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Thread: Use and protocol

  1. #1
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Use and protocol

    Ordered my Test C and Sustanon yesterday. The cyp comes in 1ml ampules which I will be putting into a 10 ml vial through a syringe.

    I have a few questions:

    1. Do they make 10 ml or larger syringes that I can use to draw out the liquid from each ampule and dump it in the vial in one go? What type of needle should I use for this?

    2. Do I need to use different needles when drawing as compared to injecting? Different sizes too? Do needles get blunted after penetrating the vial?

    3. I don't want to use a huge needle, I hate needles. I've decided to use a 1" long needle. What guage causes the least irritation going in and is still fairly easy to push the oil out of? I know that the thinner the needle is the harder it will be to push out the oil and aspirate .

    4. What is the best syringe for TRT dosing where I need to be really precise with the mLs? Like .25 mL precise.

    5. What type of needle or syringe should I use for HCG ? Will be injecting sub q in belly fat.

    6. What do I do with all the syringes and needles?

    7. I read that once a vial is penetrated it only lasts 30 days. One 10 mL vial will last me over 3 months. Is this gonna be a problem?

  2. #2
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    1 you dont need a 10 ml syringe, use whatever you got and make multiple transfers. I would use 22 or 23 ga
    2 preference.
    3 you can use a 25 ga, though personally I prefer 22, easier to push
    4 I see no need for being that precise
    5 insulin syringe, I use 31g by 1/2"
    6 depends on your situation, I trash them in a large Gatorade bottle
    7 stored at room temp, you'll be good. Always wipe the vile off before drawing, and after with a alchohol wipe
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  3. #3
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    why would you order test C and sustanon ?
    just use test C.

  4. #4
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sustanon is just for a little fun here and there. In England they use Sustanon for TRT instead of Cypionate . So I might use that for trt in the future.

    Thanks for the help guitarzan!
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  5. #5
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Sustanon is one of the worst options for TRT....

  6. #6
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    I am looking at the HCG I ordered: HUCOG 5000 IU. It's 5000 IUs per 1 mL. If I'm dosing it at 250 units per shot, that means I'll have to inject 1/20th of a mL - seems like it would be impossible to measure that. Will this come with bacteriostatic water at 1 ml, or am I going to have to buy the water separately?

    I can see if I buy the water separately that I can dilute it however I want and get less concentration per mL to make it easier to dose.

  7. #7
    Charlie67's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I am looking at the HCG I ordered: HUCOG 5000 IU. It's 5000 IUs per 1 mL. If I'm dosing it at 250 units per shot, that means I'll have to inject 1/20th of a mL - seems like it would be impossible to measure that. Will this come with bacteriostatic water at 1 ml, or am I going to have to buy the water separately?

    I can see if I buy the water separately that I can dilute it however I want and get less concentration per mL to make it easier to dose.
    You'll likely have to buy water and a sterile vial. Google "how to mix hcg". There's a thousand youtube videos by the hcg-diet folks. Most end up with a 5ml vial of solution. I use an insulin syring and drop to 25. Easy.
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  8. #8
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Ordered my Test C and Sustanon yesterday. The cyp comes in 1ml ampules which I will be putting into a 10 ml vial through a syringe.

    I have a few questions:

    1. Do they make 10 ml or larger syringes that I can use to draw out the liquid from each ampule and dump it in the vial in one go? What type of needle should I use for this?

    2. Do I need to use different needles when drawing as compared to injecting? Different sizes too? Do needles get blunted after penetrating the vial?

    3. I don't want to use a huge needle, I hate needles. I've decided to use a 1" long needle. What guage causes the least irritation going in and is still fairly easy to push the oil out of? I know that the thinner the needle is the harder it will be to push out the oil and aspirate .

    4. What is the best syringe for TRT dosing where I need to be really precise with the mLs? Like .25 mL precise.

    5. What type of needle or syringe should I use for HCG ? Will be injecting sub q in belly fat.

    6. What do I do with all the syringes and needles?

    7. I read that once a vial is penetrated it only lasts 30 days. One 10 mL vial will last me over 3 months. Is this gonna be a problem?
    1 sure just shop around you'll find 10ml barrels but you can do the same with smaller.
    2 for sterility purposes yes, and yes the needle does get more blunt after being used once. I use 21g to draw and 25g to inject, will try 27g next time I buy needles for injecting.
    3 experiment, depends on the viscosity of the oil and preferences
    4 some use insulin pins and inject subcutaneously. Depends on how much precision you need.
    5 insulin pin for subcutaneous, they're half inch and 29-31g usually that's what is best for that purpose. Barrel is usually 1ml or less.
    6 the shops that sell needles and syringes sell dispensing boxes too. Careful with throwing them in the trash they can hurt someone. Gatorade bottle as guitarzan mentioned isn't a bad idea either.
    7 it will be fine for longer just use fresh needles and wipe the rubber stopper with alcohol swabs before drawing
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Ordered my Test C and Sustanon yesterday. The cyp comes in 1ml ampules which I will be putting into a 10 ml vial through a syringe.

    I have a few questions:

    1. Do they make 10 ml or larger syringes that I can use to draw out the liquid from each ampule and dump it in the vial in one go? What type of needle should I use for this?
    Just reuse your smaller syringe. I use 3cc syringe for injections.

    2. Do I need to use different needles when drawing as compared to injecting? Different sizes too? Do needles get blunted after penetrating the vial?
    Yes, use a "big" 18ga to 22ga needle to draw and switch to 26ga or so pin to inject. Yes, the needle can get slightly dull.

