or keto, or low carbs, supps, cardio etc

    Yes i know diet and exercise is key and all the rest, but i am just curious and would like to hear some personal experiences, and yes i am planning on taking it but only for a very short period of time to see where my body goes
    Please let know ur experience with everything you've done and ur stats and I also don't think its a good idea just want to see how advanced u think u are that u need dnp

  3. #3
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Plenty of other compounds that can be use in aid of weight loss. There really is no need to use that stuff.

  4. #4
    krugerr's Avatar
    krugerr is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm gonna try be neutral with you OP. I think that throwing a lot of negative feedback at you wont deter you.
    Clarky and 4Linked both made excellent posts.

    DNP does have a place in the world of bodybuilding. It is a very potent drug. I'm sure some members here use it privately. I'm sure its used at higher Pro levels as well.

    It is also arguably the most dangerous.
    You mess up a dose of your usual AAS or Clen /T3 and you just wait for the half life.
    You mess up a dose of your DNP and its death.

    You have no feedback system on DNP - Your core temperature will increase until you die.
    You shouldn't be saying "I'm thinking of experimenting with this drug".

    Final Point: You wont find support for this drug openly on these forums.
    We do not need to be seen to be giving advice on such a drug only to have a member die because of it. Nor do we want non-members reading these forums and copying DNP protocols. Steroids themselves draw enough of a stigma, without adding that to the list.

    Stay safe. Stay sensible.
    songdog, bass and DROY like this.

  5. #5
    12345shawn is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah nah sweet i changed my mind fuck that shit ahhaha gonna stick to running 30 hours a day (just kidding)
    but i am still interested in peoples experiences if they have used? because like krugerr said it does have its place but seems to me that everyone on forums are deadly against it, like imo personal opinion i think tren is a dangerous substance as its not even made for human use but people still inject that shit like ice junkies hah, but yeah i am thinking of using duromine, but ill make a new thread for that if i have questions <3

  6. #6
    krugerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 12345shawn View Post
    Yeah nah sweet i changed my mind fuck that shit ahhaha gonna stick to running 30 hours a day (just kidding)
    but i am still interested in peoples experiences if they have used? because like krugerr said it does have its place but seems to me that everyone on forums are deadly against it, like imo personal opinion i think tren is a dangerous substance as its not even made for human use but people still inject that shit like ice junkies hah, but yeah i am thinking of using duromine, but ill make a new thread for that if i have questions <3
    This part in red.
    People will not openly discuss these experiences because of the implications. No one wants to be the reason that someone else misused DNP . On top of that, we dont want to be associated with its use. Its been in the news several times this year, we dont want people searching for DNP to be pointing the finger at these forums.

  7. #7
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    I'm gonna try be neutral with you OP. I think that throwing a lot of negative feedback at you wont deter you.
    Clarky and 4Linked both made excellent posts.

    DNP does have a place in the world of bodybuilding. It is a very potent drug. I'm sure some members here use it privately. I'm sure its used at higher Pro levels as well.

    It is also arguably the most dangerous.
    You mess up a dose of your usual AAS or Clen /T3 and you just wait for the half life.
    You mess up a dose of your DNP and its death.

    You have no feedback system on DNP - Your core temperature will increase until you die.
    You shouldn't be saying "I'm thinking of experimenting with this drug".

    Final Point: You wont find support for this drug openly on these forums.
    We do not need to be seen to be giving advice on such a drug only to have a member die because of it. Nor do we want non-members reading these forums and copying DNP protocols. Steroids themselves draw enough of a stigma, without adding that to the list.

    Stay safe. Stay sensible.
    good advice. i read enough about it to say fvck this shit, ain't worth it.

  8. #8
    12345shawn is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    This part in red.
    People will not openly discuss these experiences because of the implications. No one wants to be the reason that someone else misused DNP. On top of that, we dont want to be associated with its use. Its been in the news several times this year, we dont want people searching for DNP to be pointing the finger at these forums.
    Yeah good point

  9. #9
    Rarest is offline New Member
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    Hey mate,

    So I've been taking DNP for the last 10 days. I'll tell you everything you need to know and what to expect.

    DNP is a chemical that does not occur in nature. Historically, it has served many purposes. It has been used to make herbicides, explosives, and works as an industrial dye. It can be also used for rapid fat loss.

