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Thread: Breaking through a weight gain plateau

  1. #1
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Breaking through a weight gain plateau

    I was recently helping someone with this via PM and figured I'd just throw it on here for others as well.

    this guy would run bulk cycles and by the end of the cycle he would get to about 230 pounds and stall. Then over time he would lose some fullness and size during PCT and his off time. He would start his bulk cycle again and stall out close to 230 pounds again at the end.

    of course right off the bat you may say, 'well just hold onto more gains in pct and the off season so you can start your next bulk cycle at a higher weight each time''. , ok well thats easier said then done. theres a lot to that, and I'm not going to touch on that here. I'm going to talk about the AAS protocol during the bulk itself to break past that weight plateau.

    OK, so this guy, like most everyone else, starts his cycle off as a traditional bulk cycle. Lets say high dose test, with deca , and some Dbol to kick everything off. by week 8 he's really put on the size. by week 10-12 its all slowed down and he has hit that weight gain plateau again.

    So the new strategy. think completely different then how you would normally think going into a bulk. instead of trying to kick start everything off as fast as possible and running wet compounds, do the reverse.
    use your anabolic compounds to start off the cycle and slowly grow, putting on new tissue. then at the end of the cycle use your bulkers and 'kick starters' and wet compounds to blow past your plateau, filling out all that new tissue you just had gained.

    example traditional bulk cycle
    week 1-12
    Test 500
    Deca 500
    Dbol 50mg per day (week 1-6)

    example cycle for breaking past a weight plateau
    Week 1-4
    Test 250mg
    Mast P 500mg
    Superdol 30mg per day
    Winstol 30mg per day

    Week 5-8
    Test 500mg
    Mast P 800mg
    NPP 600mg

    Week 9-13
    Test 1500mg
    Dbol 50mg per day
    Anadrol 50mg per day
    NPP 600mg

    your dry gains come at the beginning. your putting on 'new' lean tissue at this stage. your wet gains come as a blast at the very end and you really fill out your previous gains and your newly acquired gains (your forcing in more intercellular water and nutrients into muscle cells)..

    most guys do the opposite. they want to bulk up, and then try and lean out at the end of their cycle. this is a bulk the whole time, but just with the wet compounds and all the water retention coming at the end (and water, when utilized properly, will lead to more size and growth).
    yeahbuddy289 likes this.

  2. #2
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    oh and I almost forgot. . you all know me by now , but of course I recommend running insulin . the last 4 weeks and into post cycle , as it can help add an easy 5-10 sustainable pounds
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  3. #3
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    I did something I’ve never done on this run. I ran an anadrol /dbol mix at the beginning for 4 weeks then ran it again the last 4 weeks with slin. Also test and small amount for me of tren . I didn’t put on a lot of extra lbs but I did fill out. A lot imo. I like the result.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I did something I’ve never done on this run. I ran an anadrol/dbol mix at the beginning for 4 weeks then ran it again the last 4 weeks with slin. Also test and small amount for me of tren. I didn’t put on a lot of extra lbs but I did fill out. A lot imo. I like the result.
    It worked.

  5. #5
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    It worked.
    I think so too.

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