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Thread: Running EQ 15 or a full 16 weeks??

  1. #1
    skyrim is offline New Member
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    Question Running EQ 15 or a full 16 weeks??

    I am currently running my 3rd cycle using Test Cypionate along with Equipoise (Test 400mg / EQ 800mg a week). I want to run this cycle for 16 weeks as directed but am unsure whether to stop the EQ on the 15th week or leave it to the 16th week and extend my Test Cyp to 17 weeks. In doing this I would allow my esters to clear to begin PCT. It takes around 21 days for EQ & 17 days for Test Cyp to clear.

    Would it be beneficial to use EQ for 16 weeks & extend my Test another week or use EQ for 15 weeks and end my Test Cyp on the 16th week? Thank you so much for your help!
    Last edited by skyrim; 03-09-2018 at 10:04 PM.

  2. #2
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Ive ran eq many times over the years with other compounds and ive also ran it on its own with small amounts of Test. Didn't really do anything in regards to building muscle tissue and most guys report the same, there are a few who love eq and that's fine if you think it works but the majority of people I know and heard of report its a very bad muscle builder. Many people are influenced by the other compounds within the cycle what are producing gains and they can't really see what are producing the gains but in reality eq does nothing except increase your rbc and give you an appetite and personally if I am injecting aas I want to gain tissue and for me eq is probably the worse and weakest aas out there. If I am using a compound I want it to do something especially if I am going to have to deal with high HCT etc so for me its useless steroid . I don't care what it says on paper, on data, on research but I do care what a compound does for me when I actually use it and I am 100% certain I would have more benefits oiling my bike chain than injecting eq, but by all means try it for yourself and record the results, if it works well done.

  3. #3
    skyrim is offline New Member
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    For a 3rd cycle would you consider something like DECA instead? Or too harsh? Keep in mind I've done only 2 TEST CYP cycles.

  4. #4
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyrim View Post
    For a 3rd cycle would you consider something like DECA instead? Or too harsh? Keep in mind I've done only 2 TEST CYP cycles.
    how bout mast?

    it will enhance the test in cycle, make you feel,good and help with estrogen

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    skyrim is offline New Member
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    I was thinking about using Mast but I already have the EQ and heard a lot of positive things about using it!

  6. #6
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    EQ is nothing more then a clean form of Testosterone . its simply test without the Androgenic and Estrogenic characteristics. both "androgenic" and "estrogenic" responses in the body can be 'FELT' mentally and physically. Being EQ doesn't have these a lot of guys say they can't 'feel' EQ working or kicking in and they think its a weak compound.. what they can't feel is simply the estrogenic and androgenic effects that come from a lot of other steroids .

    EQ is simply very clean and mild and is steadily working in the background. it does not build muscle like other compounds because its NOT androgenic or estrogenic , both of which two things greatly enhance your ability to build muscle

    I generally run EQ as a 'filler' drug. example, say I'm going to run a cycle of tren , npp, and mast, and I generally always use a gram of test as a base. well if I want to keep the cycle cleaner and dryer with less E , then instead of a gram of test, I'll do 200mg of test and 800mg of EQ and that combo gives me a 'clean' 1 gram of test base to work from

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    skyrim is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    EQ is nothing more then a clean form of Testosterone . its simply test without the Androgenic and Estrogenic characteristics. both "androgenic" and "estrogenic" responses in the body can be 'FELT' mentally and physically. Being EQ doesn't have these a lot of guys say they can't 'feel' EQ working or kicking in and they think its a weak compound.. what they can't feel is simply the estrogenic and androgenic effects that come from a lot of other steroids .

