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Thread: Looking for advice on Anavar for the wife.

  1. #1
    DJMikeT is offline Junior Member
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    Question Looking for advice on Anavar for the wife.

    Hello fellow members,

    So I'm seeking some advice as I've been doing a lot of reading about Anavar and the great results women can obtain from it.

    So my wife is 52 and she has severe muscle degradation in her glutes and lower back. She had some degenerative disc disease issues going as well.

    For the last 5 to 7 years or so her Spine Doctor has been giving her spinal steroid (Cortisone I'm assuming) injections in her lower back and her sacroiliac joint or SI joint and facets lumbar vertebrae.

    Many times she has only gotten very little relief from the injections and I feel over this period of time the injections have severely weakened and degraded her muscles in all those areas. She is extremely weak and needs help just getting off the couch sometimes because of the sharp pains.

    Currently she is undergoing Physical Therapy to help get her strength back.

    So my question is would Anavar help her to gain muscle mass back and strength to where she can at least get back to a normal healthy state?

    I'm not looking for her to get massive gains or anything, just looking for options to get muscle mass back and have a better recovery period.

    I know when I took Test after my rehab was over on my shoulder surgery it significantly helped me regain lost muscle tissue from the surgery.

    I was hoping Anavar could maybe do the same for her. Any advise would be greatly appreciated on this matter as it just kills me to see her in pain all the time.

    We've had extensive Mri's done and the doctor said that surgery was not needed as she doesn't have nerves being pinched or blocked.

    My theory is that all the Spinal Injections have left her in such a weaken state that it's putting too much stress on her SIJ and lumbar areas causing pain. Also she has muscle spasms all the time since the glutes are so small and under constant strain.

    Anyone care to chime in with advice or guidance???

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    VAR is both anabolic and regenerative , so it will help with strength, build muscle, and repair damage. 5mg per day is all that she would need.

    I would get full blood work done and make sure she has no other issues going on like mineral or nutrient deficiencies, low iron, etc..

    Cortisone is a catabolic steroid . VAR is an anabolic steroid, so it will help reverse some of the catabolic effects and may help her recover as well
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  3. #3
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Yes, you need to get her off those injections ASAP. It eats away at bone tissue and I have had numerous patients that had had long term steroid injections and it causes localized osteoporatic and arthritic changes to the spine. As well as damage to the disc. They should only be used as a lady ditch ace in the hole type therapy so that the patient can go through PT/Chiropractic or physiotherapy.
    DJMikeT and Clove1234 like this.
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  4. #4
    DJMikeT is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    VAR is both anabolic and regenerative , so it will help with strength, build muscle, and repair damage. 5mg per day is all that she would need.

    I would get full blood work done and make sure she has no other issues going on like mineral or nutrient deficiencies, low iron, etc..

    Cortisone is a catabolic steroid. VAR is an anabolic steroid, so it will help reverse some of the catabolic effects and may help her recover as well
    Thanks GearHead,

    I was thinking the same thing but was looking for verification on this. Much appreciated!!

  5. #5
    DJMikeT is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    Yes, you need to get her off those injections ASAP. It eats away at bone tissue and I have had numerous patients that had had long term steroid injections and it causes localized osteoporatic and arthritic changes to the spine. As well as damage to the disc. They should only be used as a lady ditch ace in the hole type therapy so that the patient can go through PT/Chiropractic or physiotherapy.
    Thanks for the input and advice. I already told we are not going back to the doctor, it's like he had a herd of cattle just getting injections just to mask pain and come back for more.

    I'm convinced that many doctors are not in it for the patient but just to make a buck!

  6. #6
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJMikeT View Post
    Thanks for the input and advice. I already told we are not going back to the doctor, it's like he had a herd of cattle just getting injections just to mask pain and come back for more.

    I'm convinced that many doctors are not in it for the patient but just to make a buck!
    We made 2500 dollars per epidural, because it’s technically considered a form of surgery (at least by Medicare). Since you are going into the spinal column with a needle, and injecting dye and performing the insertion under a florascope.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  7. #7
    Clove1234 is offline Associate Member
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    Hooray for doctors...

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