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Thread: Changing Juice - - Hitting new receptors ?

  1. #1
    tcw's Avatar
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    Changing Juice - - Hitting new receptors ?

    (moved from over 40 section)

    Hey Buds,

    I've been doing AAS for 15 yrs now (i can't believe how time flies). I'm in my mid 50's and in the past I've done Deca , Cypionate , Enanthate , Winstrol and GH (when i was really going at it). I never did juice with the idea of competing or get crazy Hugh. I just wanted to gain some muscle and enjoy more strength (which i did). I worked out for years at the most popular Golds Gym in my area and rubbed elbows with some BIG BOYS (some of them were hard core champion BB's, pro football players etc; and even made some friends with a few of them). Then Gold's closed, so i switched to a more "family oriented" gym and i'm happy with the move since i travel and like to enjoy different scenery (nice to see lots of different "Snapper" from different parts of the area---if you know what i mean).

    Anyway, for the past 5yrs, i've slowed down and just do 1 cc of 200 mg cypionate once a week along with b12. It keeps me healthy and strong (although i do have my share of injuries to deal with). My test levels are at the high end of the range for my age.

    NOW.....i'm thinking of changing it up to hit the receptors from a different angle (or perhaps just try another type of juice). Just wanna see if i can get back some of that GROWTH and pump that i experienced earlier.

    I thought maybe trying to change to Enanthate or maybe add some Anavar ?

    QUESTION (s);

    • -What's your opinion of doing Enthanate in place of Cypionate to hit different receptors?
    • -Do all steroids hit the same receptors?

    Thanks for any constructive input you can offer...


  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Different steroids work in different ways , and not all of them even work by binding to androgen receptors . so rotating different storoids in can be beneficial

    we have two classes of steroids , class 1 compounds and class 2 compounds . class 1 steroids work their magic by binding to androgen receptors and communicating directly with the cell, class 2 compounds work their magic by working on cells outside of androgen receptor binding (for example by simply increasing protein syntheses, nitrogen retention etc.). then we have some steroids that are both a class 1 and a class 2, like Testosterone and Tren .

    then we have the derivative classes of steroids . there are three main classes that steroids are derived from (the cholesterol hormone molecule they are built from) . Testosterone derived, DHT derived, and Progesterone derived.

    NOW.. any one steroid can be any one of these classes. you can have a DHT derived steroid that is a class 1 steroid, and you can also have a DHT steroid that is a class 2 steroid (so they are very different even though they are from the same derived class).. so you see there can be many different combinations here.

    we also have estrogenic steroids, and non estrogenic steroids. some steroids convert to estrogen through the aromatase enzyme , others don't aromatize at all yet still raise estrogen. some steroids don't raise estrogen at all while others actually lower estrogen. Some steroids convert to DHT very rapidly , while others don't convert to DHT at all. Some steroids raise prolactin and others don't effect prolactin at all. etc etc..

    As for your question about test e working diff then cyp.. no. test is test. the ester just determines the rate at which its absorbed into the blood stream
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  3. #3
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Maybe try different esters not for the receptor concept, but for the overall different feel of how a fast ester “hits” you. I prefer test prop because i hate waiting for my levels to go up like with test e and cyp. Combine that with a frontload of a fast acting oral like dbol and you’ll be feeling like superman overnight! Even just the placebo affect lol!

  4. #4
    David LoPan's Avatar
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    200 mg of test a week is a TRT dose for guys our age. Might benefit from splitting that up into two doses one Sunday and one Thursday. What type of B-12 are you using? Here is a good read on different types of B-12
    Last edited by David LoPan; 03-07-2018 at 07:34 PM. Reason: B 12
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  5. #5
    tcw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David LoPan View Post
    200 mg of test a week is a TRT dose for guys our age. Might benefit from splitting that up into two doses one Sunday and one Thursday. What type of B-12 are you using? Here is a good read on different types of B-12
    I'm using inject-able...standard b12 from American Pharmacy.

    Is there a big difference in b-12?


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