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Thread: Contradictory information about Clenbuterol on the forum?

  1. #1
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Contradictory information about Clenbuterol on the forum?

    hello all,

    So I used the search function to read up on clenbuterol and see what the verdict really is about this substance...

    I know how to use it and I have used it before.

    I found this in the "clen handbook"

    "Common Uses

    Fat loss: The most popular use for Clen, it also increases muscle hardness,
    vascularity, strength and size on a caloric deficit. For the most significant
    fat loss, Clen can be stacked with T3. Diet: A high protein(1.5g per lb of
    bodyweight), moderate carb(0.5g to 1g per lb of bodyweight), low fat diet(0.25g
    per lb of bodyweight) seems to work best with Clen. "

    I always thought that you guys strictly advised against T3 and Clen only no matter the amount of protein in my diet?

    Im looking to include clen in my regiment and wasnt even considering T3 until I saw this.

    What do you guys think? Does Clen and a high protein intake of 1.5-2g/lb bw really offset the catabolic effect of T3?

    Thank you

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    The only time I would advise someone to take both clen and t3 simultaneously would be during the last few weeks of contest prep.

    For the average person using both drugs at the same time is overkill.

    There is no way in hell clen coupled with a high protein diet will offset the catabolic effect of t3.

    The only time you should take t3 is if you have a thyroid issue and it's prescribed by a physician or you're taking a cycle dose of AS.
    Quester and KINGKONG like this.

  3. #3
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    This is what I thought but I saw conflicting advice. Anything else I can stack with clen ? Non AAS?


  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Anything else I can stack with clen? Non AAS?
    Nothing that comes to mind.

    Maybe someone will chime in with a stack or an alternative for a natural lifter.

  5. #5
    tarmyg's Avatar
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    My favorite stack I have ever used is Ephedrine 20mg, Caffeine 200mg, and Yohimbine HCL 3mg at 2-3 times/day. Kills hunger like nothing else and zero side effects, for me that is!

    Clenbuterol I run at 200 - 240 mcg/day with Taurine and a bunch of other stuff but the cramps really kill me sometimes.
    PT1982, RigPig and Obs like this.

  6. #6
    Marcus G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Nothing that comes to mind.

    Maybe someone will chime in with a stack or an alternative for a natural lifter.
    Yh you could use ECA its a very common stack however I don't think it's nessassery unless your on short time schedule

  7. #7
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    T3 is one of those conflicting compounds. Some swear by it and others say it can cause major long-term health issues. I remember Austinite swore by it and felt it was very safe but I'm not really sure.

    Do you think T3 is more dangerous than Clen ? We all know the risks of Clen but I think T3 is more of a grey area.

  8. #8
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolPete33 View Post
    Do you think T3 is more dangerous than Clen? We all know the risks of Clen but I think T3 is more of a grey area.
    Both drugs have quite a few moderate to severe short term side effects if not used with precaution.

    On the whole I believe t3 is the safer drug because it's a natural hormone.

    However, it should only be used by advanced users or under the supervision of a contest coach because it's powerful.

    The first time I took t3 I increased the dosage too fast and couldn't get out of bet for 2 days due to flu like symptoms.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tarmyg View Post
    My favorite stack I have ever used is Ephedrine 20mg, Caffeine 200mg, and Yohimbine HCL 3mg at 2-3 times/day. Kills hunger like nothing else and zero side effects, for me that is!

    Clenbuterol I run at 200 - 240 mcg/day with Taurine and a bunch of other stuff but the cramps really kill me sometimes.
    Man if I did that stack I would be break dancing in the driveway
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  10. #10
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Man if I did that stack I would be break dancing in the driveway
    I would honestly pay to see you break dance.

  11. #11
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Really? Ive ran a "cycle" of clen and it was relatively mild...I'd say ECA had a stronger NEGATIVE effect on me than clen did ! The only sides I would get were the shakiness and sweats...I didn't even cramp.

    You guys are definitely implying that T3 is a mild substance haha , say I did run it with clen and no anabolic base... what's the worst that could happen given my protein intake is massive and everything from a training and diet standpoint are okay?

    I know the answer will include muscle loss , but really how large is that loss? Because even dieting if not done 100% correctly can do that too! Does your thyroid shutdown T3 production while youre on it and does it easily rebound once youre off?

    Thanks gents

  12. #12
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Really? Ive ran a "cycle" of clen and it was relatively mild...I'd say ECA had a stronger NEGATIVE effect on me than clen did ! The only sides I would get were the shakiness and sweats...I didn't even cramp.