    DNP is by far the most potent fat loss agent available. Nothing even comes close to comparing. Not clen , alb, EC, yohimbine, nothing.
    DNP is by far the most dangerous durg available to dieters.
    DNP increases your metabolism. One animal study showed a 64% increase in metabolism. The rate of metabolic increase is dose dependent. Formula: (dose/10)%, after full saturation.
    The primary side effect is heat. Another notable side effect is lethargy. The intensity of the heat, sweating, and lethargy is dose dependent.
    If you overdose, you will absolutely 100% positively die.
    DNP allows you to lose 1lb of pure fat every 1-3 days depending upon your dose.

    Consuming carbs will increase the intensity of the heat for 1-3 hours afterwards.
    DNP is usually capped as either crystal or powder. Figure out which you have. 250mg crystal = 187.5mg powder
    DNP will cause temporary water retention and glycogen depletion, making you look bloated with flat muscles (really great look). Within one week of cessation, this should be gone.

    It’s recommended not to take DNP on an empty stomach. This may cause nausea and vomiting in some users. Experiment with it. If you vomit while on DNP, it is recommended you discontinue use and focus on properly rehydrating for AT LEAST 24 hours.
    If you’re using a dose above 500mg/day, drink at least 3 liters (1 gallon) of water per day, more if you’re sweating profusely. DNP blunts thirst. Be sure to get electrolytes and potassium in as well. V8 juice is a good source for this.
    Consuming an isocaloric diet at maintenance calories is standard practice. Eating pineapple is recommended for it’s fructose and digestive enzymes.
    ALWAYS start your first cycle at 200mg(powder) or 250mg(crystal) per day, then increase after 4 days OR keep it that way for the whole cycle.
    Risk of serious long term side effects increases along with dose and length of administration. Keep the cycle length under 3 weeks, especially if using a dose above 500mg/day.
    Don’t drink alcohol or YOU WILL DIE.
    Don’t take more than 1 gram per day or YOU WILL DIE.
    Don’t overheat or YOU WILL DIE.
    Don’t go into a sauna or YOU WILL FOR SURE DIE.
    If you start feeling pins and needles in your extremities (hands/feet), they appear bloated and swollen and you start losing sensitivity, you got Peripheral Neuropathy.

    Drop DNP and blast NAC for a few weeks. Switch to a pure ketogenic diet and keep it until the symptoms of PN are gone. 6-8 months later you should be able to use DNP again
    Keep an anti-histamine on hand (ex: Benadryl). If you start getting hives/rashes on your first cycle, get off DNP and blast Benadryl for a couple weeks. After that, take 2 weeks of pause, then start cruising the anti-histamine about 3 days before starting with DNP and continue it all the way through the cycle, until 1 week after the last DNP pill.
    Supplements (daily):

    2g Vitamin C (antioxidant)
    800iu Vitamin E (antioxidant)
    1-2grams Pyruvate (may help prevent cataracts)
    600mg NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) (liver support, may help prevent PN and cataracts)
    Optional but recommended:

    Potassium gluconoate (prevent cramping)
    Magenesium (antioxidant)
    Taurine (prevent cramping)
    Grape seed extract (antioxidant)
    Selenium (antioxidant)
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (antioxidant)
    Melatonin (helps you sleep through night sweats)

    It is not recommended to take DNP during the summer or in a particularly warm climate
    DNP has a 36 hour half life, meaning it accumulates in your system.

    When running a low dose, just because you do not feel the heat right away does not mean DNP is not working. It can take up to 5 days to build up in your system. Do not be impatient or aggressive. This is a dangerous drug.
    If you are a fat fuck and don’t know how to diet, DNP will not help you. Because once you’re off DNP and have lost weight, you will get fat again because you do not know how to eat and how your BMR changes with weight loss. Learn to diet properly through calorie counting and caloric deficit or DNP will just be a miserable waste of time for you.
    Other side effects may include sore/dry throat, insomnia, nausea, headaches, or even yellow vision (obviously if you get yellow vision then you need to stop fucking taking DNP). Most other side effects are a result of dehydration.
    I’ve read online the fat to muscle loss ratio on DNP is 9:1 (not verified).
    EC stack or YC stack can help combat lethargy
    Working out should be fine on low doses (200/250mg per day). At 400mg+, you will want to keep workouts short and sweet. Do not lift to failure. Reduce weight and volume if you need to. You will not grow on DNP.
    Cardio is recommended at low doses and optional at high doses
    If you’re taking other medicatios, do your homework on possible durg interactions beforehand. This could save your life.

    Short term, DNP is extremely dangerous as an overdose can kill you very quickly and THERE IS NO ANTIDOTE. If you find yourself overheating beyond control, GET INTO AN ICE TUB AND CALL AN AMBULANCE so that paramedics can watch you die.