    3. I don't want to use a huge needle, I hate needles. I've decided to use a 1" long needle. What guage causes the least irritation going in and is still fairly easy to push the oil out of? I know that the thinner the needle is the harder it will be to push out the oil and aspirate .
    I use 1" 26ga pins for injecting.

    4. What is the best syringe for TRT dosing where I need to be really precise with the mLs? Like .25 mL precise.
    1cc insulin needles are accurate. You can get 1cc syringes that will take a needle.

    5. What type of needle or syringe should I use for HCG ? Will be injecting sub q in belly fat.
    Get a 1/2" 29ga needle on a 1cc insulin syringe.

    6. What do I do with all the syringes and needles?
    Put the cap back on the needle. If the needle is removable from the syringe, separate the two and put them in a medical syringe disposal container. In leau of a medical container I collect them in a small cardboard box for disposal.

    7. I read that once a vial is penetrated it only lasts 30 days. One 10 mL vial will last me over 3 months. Is this gonna be a problem?
    Nah, a vial can last years after it's penetrated. Keep it in a dry cool place and it will last a long time.
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  10. #10
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks for all your replies, I learned a lot from this! More protocols and opinions are welcomed.

  11. #11
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Since you plan to self medicate, at least learn about the variables you have to control. Go through every sticky in this section:

    and the subsection:

    You'll have to do a lot of blood work to find the right protocol. It's best not to self medicate and get it scripted and adjust your protocol under the supervision of a professional.

  12. #12
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cousinmuscles View Post
    Since you plan to self medicate, at least learn about the variables you have to control. Go through every sticky in this section:

    and the subsection:

    You'll have to do a lot of blood work to find the right protocol. It's best not to self medicate and get it scripted and adjust your protocol under the supervision of a professional.

    Thanks for these links. I have a close family member who is an endo but she doesn't know I'm going to be self prescribing. Said individual believes I should wait and get another round of blood work in a month or so (already had 2) and seems hesitant to even consider TRT for me. Or at the very least, as a last resort. She recommended I come off my protein and creatine (lol), as if that will magically raise me from 470 to 870. I have been the most active in the past year than in the last 5 years, and have felt better these last 2 months as a result. So it came as a surprise my levels were so low. They're not terrible, but why wait another 6-7 years until I'm less than 300?

    I'm pretty educated with the science part of TRT, though I'm always learning more. I understand the HPTA axis pretty well thanks to this website and a lot of online research and YouTube for the past 10-12 years. At one point wanted to go to med school but switched to business. Still love learning about the body, hormones, and metabolic processes. I'm feeling pretty confident with doing my own TRT. I will start off at 100-150 mg/week and get blood work every 2 months. The day of/before the next injection. Will check all the vitals CBC, PSA, Total T/Free T, Estradiol, (guessing FSH and LH will be next to nothing even with HCG - hmmm), T3/T4, prolactin, etc. Already check my blood pressure regularly at home and have meds if it goes higher.

    Again, thanks for those links, I'll be filling in the gaps over the next few weeks!

  13. #13
    n.LiVE is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    I'm pretty educated with the science part of TRT, though I'm always learning more. I understand the HPTA axis pretty well thanks to this website and a lot of online research and YouTube for the past 10-12 years. At one point wanted to go to med school but switched to business. Still love learning about the body, hormones, and metabolic processes. I'm feeling pretty confident with doing my own TRT. I will start off at 100-150 mg/week and get blood work every 2 months. The day of/before the next injection. Will check all the vitals CBC, PSA, Total T/Free T, Estradiol, (guessing FSH and LH will be next to nothing even with HCG - hmmm), T3/T4, prolactin, etc. Already check my blood pressure regularly at home and have meds if it goes higher.
    I could be wrong, but isn't it so that hCG doesn't actually have any direct effect on the FSH or LH hormones themselves, but mearly mimicks LH so the cells in the testicles continue to produce testosterone and the risk of atrophy reduced? Thus a reason why using hCG on cycle is so important?

    Feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken. On the learning curve myself.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by n.LiVE View Post
    I could be wrong, but isn't it so that hCG doesn't actually have any direct effect on the FSH or LH hormones themselves, but mearly mimicks LH so the cells in the testicles continue to produce testosterone and the risk of atrophy reduced? Thus a reason why using hCG on cycle is so important?

    Feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken. On the learning curve myself.
    Yeah, from what I understand, HCG mimicks LH and it has a very minor FSH-like effect. So you get your own endogenous production of testosterone, plus whatever you inject. That’s why you don’t need as much test with HCG. If the testes atrophy for long periods of time it gets harder to get them back. But if you keep them actively producing testosterone, it will take less time to recover if on cycle, and on TRT they will remain full and functional, minus the spemartogenisis, which is mostly controlled by FSH. From what I understand, while HCG mimics LH, Clomid stimulates FSH production in the pituitary - so two different mechanisms. Clomid and HCG are used for fertillity purposes.

  15. #15
    Windex is offline Staff ~ HRT Optimization Specialist
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    Spermatogenesis still occurs while on TRT+HCG

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Sustanon is just for a little fun here and there. In England they use Sustanon for TRT instead of Cypionate . So I might use that for trt in the future.

    Thanks for the help guitarzan!
    In England it's used the nebido protocol.

    But nobody will prescribe just based on 470 Ng/dl numbers. What was the free test and Shbg?

  17. #17
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    In England it's used the nebido protocol.

    But nobody will prescribe just based on 470 Ng/dl numbers. What was the free test and Shbg?
    Free was 11 on the 8-25 scale. SHGB was not tested, but as I understand, it doesn’t affect Total test, only free test.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Test Monsterone View Post
    Free was 11 on the 8-25 scale. SHGB was not tested, but as I understand, it doesn’t affect Total test, only free test.
    It does

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