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Thread: "Kick-in-time" when uping dose?

  1. #1
    VII is offline New Member
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    "Kick-in-time" when uping dose?

    Very dificult to formulate a title.

    Lets say you're on Test E 500ew, it takes 4 weeks for it to kick in. At week 6 you double the dose. Would you have to wait another 4 weeks for the now double dose to have effect?

    Another example, you're on Text P 500ew, you switch to Test E 500ew, wait 4 weeks again?

    Like, is it always a delay between the injection and the effect? Or, once you're on the delay is minimal?

  2. #2
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    yes if you go from test p to test e there will be a 4-5 week build up period because test e is a long ester so it takes longer for it to "kick in"...

  3. #3
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VII View Post
    Very dificult to formulate a title.

    Lets say you're on Test E 500ew, it takes 4 weeks for it to kick in. At week 6 you double the dose. Would you have to wait another 4 weeks for the now double dose to have effect?

    Another example, you're on Text P 500ew, you switch to Test E 500ew, wait 4 weeks again?

    Like, is it always a delay between the injection and the effect? Or, once you're on the delay is minimal?
    The best case scenario would be start running test e but front load prop until it kicks in / use one dose with test e but you can also front load that at double what your taking for 1-2wks then use the dose you want not the front loaded dose...

  4. #4
    Clove1234 is offline Associate Member
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    I front loaded with test p to start my test e cycle

  5. #5
    VII is offline New Member
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    Thanx for answers!

    My question is not so much about front-loading per se, but the delay.

    Another example. Say Test P has a kick-in time of 10 days.

    You've been on Test P 100mg/ed for months. Today you inject 200mg Test P. Will these 200mg hit you gradually over 10 days? Or is it a lesser delay because the processes are already up and running?
    Last edited by VII; 01-20-2018 at 12:34 AM.

  6. #6
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VII View Post
    Thanx for answers!

    My question is not so much about front-loading per se, but the delay.

    Another example. Say Test P has a kick-in time of 10 days.

    You've been on Test P 100mg/ed for months. Today you inject 200mg Test P. Will these 200mg hit you gradually over 10 days? Or is it a lesser delay because the processes are already up and running?
    Esterification of hormones slows their release into circulation.

  7. #7
    VII is offline New Member
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    It's not so much about the esters. For example it doesn't take 4-5 weeks to break down all the enanthate esters. If it did take 4-5 weeks for the enanthate esters to break down, you would have to wait atleast 4-5 weeks after your last injection to start pct.

    From my understanding the enanthate ester is broken down in 1-2 weeks, then it takes another 2-3 weeks (even more I guess) for the whole process to build up in your body with dna transcription and what not.

    At the other hand, if there is a process after the ester-breakdown that takes 2-3 weeks it would mean that TNE (esterless Test), that is used right before workout, would take 2-3 weeks as well. Which is clearly not the case.

    This is so confusing to me.

    Anyway, my questions above are based on the assumption that there is a "dna transcription process" after the ester breakdown.

  8. #8
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Looking at the original question, if you up the dose not much will happen except for more sides (acne in my case) as you are saturated to the AAS. Also if you switch esters nothing will happen there either since the effects of testosterone have already taken place and you're saturated. You'll have to lower the dose to TRT levels for a while to resensitize for another cycle.
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  9. #9
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Bragging to someone
    the best thing to do if you've ran your course for say 8 weeks and your fully saturated, but you want to keep going and growing, is NOT to simply increase the dosage of your current compounds, but to rotate in new compounds that are from a different steroid class.

    Example -
    Test is a class 1 steroid that works by binding to androgen receptors and communicating with the cell

    well after 8 weeks and things begin to slow down, no point in just throwing more test in there, again your already saturated, you need to rotate in a class 2 steroid that works by different mechanims of action.