    Long term, no one knows for sure how safe DNP is. Anyone who claims one way or another is lying or overextending data. No one studies DNP now because it is not approved for human use in almost any medicinal application.

    However, some ambitious people have put together a collection of all studies where DNP was involved. Many are old (1930s). These can reviewed in the resources links below. My personal take on the data is that short term, non-chronic use of DNP seems to pose little long term health risks. The primary concerns post-cycle are around cataracts and the impact of free radical spike as a result of extremely rapid fat oxidation. We can hope to mitigate these, at least in part, through proper supplementation.

    You must weigh risk vs. reward. The answer is different for everyone. Personally, I made about 1 months progress in 6 days on 500mg/day crystal with 16/8 IF and yohimbine + caffeine in the morning. I had zero hormonal feedback (down regulation in natural anabolic hormones from prolonged calorie deficit). For fat loss, DNP is unbeatable.

  10. #10
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Informative post, but when reading it I seriously don't see the need for DNP .
    Maybe superheavy bodybuilders who bulk dirty and get quite fat and need it for a contest, but still, it just seems to toxic to be worth it for anyone.
    That's my opinion, and doses like 500mg/d seems insane when fatal levels can be reached so easily, wouldn't 50mg/d for a longer period make sense or does one feel so shitty on this compound its hell either way?

  11. #11
    Rarest is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Informative post, but when reading it I seriously don't see the need for DNP .
    Maybe superheavy bodybuilders who bulk dirty and get quite fat and need it for a contest, but still, it just seems to toxic to be worth it for anyone.
    That's my opinion, and doses like 500mg/d seems insane when fatal levels can be reached so easily, wouldn't 50mg/d for a longer period make sense or does one feel so shitty on this compound its hell either way?
    The thing is, its really not bad when used correctly. You definitely feel like shit while on it, the lethargy, low libido and constant hot flashes are absolute hell. But, I managed to shed the last 10 pounds I needed just before a very important photoshoot. Its a tool like any other that allows you to achieve your goals faster, but its definitely not for everyone.
    Fat fucks who dont know how to diet are going to be at the same place they were before starting DNP in a matter of days if they cant eat properly.

  12. #12
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    But..ok..ican do anadrol , cardarine, tren ...even insulin . All dangerous drugs but developed by real brigth brains in order to help the human body.

    Well, DNP was developed to kill insects.

    No thanks.

  13. #13
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Have to agree with Sil here, DNP is a toxin, I know strychnine can be used as a PED too but wouldn't do it. Insulin has given me some scary moments on it's own, but that's a simple drug to reverse the effects of, especially compared to DNP.

    But I appreciate you sharing your story Rarest.
    Still, a little less than 5kgs of fat in 2 weeks, yes that's not bad,
    but it isn't impossible without DNP either.

    I know they used around 50mg/d when they tested this on obese subjects back in the 1920s, and it did burn of fat with that dose.
    Would still like to know if using 50mg/d for 14 days would be just a waste in your opinion, since 500mg/d is within what I'd call "very dangerous" territory.
    Shit, smoking crystal meth seems like a healthy past time activity compared to this. At least you have a "semi specific" antidote (or antidotes) to use.

    Wouldn't the heat generated from DNP use wary a lot depending on how muscular you are too?
    I mean, I'm sweating badly just walking fast, throw in some somatropin and a stimulant and I'm pouring out sweat.
    The worst thing I can imagine is being hot without being able to bring temp down by sweating (and frequent showers).
    And I live in a cold fucking country.

    You said you needed to lose before a photo shoot,
    So I guess you weren't exactly fat before u started the DNP.
    Was it just to get an 8pack instead of a 4pack in 10days,
    (Or I assume two weeks at least, as you wouldn't show up with DNP in your system, not at high levels anyway?)

    I'm not judging here, even if I might think it insane, smart people do insane things, and I got no right to point fingers. (Or if I do, remind me of that fact)

  14. #14
    12345shawn is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rarest View Post
    Hey mate,

    So I've been taking DNP for the last 10 days. I'll tell you everything you need to know and what to expect.

    DNP is a chemical that does not occur in nature. Historically, it has served many purposes. It has been used to make herbicides, explosives, and works as an industrial dye. It can be also used for rapid fat loss.

