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Thread: do all sources act like this?

  1. #1
    kevin56656 is offline New Member
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    Unhappy do all sources act like this?

    Okay, now as I am new to this i like ot ask ALOT of questions, it's just how i am, i like to be informed and prepared.
    So i ordered from a source, obviously i'm not gonna name anyone. Everything went smooth, received stuff in 3 days
    test e and tren a
    except it wasnt tren a it was tren e so even tho i still received tren, i had ordered 3x tren a and i received 2x tren e, i was overcharged by around $30 (i know who cares, its just $30...), which i only noticed the e instead of the a after i had injected myself. So i emailed them and they replied with "handled". A little vague... so i went ahead and asked, what do you mean by handled? they then later presumed to reply with, what do you think i mean by handled? It means i'll handle it.
    Okay, so i said, "thank you for your understanding and great service so far, is there anything you need from me" which he/she then later replied in all caps "i said I WILL HANDLE IT"

    Note this was late night saturday so he could not ship until monday, So like the curious freak i am, I emailed on monday and asked, so what's going to happen, you never said how you would "handle it" do you need me to pay for shipping, or something? and he replied with angry tone saying " here's whats going to happen, im going to ship 3x Tren A, you will receive it, and you will seek out a different source.

    Like seriously?? It was your fault for shipping the wrong stuff, i even offered to pay for shipping. I was only asking rational questions... Is there any reason to get this mad??

  2. #2
    Sh0tsf1red is offline Member
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    Just curious, how could you tell his tone over an email?

  3. #3
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you're being 100% truthful, than it doesn't sound like it was handled professionally. I would take his advice and find another source

  4. #4
    PT1982's Avatar
    PT1982 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'd be shopping for another source.

  5. #5
    diesel101's Avatar
    diesel101 is offline Anabolic Member
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    I would definitely be looking for a different source.
    There are good business men and bad business men, lets all remember though that we are all still doing business with
    drug dealers.

  6. #6
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    sorry folks your looking at it the wrong way...if you are a source the most important thing to you/them it to be safe from LE...the last thing you want after a $ transaction of an illegal nature if several e-mails coming to you explaining every bit of said transaction i.e. how it went down and what it was exactly, moneys exchanged and how ect...think about it, the source had great communication before and after he received his product...mistakes happen all the time when there are several people involved it the operation...the source wasn't ducking him and indeed said he would handle it...that's where the op went wrong in his paranoia, he should have waited at least a week to see if anything showed up after being told it was being handled...he was given stellar service and had no reason to believe it wouldn't be handled...that's why the source is pissed and with good reason imho...unfortunately OP sources network a bit to keep updated on reverse scammers and bad customers and such again to be safe...ohh and the source lost here because you now have 2 free bottles of gear...

  7. #7
    MuscleScience's Avatar
    MuscleScience is offline ~AR-Elite-Hall of Famer~
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    Report him to the Better Business Bureau...
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  8. #8
    Obs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Report him to the Better Business Bureau...
    Hell yes! Hit angies list too!
    xLoganx likes this.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    The man said he would handle it but you kept emailing him.This isn't a smart thing they have 1000s of people to answer and you kept bugging him.Now if he didn't answer it would be a different thing but the man didn't do anything wrong you just need too relax.
    ghettoboyd, Heavyhitter5 and TRA like this.

  10. #10
    Myers's Avatar
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    Sheesh, good thing gear is almost legal here(3rd world country benefits) , by that i mean no1 is gonna bust you ever , for gear, half of my gym are cops and like 4 of them are selling and we all talk openly about it...

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by diesel101 View Post
    lets all remember though that we are all still doing business with
    drug dealers.

    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  12. #12
    TRA's Avatar
    TRA is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I think the guy was doing your tren A...

    But I agree with comments above. Restraint and minimal, discrete contact.
    Last edited by TRA; 09-26-2017 at 03:28 PM.
    ghettoboyd and Charlie67 like this.

  13. #13
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    OP, some people are just short and to the point. Does not mean he is providing bad service. When you become inquisitive, that raises a red flag for some. I know it sucks and we all want answers, but don't expect any source to go into any detail with you. Otherwise they wont be around very long.
    Gallowmere and ghettoboyd like this.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  14. #14
    PT1982's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghettoboyd View Post
    sorry folks your looking at it the wrong way...if you are a source the most important thing to you/them it to be safe from LE...the last thing you want after a $ transaction of an illegal nature if several e-mails coming to you explaining every bit of said transaction i.e. how it went down and what it was exactly, moneys exchanged and how ect...think about it, the source had great communication before and after he received his product...mistakes happen all the time when there are several people involved it the operation...the source wasn't ducking him and indeed said he would handle it...that's where the op went wrong in his paranoia, he should have waited at least a week to see if anything showed up after being told it was being handled...he was given stellar service and had no reason to believe it wouldn't be handled...that's why the source is pissed and with good reason imho...unfortunately OP sources network a bit to keep updated on reverse scammers and bad customers and such again to be safe...ohh and the source lost here because you now have 2 free bottles of gear...
    Great points! And lol to MS annoy reporting him to the BBB. Hahaha. I about died.
    ghettoboyd and Sh0tsf1red like this.