    Anadrol is a class 2 steroid that works apart from androgen receptor binding and promotes growth via other factors like nitrogen retention, nutrient partitioning, etc.

    by rotating in a new compound from a different class or type you can continue to grow even while "de-sensitized".. this can be done with different compounds that come from other derived classes or even things like adding in a wet estrogenic compound when you had been running dry compounds, or adding in other growth factors like hgh, slin, igf ..

    lots of ways to continue growth without just simply resorting to upping the dosages

  10. #10
    VII is offline New Member
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    Not the answer I was looking for, but that is actually really good to know as well! Thank you.

    The reason I was asking is I'm planning my next cycle. Two months in to that cyce there will be a one week holiday abroad. Some of the long esters I will up before this week, to make sure the week is "covered". And some short esters will be replaced by long esters for the same reason.

    I want to be able to calculate this stuff on my own. For example, how many weeks before the holiday do I need to switch the short esters to the long esters. How many weeks before the holiday do I have to up the long esters. etc. For example, I will be running test cyp as a base with test p on top. Before the holiday I will have to drop the prop and up the cyp instead. Looking at the "kick-in" time of cyp I would have to up it 5 weeks before the holiday. But I have a feeling it doesn't work like that.

    I want to truly understand this.

  11. #11
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VII View Post
    Not the answer I was looking for, but that is actually really good to know as well! Thank you.

    The reason I was asking is I'm planning my next cycle. Two months in to that cyce there will be a one week holiday abroad. Some of the long esters I will up before this week, to make sure the week is "covered". And some short esters will be replaced by long esters for the same reason.

    I want to be able to calculate this stuff on my own. For example, how many weeks before the holiday do I need to switch the short esters to the long esters. How many weeks before the holiday do I have to up the long esters. etc. For example, I will be running test cyp as a base with test p on top. Before the holiday I will have to drop the prop and up the cyp instead. Looking at the "kick-in" time of cyp I would have to up it 5 weeks before the holiday. But I have a feeling it doesn't work like that.

    I want to truly understand this.
    We all metabolize things at a different rate, some people do fine with less frequent injections on TRT while others burn through it too quickly and notice a drop in energy and need more.

    At steroidcalc dot com you have a graphing function that's pretty cool but is based on mathematical formulations of the pharmacokinetics (expressed in functions) while real pharmacokinetics graphs show e.g. for long esters you have peak release the first three days then a drop in release and a slow convergence to zero. Maybe numbere can answer if that graphing is reliable he knows that kind of stuff

    As long as it takes for a long ester to kick in (and thus reach stable concentration in blood) is what you would have to do before your vacation, if you take part of your test dose through propionate and drop it before vacation then the build up of the long ester dose is what you will "take with you" as the prop will leave quickly. Personally I'd just pick to cycle at another time, hell I'd never miss any training during the peak weeks of a cycle. For me long esters kick in week 6 and gains taper off in week 11-12. 6 weeks, 6 training sessions where the gains are made, take away one and you lose 17% gains.

  12. #12
    VII is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    At steroidcalc dot com you have a graphing function that's pretty cool but is based on mathematical formulations of the pharmacokinetics (expressed in functions) while real pharmacokinetics graphs show e.g. for long esters you have peak release the first three days then a drop in release and a slow convergence to zero. Maybe numbere can answer if that graphing is reliable he knows that kind of stuff
    Steroidcalc atleast is not reliable. I wish it was! It doesn't take "kick-in" time into consideration. For example their Enanthate is in full power after like 5 days, not 4-5 weeks. So I can't really use it for planning. You know a better one?

  13. #13
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    VII you're over thinking this cycle.

    You'll be fine missing one week of short ester injections while on vacation.
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  14. #14
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VII View Post
    Steroidcalc atleast is not reliable. I wish it was! It doesn't take "kick-in" time into consideration. For example their Enanthate is in full power after like 5 days, not 4-5 weeks. So I can't really use it for planning. You know a better one?
    No it shows expected serum concentration not "kick in", "kick in" is after you reach high serum levels and it activates some genes and you start getting stronger/bigger...

  15. #15
    Ashop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clove1234 View Post
    I front loaded with test p to start my test e cycle
    Very popular and effective way to do it.

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