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Thread: Clenbuterol

  1. #1
    Michabw is offline New Member
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    Hey guys, not sure if this belongs here as it's not a steroid , but seemed to fit.
    My clen is pharma grade and authenticated via there website.
    My problem is, I do not want to take it on days I work, so I've been taking it 4 on 3 off.
    Is this an okay protocol? In week two I've already built up to 120mcg and don't suffer the shakes anymore but my HR is 100+ resting.

    How should I be dosing those 4 days on? Should I be doing something different? Again, taking this and my job won't work out. I cannot be sweating my ass off at work.

  2. #2
    eng236 is offline New Member
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    why not just blast 140 mg on non work and 60-80 mcg on work days or just take it after. I'm on clan right now it's legit and I run 160 mcg on non work days and 100 on work days.

  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    I personally would not exceed 100mcg , and make sure your NOT taking that dose all at one time . spread it out through the day with smaller doses (120mcg all in one dose can cause your heart to go into arrhythmia).

    120mcg is not going to help burn any more fat then will 100mcg , but it will start having negative effects on your heart.

    4 on 3 off is fine. run it for 4-5 weeks or so like that . then take a week or two off then go back on.

  4. #4
    David LoPan's Avatar
    David LoPan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You might want to give these a read. I take it you are doing clen for losing weight.

  5. #5
    Michabw is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    I personally would not exceed 100mcg , and make sure your NOT taking that dose all at one time . spread it out through the day with smaller doses (120mcg all in one dose can cause your heart to go into arrhythmia).

    120mcg is not going to help burn any more fat then will 100mcg , but it will start having negative effects on your heart.

    4 on 3 off is fine. run it for 4-5 weeks or so like that . then take a week or two off then go back on.
    Thanks for the advice, I was taking it all at once in the morning so I'd be able to sleep. When should the last dose be off the day to avoid any insomnia? Also, 200mg of test a week, is that enough to stave off any muscle waste or should I increase to 300?
    Last edited by Michabw; 01-19-2018 at 03:00 PM.

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michabw View Post
    Thanks for the advice, I was taking it all at once in the morning so I'd be able to sleep. When should the last dose be off the day to avoid any insomnia? Also, 200mg of test a week, is that enough to stave off any muscle waste or should I increase to 300?
    it depends on your schedule. try and dose 25mcg upon waking, and then dose that same amount 3 more times throughout the day, but not too late. if you go to bed at 11pm, then last dose perhaps at 5pm.

    Clenbuterol is NOT like T3 . its actually an anti-catabolic in itself, so you can run Clen and spare muscle with no need to add Anabolics. Not so with T3.

    if you did run Test however, 200mg is a replacement dose and is only going to replace your natty levels (if your at 600 ng/dl naturally, then 200mg is going to replace that with say 600-800 levels), you'll want to go above the replacement range, you'll want to be 1200+ , so yes 300mg per week would be the minimum effective dose (unless you were running other anabolics along side it)

  7. #7
    Michabw is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    it depends on your schedule. try and dose 25mcg upon waking, and then dose that same amount 3 more times throughout the day, but not too late. if you go to bed at 11pm, then last dose perhaps at 5pm.

    Clenbuterol is NOT like T3 . its actually an anti-catabolic in itself, so you can run Clen and spare muscle with no need to add Anabolics. Not so with T3.

    if you did run Test however, 200mg is a replacement dose and is only going to replace your natty levels (if your at 600 ng/dl naturally, then 200mg is going to replace that with say 600-800 levels), you'll want to go above the replacement range, you'll want to be 1200+ , so yes 300mg per week would be the minimum effective dose (unless you were running other anabolics along side it)
    Currently 200mg TE and 600mg mast e. Not the greatest cycle ever but what was on hand so to hell with it!

  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michabw View Post
    Currently 200mg TE and 600mg mast e. Not the greatest cycle ever but what was on hand so to hell with it!
    thats perfectly fine for a basic cut imo, stacked with the Clen . a recomp or show prep I'd say otherwise

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