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Thread: Hate me if ya want log

  1. #1
    Twofiddy is offline New Member
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    Hate me if ya want log

    Little about myself..

    Lifted for 8 years. Juiced 4 of them. Tons of test, Tren , decca, growth, orals, pros, etc

    One day decided I hated it and stopped it all

    4 years later I’m 265 out of shape and just crappy shape

    So I know about sauce. If you want to follow the thread im going to take ya on a little journey and answer questions on way

    I’m 31. Haven’t touched a weight in over 4 years. Came back hittin it hard 10 days ago. 5 days ago jumped on 40mg of hilma biocare winny 20mg pre and then 10mg later and 10mg even later.. yes oral cycles are bad yes they will shut u down. I got anastrozole .5mg every other day I got nolva and clomid on hand for pct and I got some cel M-test to throw in pct. taking hawthor berries and red yeast rice plus taking hi tech pharma liver ex as well.

    Diet has 360 changed
    Breakfast is 1/2 cup quick oats and whey mixed. Drink it

    Post work out bccass

    Hour later carb source and red meat/egg whites

    Few hours later shake or something

    Dinner carb and meat. carbs from potatoes or rice or oats and protein from chicken or eggs or beef

    Then shake before bed

    Lol how many ppl pisses at the end of month 1 I’m going to post pics before and after.

    Get excited

    I got dbol by hilma bio care too but I’m not running. Just winny now then ima pct and then ima see What my levels are like after pct and shit and maybe get back on test. Yea test is a “base” for all cycles but ppl crazy if you think you can’t run orals stand-alone. It’s been done by every one over the years. I’m not getting back on test until I’m ready to be on TRT for now ima run This winny and see what i can do. Maybe shit up a few oral haters too.

  2. #2
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Do I know u?!

    Seriously, I friend of mine is trying to preach this crap to me & im not even hearing it

    Hate - no, but you'll fvck yourself up me re than doing good - better whomever than me tho

  3. #3
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twofiddy View Post
    5 days ago jumped on 40mg of hilma biocare winny . yes oral cycles are bad yes they will shut u down. I got anastrozole .5mg every other day
    your on a Winstol only cycle .. which does not aromatize one bit . yet your taking a heavy dose of an anti aromatase. not the brightest idea brother. give it a couple weeks before nothing in your body works, from your dick to your joints to your livers inability to produce HDL cholesterol.
    HoldMyBeer likes this.

  4. #4
    Couchlockd's Avatar
    Couchlockd is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Twofiddy View Post
    Little about myself..

    Lifted for 8 years. Juiced 4 of them. Tons of test, Tren , decca, growth, orals, pros, etc

    One day decided I hated it and stopped it all

    4 years later I’m 265 out of shape and just crappy shape

    I’m 31. Haven’t touched a weight in over 4 years. Just winny now then ima pct and then ima see What my levels are like after pct and shit and maybe get back on test. Yea test is a “base” for all cycles but ppl crazy if you think you can’t run orals stand-alone. It’s been done by every one over the years. I’m not getting back on test until I’m ready to be on TRT.

    Excuse me for saying this, but you sound like a cocky uneducated fool.

    Tons of test Tren decca for 4 years, .5mg adex EOD on non aromatizing oral, you know it shuts you down, but won't touch test till you're ready for trt.

    Well tons if Tren n deca for 4 years, your ready for trt.

    You got fat and out of shape, key indicators that your very low test, = ready for trt.

    Be safe and God speed.

    Let's see some before n Afters after you run this cycle.

  5. #5
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
    AlphaMindz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Excuse me for saying this, but you sound like a cocky uneducated fool.

    Tons of test Tren decca for 4 years, .5mg adex EOD on non aromatizing oral, you know it shuts you down, but won't touch test till you're ready for trt.

    Well tons if Tren n deca for 4 years, your ready for trt.

    You got fat and out of shape, key indicators that your very low test, = ready for trt.

    Be safe and God speed.

    Let's see some before n Afters after you run this cycle.
    Very similar to what I was thinking.

  6. #6
    Obs's Avatar
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    I am gonna try a winny only cycle!
    Well, I forgot I'm on trt...
    I will probably throw in some test prop though and maybe a gram of tren . Better add some mast too...
    And slin.

    We will be like brothers!
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  7. #7
    AlphaMindz's Avatar
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    By all means brother do your thing, but it seems like you're trying to prove something..?

    I'm not sure what you're trying to prove... That you can get into shape after years of being off gear and no lifting with a winny oral only cycle..?

    Sure, it can be done, especially cause you have muscle memory so you will get into shape relatively quickly on just winny IF your diet and training are on point (btw your diet needs some work as there are lots of nutrients missing from it) but is what you're doing OPTIMAL..? No, it is most definitely not optimal.

    You will shut your HPTA down on winny, although not very much tbh...however, if your test levels are already low then you will suppress them even further and you will start experiencing symptoms of low t which may cause some issues for you.

    The biggest issue with what you're doing is mega dosing Arimidex without having very much test to aromatize in the first place as others have mentioned. This will create all kinds of problems for you including drying out of your joints (which will be exacerbated my the winstrol ), erectile dysfunction, and poor brain health as your brain needs some estrogen to function properly (can't lay out specifics for you atm but a simple google search will yield some interesting results for you).

    You're an adult and free to do whatever you like and I'm not here to preach...not at all. But you did post in a open forum so you're clearly expecting feedback and I honestly hope for your sake that you consider what we're saying.

    There is a better way to go about what you're trying to do and I'd be happy to help you (as I'm sure others are too) if you're open to it. Good luck man.
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  8. #8
    Twofiddy is offline New Member
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    Lol strong posts

    Yea arimidex is high I’ve only taken .5 twice and it was to curb some estro that was going on now. Maybe run dbol instead of winny or both together but since I’m fat I don’t wanna get more blot and fat from water retention from the dbol. I might start pinning trt dose of test soon not sure

  9. #9
    Eduke93's Avatar
    Eduke93 is offline Senior Member
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    To be honest... You could do better than winstrol ... Id advise to focus on diet/training and getting your BF down before implementing any drugs, but if you have to then id go for a fat burner, maybe some clen ?

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