    You guys are definitely implying that T3 is a mild substance haha , say I did run it with clen and no anabolic base... what's the worst that could happen given my protein intake is massive and everything from a training and diet standpoint are okay?

    I know the answer will include muscle loss , but really how large is that loss? Because even dieting if not done 100% correctly can do that too! Does your thyroid shutdown T3 production while youre on it and does it easily rebound once youre off?

    Thanks gents
    T3 is not a mild substance.

    You can expect to lose muscle tissue and fat tissue at the same rate when taking supraphysiological amounts of thyroid hormone without AS.

    Exogenous t3 will shutdown your thyroid.

    However the thyroid is resilient and will be back to normal within a few weeks after stopping t3.

  13. #13
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    Ah okay sounds good. Maybe I'll test it out with the clen and if I notice a decline in my lifts I can stop (since that would indicate muscle loss) and if my lifts stay relatively steady I can continue? Or is this a dangerous and stupid experiment to run?

  14. #14
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    Ah okay sounds good. Maybe I'll test it out with the clen and if I notice a decline in my lifts I can stop (since that would indicate muscle loss) and if my lifts stay relatively steady I can continue? Or is this a dangerous and stupid experiment to run?
    That seems like a waste because it's much easier to lose fat than it is to put on new muscle tissue.

    How much weight are you trying to lose?

  15. #15
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    I'm around 195 right now. I've never done a real bulk so I'm tryin to get to around 175 and start from there. My diets on check but I'll start monitoring my macros this coming week and being more precise with it. But I figure that the muscle loss will become apparently rather quickly in my lifts so if I were to notice it id just taper down and stop right away.

    But if T3 causes immediate short term effects like changes in mood or other physical changes besides weight loss then I think I'll just do it without.

  16. #16
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    The only time I would advise someone to take both clen and t3 simultaneously would be during the last few weeks of contest prep.

    For the average person using both drugs at the same time is overkill.

    There is no way in hell clen coupled with a high protein diet will offset the catabolic effect of t3.

    The only time you should take t3 is if you have a thyroid issue and it's prescribed by a physician or you're taking a cycle dose of AS.
    Finally a voice of reason regarding thyroid hormones

  17. #17
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    T3 is not a mild substance.

    You can expect to lose muscle tissue and fat tissue at the same rate when taking supraphysiological amounts of thyroid hormone without AS.

    Exogenous t3 will shutdown your thyroid.

    However the thyroid is resilient and will be back to normal within a few weeks after stopping t3.
    Uh, these are my results from last month

    Around xmas I switched from turkish tiromel to liquid pharma T3, but grossly underestimated the potency of the latter and only went from 50 to 40mcg daily. When pulled bloods above, I was only taking 25mcg.

    Didn't experience any side effect other than some emotional lability and feeling more out of focus than usual, no loss in tissue, I even managed to get fatter, because of poor diet though.

    edit; forgot to say I also take 125mcg T4 for hypothyroidism.
    Last edited by hammerheart; 04-27-2017 at 05:20 PM.

  18. #18
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    So it does fuck with your mood/emotions? Could you be so kind as to elaborate, as this is the main factor along with the tissue loss that is preventing my T3 use.

    Thank you

  19. #19
    hammerheart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    So it does fuck with your mood/emotions? Could you be so kind as to elaborate, as this is the main factor along with the tissue loss that is preventing my T3 use.

    Thank you
    I've been on the hypothyroid side and yes, I can tell you it absolutely does, and it's even clinically acknowledged, it goes for both hypo and hyper states. It can also impact libido, memory and concentration. Depression and anxiety can be symptoms of thyroid disease, and thyroid hormones can affect overall mono-aminergic neurotransmission - serotonin (think: feeling happy and contented), noradrenaline (energy!) and dopamine (pleasure, reward).

    The extent any excess or defect in T4/T3 will affect one is largely dependent on individual makeup, whit some displaying gross reduction in functioning with minor alteration and others being completely insensitive.

  20. #20
    charger69's Avatar
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    Ephedrine 20 mg, caffeine 200 mg is significantly better than clen . I decided against the aspirin because it appears that the effect of aspirin is more pronounced in overweight people. I am trying one week on, one week off. Supposedly it should be cycled like clen from the experienced users. I only went on for one week because I was losing too much too fast. Great preworkout also! Monday I will start my second round. Competition in 8 weeks, just need to force myself to eat on the EC stack.
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  21. #21
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    eh, the ECA stack was a bit rough on me...I like to drink a lot of caffeine throughout the day and then throw in an ECA stack for working out and boom. black out. lmao.

    as far as its chemical properties go, isn't clen significantly better? more increased metabolism, anti catabolic properties, muscle hardness, etc etc?