    DNP is by far the most potent fat loss agent available. Nothing even comes close to comparing. Not clen , alb, EC, yohimbine, nothing.
    DNP is by far the most dangerous durg available to dieters.
    DNP increases your metabolism. One animal study showed a 64% increase in metabolism. The rate of metabolic increase is dose dependent. Formula: (dose/10)%, after full saturation.
    The primary side effect is heat. Another notable side effect is lethargy. The intensity of the heat, sweating, and lethargy is dose dependent.
    If you overdose, you will absolutely 100% positively die.
    DNP allows you to lose 1lb of pure fat every 1-3 days depending upon your dose.

    Consuming carbs will increase the intensity of the heat for 1-3 hours afterwards.
    DNP is usually capped as either crystal or powder. Figure out which you have. 250mg crystal = 187.5mg powder
    DNP will cause temporary water retention and glycogen depletion, making you look bloated with flat muscles (really great look). Within one week of cessation, this should be gone.

    It’s recommended not to take DNP on an empty stomach. This may cause nausea and vomiting in some users. Experiment with it. If you vomit while on DNP, it is recommended you discontinue use and focus on properly rehydrating for AT LEAST 24 hours.
    If you’re using a dose above 500mg/day, drink at least 3 liters (1 gallon) of water per day, more if you’re sweating profusely. DNP blunts thirst. Be sure to get electrolytes and potassium in as well. V8 juice is a good source for this.
    Consuming an isocaloric diet at maintenance calories is standard practice. Eating pineapple is recommended for it’s fructose and digestive enzymes.
    ALWAYS start your first cycle at 200mg(powder) or 250mg(crystal) per day, then increase after 4 days OR keep it that way for the whole cycle.
    Risk of serious long term side effects increases along with dose and length of administration. Keep the cycle length under 3 weeks, especially if using a dose above 500mg/day.
    Don’t drink alcohol or YOU WILL DIE.
    Don’t take more than 1 gram per day or YOU WILL DIE.
    Don’t overheat or YOU WILL DIE.
    Don’t go into a sauna or YOU WILL FOR SURE DIE.
    If you start feeling pins and needles in your extremities (hands/feet), they appear bloated and swollen and you start losing sensitivity, you got Peripheral Neuropathy.

    Drop DNP and blast NAC for a few weeks. Switch to a pure ketogenic diet and keep it until the symptoms of PN are gone. 6-8 months later you should be able to use DNP again
    Keep an anti-histamine on hand (ex: Benadryl). If you start getting hives/rashes on your first cycle, get off DNP and blast Benadryl for a couple weeks. After that, take 2 weeks of pause, then start cruising the anti-histamine about 3 days before starting with DNP and continue it all the way through the cycle, until 1 week after the last DNP pill.
    Supplements (daily):

    2g Vitamin C (antioxidant)
    800iu Vitamin E (antioxidant)
    1-2grams Pyruvate (may help prevent cataracts)
    600mg NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine) (liver support, may help prevent PN and cataracts)
    Optional but recommended:

    Potassium gluconoate (prevent cramping)
    Magenesium (antioxidant)
    Taurine (prevent cramping)
    Grape seed extract (antioxidant)
    Selenium (antioxidant)
    Alpha Lipoic Acid (antioxidant)
    Melatonin (helps you sleep through night sweats)

    It is not recommended to take DNP during the summer or in a particularly warm climate
    DNP has a 36 hour half life, meaning it accumulates in your system.

    When running a low dose, just because you do not feel the heat right away does not mean DNP is not working. It can take up to 5 days to build up in your system. Do not be impatient or aggressive. This is a dangerous drug.
    If you are a fat fuck and don’t know how to diet, DNP will not help you. Because once you’re off DNP and have lost weight, you will get fat again because you do not know how to eat and how your BMR changes with weight loss. Learn to diet properly through calorie counting and caloric deficit or DNP will just be a miserable waste of time for you.
    Other side effects may include sore/dry throat, insomnia, nausea, headaches, or even yellow vision (obviously if you get yellow vision then you need to stop fucking taking DNP). Most other side effects are a result of dehydration.
    I’ve read online the fat to muscle loss ratio on DNP is 9:1 (not verified).
    EC stack or YC stack can help combat lethargy
    Working out should be fine on low doses (200/250mg per day). At 400mg+, you will want to keep workouts short and sweet. Do not lift to failure. Reduce weight and volume if you need to. You will not grow on DNP.
    Cardio is recommended at low doses and optional at high doses
    If you’re taking other medicatios, do your homework on possible durg interactions beforehand. This could save your life.

    Short term, DNP is extremely dangerous as an overdose can kill you very quickly and THERE IS NO ANTIDOTE. If you find yourself overheating beyond control, GET INTO AN ICE TUB AND CALL AN AMBULANCE so that paramedics can watch you die.

