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Thread: 1st cycle feeling terrible

  1. #1
    newguy43 is offline New Member
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    1st cycle feeling terrible

    Started my first cycle last Monday. 250mg test sust mondays and Thursday's and .3 arimidex eod started Tuesday. Pinned in the afternoon Monday, AI Tuesday afternoon. Mid morning Wednesday I started feeling pretty rough. Extremely tired, slight fever and have ever since. I feel fine in the mornings. Mid to late morning I start feeling rough, a little better by the time I get off around 330. Feel ok as long as I'm busy and at the gym but come evening I start feeling terrible again and get a slight fever. Around 100 or less. Going on 7 days now. I wouldn't think test flu would last this long. Test flu? My body not liking the gear? It's from pharmaceuticals LTD. should I stop the cycle and start over? Raise my AI dose? Lower it? Need some help as I can't feel like this for 11 more weeks! Thanks for the help

  2. #2
    Richard Cabeza's Avatar
    Richard Cabeza is offline Associate Member
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    Did you do precycle bloodwork?

    It could be a lot of things, you may have test flu, may have crashed your e2 if you had low e2 to begin with naturally, or it could be totally non gear related. Blood work can really help determine whether or not its related to hormones and the gear. There's just too many variables to speculate

  3. #3
    Octaneforce's Avatar
    Octaneforce is offline Senior Member
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    When i first cycled i remember being super tired and sleeping like a rock every chance i got. It only lasted like 2-3 weeks and i think it was because i was lifting harder and heavier than i ever did before and my body needed to adjust. I cant explain the fever though. It might not be gear related or it might be a combination. Sorry bro youll power through it!
    Richard Cabeza likes this.

  4. #4
    joshrutz56 is offline Junior Member
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    Yea my first cycle the first 3 week was pretty rough. I had bad pip. I had flu symptoms and felt hot. If went away. Just keep up all your vitamins and fish oil and get some blood work done at 6 weeks. Mine went away about week 4. Just push through it. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    AR's King Silabolin's Avatar
    AR's King Silabolin is offline Castle Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by newguy43 View Post
    Started my first cycle last Monday. 250mg test sust mondays and Thursday's and .3 arimidex eod started Tuesday. Pinned in the afternoon Monday, AI Tuesday afternoon. Mid morning Wednesday I started feeling pretty rough. Extremely tired, slight fever and have ever since. I feel fine in the mornings. Mid to late morning I start feeling rough, a little better by the time I get off around 330. Feel ok as long as I'm busy and at the gym but come evening I start feeling terrible again and get a slight fever. Around 100 or less. Going on 7 days now. I wouldn't think test flu would last this long. Test flu? My body not liking the gear? It's from pharmaceuticals LTD. should I stop the cycle and start over? Raise my AI dose? Lower it? Need some help as I can't feel like this for 11 more weeks! Thanks for the help
    Is this Organon pharmgrade?

    Ok..saw it LTD.

    Shouldnt be like this. Testflu early from lowdose sus seems strange. Try it another week. If problemes wont go away, stop it.
    And buy organon next time.

    And yeah. Always do precycle bloods to rule out any conditions. Very important.

    Quickfix. Test your heartbeat at rest. If its stil below 70, nothing serious is going on with your heart/arteries in 7-8/10 times.

    A home bp unit may also drop some worries.

    And read the injection sticky. Maybe u did something wrong ang got some infection.
    Always two needels. Always shoot in upper side assball.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 04-02-2017 at 09:39 PM.

  6. #6
    newguy43 is offline New Member
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    I did not do pre-cycle blood work. I have no way of getting it done in my small town. I understand blood work would help sort this out but unfortunately it isn't an option.

    Heart rate is 75 this morning. I was concerned after my first pin I had quite a bit of pain, was worried about it and got some antibiotics. Doc said it looked fine and she wasn't concerned of it being an abscess but gave me a round of antibiotics anyways so I've been on them since Thursday evening as well so should be no infection.

    Started feeling like this the day after I started my AI. Should I stop the AI for a couple days and see how this improves then start over with it with an extremely low dose around .1 and work up if need be? I pinned my 3rd this morning

  7. #7
    lntense's Avatar
    lntense is offline Junior Member
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    This happens, sounds exactly like my first few cycles. The first 3 weeks of just Test cycles I would feel like this.. Mostly achy bd

    It's your body adjusting to this influx of new hormone or increased hormone.

    It could possibly be dirty gear or whatever they use to brew it with that your body is attacking, but more than likely it's just your body adjusting. Keep us updated though and don't take it lightly.
    Last edited by lntense; 04-03-2017 at 11:04 AM.

  8. #8
    PT1982's Avatar
    PT1982 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    My guess is you just have a bug. It's the time of year for various colds and sickness due to the pollen. Test flu isn't like the flu, which sounds more like what you have. Test flu, I hate the term, lasts a few hours.

  9. #9
    newguy43 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the input fellas I appreciate it. So what's everyone's suggestion? Stop the AI since it started the day after it? Then start back at a lower dose once I'm feeling better? Or just stay the course and power through for another week or 2 and hopefully it will subside?

  10. #10
    PT1982's Avatar
    PT1982 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Power through it

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