    You know, I actually think clen is bullshit, im just trying to give it a second chance lol.

  22. #22
    Quester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post

    I know how to use it and I have used it before.

    I found this in the "clen handbook"

    What do you guys think? Does Clen and a high protein intake of 1.5-2g/lb bw really offset the catabolic effect of T3?
    Is the "clen handbook" from scientific source? If not, how can you be sure they are prioritizing your health?
    Maybe that is the basis for the "conflicting" info you have heard here.

    Protein is a macro-nutrient, not a drug and not magic. Ingesting protein is something we all do everyday. It is not a panacea of protection against abusing the body.

    Go for it! But don't pretend that your mind wasn't already made up before you made this post.

    Your completely free to do what you want; you shouldn't seek others to validate a decision you've already made. That's a weakness you shouldn't spread.

    It will all work out in the end...

  23. #23
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    I understand your good intentions but my use or non use is a nonissue. This thread is merely for dialogue. But to address it, I won't be using T3, but I have used and will use Clen . I just wanted to know why the change in heart in a previous and acknowledged thread.

  24. #24
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by tempest818 View Post
    ... I just wanted to know why the change in heart in a previous and acknowledged thread.
    The previously mentioned thread is 15 years old so I don't think anyone should be surprised if the views and information​ on using clen have changed.

    This is an ever evolving lifestyle and much of the information in 4-5 year old threads is outdated.

    These are just a few reasons why you should always seek opinions and advice on this board before taking a drug to enhance your physique.

  25. #25
    Jonbana is offline Member
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    Im playing with clen 100mcg a day and don't really notice much im doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off ,

    I find EC stack the same and probably safer and easier to get and cheaper

  26. #26
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    Im playing with clen 100mcg a day and don't really notice much im doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off ,

    I find EC stack the same and probably safer and easier to get and cheaper
    Yep my findings as well

  27. #27
    Chicagotarsier is offline Senior Member
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    Clen is catabolic in nature. It eats muscle. Dan Duchane details how to use high doses of clen for bodybuilding via this catabolic nature.

    20 lbs totaling over 10% your total bodyweight and you cannot cardio it off?

  28. #28
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonbana View Post
    Im playing with clen 100mcg a day and don't really notice much im doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off ,

    I find EC stack the same and probably safer and easier to get and cheaper
    100 mcg is a moderate dose especially if you're using research grade clen as it's often less potent than pharmacy grade.

    Try taking your body temperature before and a few hours after taking clen.

    If your body temp increases then it's working.

    If it doesn't increase then up the dose by ~20 mcg/d until your body temp changes.

    Imo using this technique is the best way to use clen as a metabolism booster while minimizing side effects.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Ephedrine 20 mg, caffeine 200 mg is significantly better than clen. I decided against the aspirin because it appears that the effect of aspirin is more pronounced in overweight people. I am trying one week on, one week off. Supposedly it should be cycled like clen from the experienced users. I only went on for one week because I was losing too much too fast. Great preworkout also! Monday I will start my second round. Competition in 8 weeks, just need to force myself to eat on the EC stack.
    I agree.

  30. #30
    tempest818 is offline Associate Member
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    You guys really think ECA is better than Clen (genuine question, no snarkyness intended). I've used ECA but I'd just describe it as a short term hunger suppressant and good as a preworkout or to even energize you throughout the day. But why not just a potent preworkout ? I've used Aries, Dust, Kill It, etc and all contain some form of methylamine which is similar in effects to ephedrine wouldn't you guys say so? I believe some even contain ephedrine as well!! I know, heart attack waiting to happen right?

    So with this said, how different is Clen? Clen increases body temperature and heart rate and gives you the metabolic boost that ECA or pre workouts (if we're considering them similar things) might not give.

    Idk if I'm right about all this I'm just asking for your opinions and it's an interesting topic. I've decided against Clen too today because I figure that we should take the harder and more disciplined route and just diet and exercise it off unless our diets are so nailed down and that extra weight isn't coming off. In which case I can definitely say I'm not even close to there. Better to build the right habits and feel more accomplished about it atleast, that's what this all is right?

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