    EQ is simply very clean and mild and is steadily working in the background. it does not build muscle like other compounds because its NOT androgenic or estrogenic , both of which two things greatly enhance your ability to build muscle

    I generally run EQ as a 'filler' drug. example, say I'm going to run a cycle of tren, npp, and mast, and I generally always use a gram of test as a base. well if I want to keep the cycle cleaner and dryer with less E , then instead of a gram of test, I'll do 200mg of test and 800mg of EQ and that combo gives me a 'clean' 1 gram of test base to work from
    I want to run a proper PCT with EQ and Test but I'm getting conflicting information about how to do so. Some say 2-3 weeks after last shot is okay to start PCT. If you do the research however with EQ's long half life it'll take 14 days to clear. Which means almost 42 days it'll leave me still at 100mg if using 800mg for 16 weeks.

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    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyrim View Post
    I want to run a proper PCT with EQ and Test but I'm getting conflicting information about how to do so. Some say 2-3 weeks after last shot is okay to start PCT. If you do the research however with EQ's long half life it'll take 14 days to clear. Which means almost 42 days it'll leave me still at 100mg if using 800mg for 16 weeks.
    its the same issue with deca . but either way the general practice is to start PCT 3 weeks after your last pin. a trick to keep things going though is to run Test Prop during the first 2 weeks of your 'off' time, that way your still making gains, and then prop will clear system in a week. so really you'll only be off cycle for a week before starting PCT (though you'll be off test cyp and eq for 3 weeks).

    note: if your waiting for drugs like eq and deca to completely clear your system, you may be waiting 18+ months

  9. #9
    skyrim is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    its the same issue with deca . but either way the general practice is to start PCT 3 weeks after your last pin. a trick to keep things going though is to run Test Prop during the first 2 weeks of your 'off' time, that way your still making gains, and then prop will clear system in a week. so really you'll only be off cycle for a week before starting PCT (though you'll be off test cyp and eq for 3 weeks).

    note: if your waiting for drugs like eq and deca to completely clear your system, you may be waiting 18+ months
    THANK YOU! I really appreciate your advice. I've been going mad listening to conflicted information. I was just under the assumption you want to be under 50 mg of AAS in your bloodstream before you start PCT in which the EQ would still be at 200mg by week 3.

    Does this look accurate?

    Week 1-16 : Test Cyp 400mg (2x a week 200/200mg)
    Week 1-16 : Equipoise 800mg (2x a week 400/400mg)
    Week 16-18 : Test P 75mg (EOD)
    Week 18 : OFF
    Week 19: PCT

    I also have anavar on hand as well.
    Last edited by skyrim; 03-10-2018 at 12:24 PM.

  10. #10
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyrim View Post
    THANK YOU! I really appreciate your advice. I've been going mad listening to conflicted information. I was just under the assumption you want to be under 50 mg of AAS in your bloodstream before you start PCT in which the EQ would still be at 200mg by week 3.

    Does this look accurate?

    Week 1-16 : Test Cyp 400mg (2x a week 200/200mg)
    Week 1-16 : Equipoise 800mg (2x a week 400/400mg)
    Week 16-18 : Test P 75mg (EOD)
    Week 18 : OFF
    Week 19: PCT
    that looks good and like a pretty standard EQ cycle.. I'd make the test prop an even 100mg EOD as thats 350mg per week

    edit- may want to consider an AI to have on hand, get bloods at week 5, use only if needed BUT then run it the last 4 weeks of the cycle to drive Estrogen down going into PCT, as that will speed up natty test production . also consider HCG
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-10-2018 at 12:25 PM.

  11. #11
    skyrim is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    that looks good and like a pretty standard EQ cycle.. I'd make the test prop an even 100mg EOD as thats 350mg per week

    edit- may want to consider an AI to have on hand, get bloods at week 5, use only if needed BUT then run it the last 4 weeks of the cycle to drive Estrogen down going into PCT, as that will speed up natty test production . also consider HCG
    You rock GearHeaded! I'm sorry, i'm using Arimidex .5mg on cycle along with HCG .