  15. #15
    kevin56656 is offline New Member
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    Haha yea I understand that they might get paranoid if you start asking too many questions, but... I never asked anything specific. All I wanted to know what he meant by handled. I would have been happy to pay for shipping, as someone here already States I do win here by keeping the 2 tren e vials he sent by mistake

  16. #16
    Obs's Avatar
    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    Source sounds tiny and joke like. "Handled?"
    After anemail like that I would have went somewhere else. They can send the right shit or else explain wtf happened or is going on if asked or they can do business elsewhere. I know raw sources that dont even have a website you just het their email address and they send you 100% of the info (pricelist and all) through email.

    I don't give dicks money. Its a brotherhood and we look out for and help one another. I sure as hell ain't doing business with a guy scared of emails.

  17. #17
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevin56656 View Post
    Haha yea I understand that they might get paranoid if you start asking too many questions, but... I never asked anything specific. All I wanted to know what he meant by handled. I would have been happy to pay for shipping, as someone here already States I do win here by keeping the 2 tren e vials he sent by mistake
    Ok I will do this so you can understand it.You told the guy the problem and he was fixing it hence the word handled.The guy was busy didn't have time to chat or he may not have great social skills.But you don't need a PHD to figure out wat handled ment.

  18. #18
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    Sometimes further explaining why one is being annoying simply makes them that much more annoying...just sayin'

  19. #19
    tbjake34's Avatar
    tbjake34 is offline Senior Member
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    Dude he's pissed someone fucked up a nd now he has to send u free gear. Or he's pissed cuz u didn't just use the tren e instead.. and dude I learned very early on with online sources dont bug them bro. He said he'd handle it so give him at least a few days to handle it. OR the most likley reason he's using all the tren a for himself therefore making him a massive prick

  20. #20
    deadliftkarma is offline New Member
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    change source, thats all

  21. #21
    kevin56656 is offline New Member
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    eh been a week and nothing so i'm assuming his handled meant nothing and he simply isn't going to send shit lol. his stuff usually gets to me within 3-4 days. but ill give it a few more days before being pissed off. it's whatever tho, at least i still got tren ...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by kevin56656 View Post
    Okay, now as I am new to this i like ot ask ALOT of questions, it's just how i am, i like to be informed and prepared.
    So i ordered from a source, obviously i'm not gonna name anyone. Everything went smooth, received stuff in 3 days
    test e and tren a
    except it wasnt tren a it was tren e so even tho i still received tren, i had ordered 3x tren a and i received 2x tren e, i was overcharged by around $30 (i know who cares, its just $30...), which i only noticed the e instead of the a after i had injected myself. So i emailed them and they replied with "handled". A little vague... so i went ahead and asked, what do you mean by handled? they then later presumed to reply with, what do you think i mean by handled? It means i'll handle it.
    Okay, so i said, "thank you for your understanding and great service so far, is there anything you need from me" which he/she then later replied in all caps "i said I WILL HANDLE IT"

    Note this was late night saturday so he could not ship until monday, So like the curious freak i am, I emailed on monday and asked, so what's going to happen, you never said how you would "handle it" do you need me to pay for shipping, or something? and he replied with angry tone saying " here's whats going to happen, im going to ship 3x Tren A, you will receive it, and you will seek out a different source.

    Like seriously?? It was your fault for shipping the wrong stuff, i even offered to pay for shipping. I was only asking rational questions... Is there any reason to get this mad??
    Yeah, this is not a long term source for you. Find someone else.

  23. #23
    sthernguy is offline New Member
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    So, I am in a bit of my own situation from my source. He was a local and I started doing TRT in March. I'm doing 1cc supposedly 200 mgrams (unlabeled bottles).

    I'm 36 years old, been working out for several years, but had plautued a while ago.

    Long story short my source 100% quit and will not help me find another one. He's literally the only person I know that does or did it. So I am in a crunch to find a new one.

    I know I can't ask for a source. But can anyone just tell me if any of the sites that take credit cards are reliable?


  24. #24
    TRA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sthernguy View Post
    So, I am in a bit of my own situation from my source. He was a local and I started doing TRT in March. I'm doing 1cc supposedly 200 mgrams (unlabeled bottles).

    I'm 36 years old, been working out for several years, but had plautued a while ago.

    Long story short my source 100% quit and will not help me find another one. He's literally the only person I know that does or did it. So I am in a crunch to find a new one.

    I know I can't ask for a source. But can anyone just tell me if any of the sites that take credit cards are reliable?

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  25. #25
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by sthernguy View Post
    So, I am in a bit of my own situation from my source. He was a local and I started doing TRT in March. I'm doing 1cc supposedly 200 mgrams (unlabeled bottles).

    I'm 36 years old, been working out for several years, but had plautued a while ago.

    Long story short my source 100% quit and will not help me find another one. He's literally the only person I know that does or did it. So I am in a crunch to find a new one.

    I know I can't ask for a source. But can anyone just tell me if any of the sites that take credit cards are reliable?

    Come on guy do you really want to set yourself up like that? Western Union or money gram the new thing is Bit coin.
    Obs likes this.

  26. #26
    Obs's Avatar
    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    Look at it this way, if you give me your credit card info, what is to stop me from making a withdrawl off it any time I want?
    You gonna go to the cops and tell them you were trying to buy drugs and got screwed over? They will laugh you out of the building.
    Moneygram, bitcoin, western union, and w2w.

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