    Long term, no one knows for sure how safe DNP is. Anyone who claims one way or another is lying or overextending data. No one studies DNP now because it is not approved for human use in almost any medicinal application.

    However, some ambitious people have put together a collection of all studies where DNP was involved. Many are old (1930s). These can reviewed in the resources links below. My personal take on the data is that short term, non-chronic use of DNP seems to pose little long term health risks. The primary concerns post-cycle are around cataracts and the impact of free radical spike as a result of extremely rapid fat oxidation. We can hope to mitigate these, at least in part, through proper supplementation.

    You must weigh risk vs. reward. The answer is different for everyone. Personally, I made about 1 months progress in 6 days on 500mg/day crystal with 16/8 IF and yohimbine + caffeine in the morning. I had zero hormonal feedback (down regulation in natural anabolic hormones from prolonged calorie deficit). For fat loss, DNP is unbeatable.
    aye bro nice read, i am interested to see your photo progress if you are willing to share?

  15. #15
    Rarest is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Have to agree with Sil here, DNP is a toxin, I know strychnine can be used as a PED too but wouldn't do it. Insulin has given me some scary moments on it's own, but that's a simple drug to reverse the effects of, especially compared to DNP.

    But I appreciate you sharing your story Rarest.
    Still, a little less than 5kgs of fat in 2 weeks, yes that's not bad,
    but it isn't impossible without DNP either.

    I know they used around 50mg/d when they tested this on obese subjects back in the 1920s, and it did burn of fat with that dose.
    Would still like to know if using 50mg/d for 14 days would be just a waste in your opinion, since 500mg/d is within what I'd call "very dangerous" territory.
    Shit, smoking crystal meth seems like a healthy past time activity compared to this. At least you have a "semi specific" antidote (or antidotes) to use.

    Wouldn't the heat generated from DNP use wary a lot depending on how muscular you are too?
    I mean, I'm sweating badly just walking fast, throw in some somatropin and a stimulant and I'm pouring out sweat.
    The worst thing I can imagine is being hot without being able to bring temp down by sweating (and frequent showers).
    And I live in a cold fucking country.

    You said you needed to lose before a photo shoot,
    So I guess you weren't exactly fat before u started the DNP.
    Was it just to get an 8pack instead of a 4pack in 10days,
    (Or I assume two weeks at least, as you wouldn't show up with DNP in your system, not at high levels anyway?)

    I'm not judging here, even if I might think it insane, smart people do insane things, and I got no right to point fingers. (Or if I do, remind me of that fact)
    "All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison."
    If you take DNP properly there is little really to be concerned about. You can USE a drug and you ABUSE it.

    50mg/d wouldnt yield substantial results. From what I've read prominent DNP doctors in the 1930's typically administered doses of 350mg/d. For the last few days of my cycle I've been taking 600mg a day, and it was hell. Everything you do feels like it requires 3x the effort, and I was constantly sweating.

    Living in a cold country really makes a difference. I'd highly recommend you do this in the winter if you live anywhere near the equator. One of DNP's alternative uses was recognized by the Soviet Union. They used DNP to aid soldiers in conditions of extreme cold as it increased their body's heat production. I don't know the extent of their research into this, but I for one would greatly appreciate some DNP in a cold-weather survival kit.

    No, more muscular people wouldn't sweat more. The heat released from DNP is a result of proton leakage from the mitochondria, causing them to have to burn more fuel to yield the same amount of ATP in the cell, or even perhaps less ATP than normal.

    I lost about 10lbs in 2 weeks, but I wasn't at all fat or chubby to begin with. I just wasnt satisfied with the results I was getting, so I decided to use DNP to shed the last 10lbs of my cut.

    Hope this clears some things up for you, mate!

  16. #16
    DocToxin8's Avatar
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    Yeah some.
    But DNPs mechanism of action at the mitochondria is precisely why I wondered I more muscle would equate to more heat, as muscles have a very high number
    The high number of mitochondria relative to other tissues.
    Not sure how many more mitochondria there would be in type 2 muscle fibers compared to white adipose tissue, but more muscle should mean more mitochondria. Whether that has any noticeable impact when used I have no idea.

    Using DNP for soldiers in cold climate, heh, I can see the issue yes. But it's probably too long lasting. A short acting DNP like compound when resting, like the body's own thermogenin could make sense, but when needing to stay alert I wouldn't like a compound that interferes with ATP production.

    Anyway, last question (hopefully), would you use DNP again, and if so, why?
    (To burn fat obviously, but why not something else?)

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