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Thread: Long vs short esther and injection times

  1. #1
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Long vs short esther and injection times

    We all know that the short esthers should be injected more frequently than long esthers because of the half life. Also, I have read in many articles on this forum that there is no benefit of increasing the frequency of injections of long esthers.

    I did something different on my last cycle and it seemed to work contrary to my beliefs. I started injecting the same amount each week, but did it in daily injections instead of 2 injections per week. It is hard to explain, but I felt different almost as though I wasn't on cycle.

    Trying to find an answer to what happened, I started looking into the half life. I will assume that AAS is a first order reaction ( 1/2 life remains constant). I am also assuming that the decay graph is proportional to the serum levels in the body.
    Based on the above, wouldn't the optimum condition be to frontload and inject at the 1/4 life of the AAS afterwards (same weekly qty just more frequent)? I am trying to rationalize that eliminating the spike in serum levels is what caused the noticeable sides to be minimized. Am I way out in left field?

    I am presently taking deca and enth. Extremely long 1/2 life for deca. I am thinking of taking it daily rather than 2x week. Anyone else try this?

    Someone suggested mixing the two oils, but i do not believe that i will get a homogenous solution due to the weights of the oils. Thinking of it, they do have sustanon so maybe I am using antiquated thoughts.

  2. #2
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your assumption that a test depot will follow a 1. order kinetics half life is flawed I'm afraid. Yes, some longer esters like Nebido/test undecanoate provide quite stable levels, but even TU will result in a spike in test levels the first 2-4 days. With TE the spike lasts up to 5 days, with the highest spike on day 1 or 2 I believe.

    But that aside, since we're not simply using the same brand of Pharma grade test e (or whatever ester) all the time, viscosity of the oil will also play some role I think. But overall, to keep things simple, let's assume 1. Order kinetics with a small spike the first 3 days.

    But this nitpicking aside, yes, you will absolutely get more stable levels with ED or E2D shots, it's just; is it necessary with so many pins, when using decanoate and enanthate ?
    I'd mix the oils, and go for EOD injects if you want to find this out.
    Remember that the size of the oil injected also plays into its kinetics.
    But the oils should mix, and contain a mix of nandrolone decanoate and test enanthate.

    I'm not so sure stable blood levels is so important though, as long as the levels never fall beyond the anabolic range. but again yes, stable levels should equate to less sides; it makes it easier to dial in correct AI dose and so on.
    While a high baseline level with some spikes is probably quite ok,
    Those spikes will also mean more aromatization, raised BP (temporary), mood, etc. on the other hand spikes can be utilized; just try some micronized test suspension before a workout and see it's quite neat.

    But, intresting story and approach.
    The only way is to test it on yourself and see how you react.

  3. #3
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Thank you. That is what I was looking for... Time for more self education.
    Since I am using enth and deca , I will go for EOD to see. I will also be able to use my delts now.
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  4. #4
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    As I got thinking about this, is their any model that the 1/2 life for the shorter esters follows? I really can't seem to find any material on this.

  5. #5
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Not sure if this link will follow to the correct page, but here's the absorption curve for test propionate . Interesting that supraphysiologic levels are reached after just 4 hours after 50mg IM.

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