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  1. #1
    JustLearning101 is offline New Member
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    Question Clen and Anavar + Test? Side Effects?

    Hey I'm new to this site and to steroids in general this will be my first time ever doing anything like this. I been doing research for a few months and I'm finally planning on starting in January. My goal is to drop as much fat by April as possible while retaining as much muscle. What I've decided to do was a clen + anavar cycle.

    Clen 2 Weeks on 2 Weeks off 40-100mg/Day (Slow increase by 10mg till I hit 100)
    Anavar 8 Weeks 30mg/Day

    My first question is a lot of people told me to add test into the cycle but I want to avoid hair loss at all costs. People said Anavar isn't as bad for hairloss as Test is. How accurate is this? Can I add test without hair loss?

    My second question is does anyone recommend I take anything else with this? My goal is maintaining muscle, will Anavar be enough?

  2. #2
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    Aug 2016
    Seems like you need to do a lot more research on this topic ,

    i'll let someone else write you something if they choose to but probably wont

    My First Cycle: Planning and Executing a Successful First Cycle

    that's all I will post

  3. #3
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Like Jon said do some more research.
    First cycle should be test only.
    What's your stats?
    How long have you been training?
    Just remember that steroids are not the magic, diet and hard work are the magic.

  4. #4
    Boneslapper2002 is offline Junior Member
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    I agreeJon as well because I'm new to the site also and from what I have read is TEST only for the first cycle please make sure you read more post in this forum you should be gtg.

  5. #5
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    At your age and physical stats the last thing you should be looking into is hormones that may permanently damage you.

    21 years old 270lbs plus and 30% or so bodyfat? Diet and cardio my friend, get in the diet section and post your plan in there for critique.

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