    For the HCG the last cycle I used 250iu 2x a week but again conflicted ideas about blasting it the last 4 week before PCT. A few knowledgeable guys preach that you can desensitize your LH if running HCG for a long time. Any truth to that, should I use it from week 1 or wait till the last 4 weeks?
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  12. #12
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyrim View Post
    You rock GearHeaded! I'm sorry, i'm using Arimidex .5mg on cycle along with HCG .

    For the HCG the last cycle I used 250iu 2x a week but again conflicted ideas about blasting it the last 4 week before PCT. A few knowledgeable guys preach that you can desensitize your LH if running HCG for a long time. Any truth to that, should I use it from week 1 or wait till the last 4 weeks?
    For AI use - if your goal is to grow as much as possible I recommend keeping your AI use to a bare minimum and only begin it after 5 week blood work (taking it to soon will lower your E as your Test raises,. if E is lowering at the same time Test is elevating that will give negative effects similar to crash estrogen or high estrogen. your confusing the hell out of your body. you need to have a balance and good ratio between test and E. as test raises e should too).
    If you were trying to dry out or prep for a show, then AI use makes more sense, but will hinder growth (as Estrogen is an anabolic hormone).

    If your gyno prone, then simply using a low dose SERM is better option then running too much AI

    For HCG for a standard 12 week cycle I recommend guys run it from week 6 up until PCT begins

    edit - your only running 400mg a week of Test. thats nothing. plenty guys don't use an AI at that dose at all. plus keep in mind that EQ converts into an anti estrogen enzyme in the body, and naturally lowers E over time itself
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-10-2018 at 02:11 PM.

  13. #13
    skyrim is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    For AI use - if your goal is to grow as much as possible I recommend keeping your AI use to a bare minimum and only begin it after 5 week blood work (taking it to soon will lower your E as your Test raises,. if E is lowering at the same time Test is elevating that will give negative effects similar to crash estrogen or high estrogen. your confusing the hell out of your body. you need to have a balance and good ratio between test and E. as test raises e should too).
    If you were trying to dry out or prep for a show, then AI use makes more sense, but will hinder growth (as Estrogen is an anabolic hormone).

    If your gyno prone, then simply using a low dose SERM is better option then running too much AI

    For HCG for a standard 12 week cycle I recommend guys run it from week 6 up until PCT begins

    edit - your only running 400mg a week of Test. thats nothing. plenty guys don't use an AI at that dose at all. plus keep in mind that EQ converts into an anti estrogen enzyme in the body, and naturally lowers E over time itself
    250iu HCG 2x a week a good dosage if ran from week 6 till PCT?

    ...and LAST question about this to be clear. I was advised that it'll take longer than 3 weeks for EQ to clear because of blood levels to start PCT. Should I do prop longer then or just stick to the 3 weeks like you said? Sorry I just wan't to get this perfect!

  14. #14
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyrim View Post
    250iu HCG 2x a week a good dosage if ran from week 6 till PCT?

    ...and LAST question about this to be clear. I was advised that it'll take longer than 3 weeks for EQ to clear because of blood levels to start PCT. Should I do prop longer then or just stick to the 3 weeks like you said? Sorry I just wan't to get this perfect!

    yes thats the correct dosage of HCG

    3 weeks is standard with EQ. If you want to give yourself 4 weeks for EQ to clear, that is totally fine. and you can just run test Prop for 3 of those weeks if you wanted.

  15. #15
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skyrim View Post
    For a 3rd cycle would you consider something like DECA instead? Or too harsh? Keep in mind I've done only 2 TEST CYP cycles.
    Yes sir you would be far better off using a compound what will translate into gains and deca will be a far better choice but you could try eq and decide for yourself, your choice my friend But for me I would never use something what does nothing for me, I use aas for a reason and if some compound doesn't help me towards that reason then used to oil my bike chain or the bin all the best with what ever you decide.

  16. #16
    redz's Avatar
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    EQ was worthless for me too at 600mg/week for 15 weeks. I felt more hungry but other than that nothing of note.

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