01-28-2017, 01:49 AM #1Female Member
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Female cycle for competition
Hello guys, I'm doing a cycle to prepare for my first comp so I have to lose weight and getting shreds.
I'm a female, I started 3 weeks ago with 20 mg/die anavar (split in 2 doses), and Clen + eca stack (these ones for two weeks). Now I'm at the end of the third week and I'm doing t3 on Monday Wednesday and friday, and continuing with the var.
Initially a I was losing weight (from 54 kg to 52,4 kg) but this week I'm increasing and I can't understand why! Today I'm 53,5 kg
Any advice?
01-28-2017, 03:25 AM #2
I wouldn't run the T3 just 3 times a week.
T3 has a half life of over 2 days, so it's not gonna leave your system so that you'll recover with the 3 days a week approach anyway.
Someone with more first hand experience with T3 should chime in, but I just thought that was strange and wouldn't be as effective.
With T3 I'd say run it continually until you stop it.
The weight things might be a bit misleading also, if you're on a diet just some more food in your stomach could account for the 1kg gain.
So I wouldn't look at the scale everyday, or if you do, don't count it as such,
rather calculate the average weight from an entire week or something.
I mean, if I drink a protein shake and load up with some water I'll gain 1,5kg in 30minutes.
And you also have to take into account that you might be gaining muscle.
At 53kgs the ratio of fat to muscle could easily explain an increase in weight of 1kg, among with some water from the var.
Agreed - if your gonna run T3 I'd definitely run it continuously(ed) as your already shutting down your thyroid and controlling it...
Also, you ever think of running ECY stack instead?? Yohimbine HCL has the ability to pull water from your extremities - especially the legs. Just my .02 Ulthar!
And I hope numbere chimes in regarding the T3... he's very well advanced in using this compound... what dosage of T3 does your coach have you running??
01-28-2017, 05:03 AM #4Female Member
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Thanks you all for the replies!
I eat always the same things, no cheat meal. Always chicken or turkey breast, egg whites, salmon or tuna, veggies, brown rice, brown rice cakes. I'm on diet... Can it be that I have put some lean muscle mass?
Nach, the t3 tabs are 20 mcg
01-28-2017, 06:20 AM #5
Yeah, but what dosage of T3?
Are you just taking 1x20mcg 3 times a week?
Cause that would be too little IMO.
With T3 I think something along the lines of 50mcg ED is more correct.
After all, if you run T4, 200mcg a day isn't considered more than a replacement dose,and one can roughly say T4 is 1/4th as strong as T3.
(T4 is a weaker hormone, but gets converted to T3, with a half life of near 7days)
Again, don't take my word for dosing as I've only dabbled with thyroid meds.
Ofcourse the gain can be muscle. Also water.
01-28-2017, 08:41 AM #6
Is it your first prep?
Bikini comp?
You cant take t3 x3 times per week, taking exogenous t3 will supress your own thyroid, so you will have ups and downs due to the t3 half life. You dont want that.
You need to experiment with the t3 dosage, it is a powerful hormone, too much and you will be in bed for a few days. If increasing titrate slowly. 50mcg might be too much for some guys, for a gal even more likely to be too much, but it is a individual tolerance.
If its your 1st prep you shoudl really have a coach because you might not have the necessary experience. Experimenting new drugs pre-contest gives usually bad results...
01-28-2017, 09:37 AM #7
01-28-2017, 10:58 AM #8Female Member
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I'm not depending on a cycle. I also already have tried var and Clen on september, no sides at 30 mg die of var.
On january I did two weeks of Clen with the protocol two days on two days off (on days off I took the eca). Starting with Clen at 40 mcg die until the last two days on 100 mcg. No sides effect...
I'm listening what my coach told me to do.
Btw no bikini, figure competition and yes, it's my first comp...
From Monday to wednesday low carb, high fat. On Saturday and Sunday more carbs and very low fat.
A friend of mine told me that the weight gain is due to the var... Because I'm lean even if the weight has increased
01-28-2017, 11:12 AM #9
To me it doesn't seem like u know what ur are doing. Running 30mg of var is dumb and reckless and to be running t3 and clen in the beginning of ur dieting phase is telling me that u don't know what those compounds are made for.
I mean ur using t3 completely wrong and let me ask u this how long have u been running the clen?
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