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Thread: Masteron as an anti-oestrogen agent - NO

  1. #1
    MS_PHARM is offline New Member
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    Masteron as an anti-oestrogen agent - NO

    Many AAS users as well as authorities in the field claim that DHT derivatives (drostanolone at most) act as anti-oestrogens.

    Yes, AR stimulation provides certain antagonistic effects oposed to ER activation, but it is NOT A DIRECT mechanism.

    People claim that DHT derivatives (especially Masteron ) affect aromatase enzyme in a competitive antagonistic manner.

    Sure, show me any DHT derivative proposed as a ligand for the enzyme. You won't find anything. The same applies to direct ER antagonism (oxymetholone is proposed as ER weak AGONIST so it's unique side effects, but no evidence, no certainty). As always, some "jacked" fool proposed such explanation and you repeat, boy. Drug chemistry is the answer for the dilemma.

    Testosterone as well as another AR agonists lead to ER synthesis decline (so P4R decrease), it's nothing special about drostanolone.

    Strong androgens (like trenbolone , not-wet DHT derivatives, etc.) lead to increased vascularization (or "dry look" or "pump", call it as you want, "brah") due to decreased water retention, raised lipolysis (BMR increases as well), raised erythropoiesis, increased glucose tolerance, hGH & IGF-1 improvement, GR antagonism, peripheral vascular resistance increase, etc. (all of these are just AR-mediated effects). Nothing special about drostanolone again.

    What's special about Masteron is it's beneficial profit and loss account, that's all.

    Hypothesis about Masteron's unique anti-oestrogen properties are MISTAKENLY based on studies conducted in 1975-1983 (breast cancer in women). Actually, few studies compared drostanolone to nandrolone and guess what - treatment efficiency was THE SAME. Currently, we don't want to treat breast cancer with androgens.

    What?! Nandrolone is a nor-19 compound with actually significant gestagenic & weak estrogenic properties (you are getting "bloated", "brah") and was as effective in E2-dependent cancer as your amazing drostanolone.

    Take into account that 40 y.o. research is rich in analytical & deduction errors - science goes forward, you are standing still in the 80's, "brah". E.g. DHT indeed helps in the growth of breast cancer (in the presence of estradiol), the same about prostate enlargement/cancer and E2 contribution to progression of the pathology.

    Why do I write this? I hate such BS dogmas and in the end I just couldn't stand it. Finish pharmacy studies first, then talk about pharmacology, "brah".

    EDITED with some thoughts.
    Last edited by MS_PHARM; 11-17-2018 at 08:21 AM.
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  2. #2
    The God Himself's Avatar
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    I think this will lead to some constructive discussion. I would like to see what GearHeaded thinks about that.

  3. #3
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    My understanding was DHTs act somewhat like an AI, but it's effects are quite negligible. Are you saying this is not the case?

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    In a gym!
    My next cycle!!

  5. #5
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    Many AAS users as well as authorities in the field claim that DHT derivatives (drostanolone at most) act as anti-oestrogens.

    Yes, AR stimulation provides certain antagonistic effects oposed to ER activation, but it is NOT A DIRECT mechanism.

    People claim that DHT derivatives (especially Masteron ) affect aromatase enzyme in a competitive antagonistic manner.

    Sure, show me any DHT derivative proposed as a ligand for the enzyme. You won't find anything. The same applies to direct ER antagonism (oxymetholone is proposed as ER weak AGONIST so it's unique side effects, but no evidence, no certainty). As always, some "jacked" fool proposed such explanation and you repeat, boy. Drug chemistry is the answer for the dilemma.

    Testosterone as well as another AR agonists lead to ER synthesis decline (so P4R decrease), it's nothing special about drostanolone.

    Strong androgens (like trenbolone , not-wet DHT derivatives, etc.) lead to increased vascularization (or "dry look" or "pump", call it as you want, "brah") due to decreased water retention, raised lipolysis (BMR increases as well), raised erythropoiesis, increased glucose tolerance, hGH & IGF-1 improvement, GR antagonism, peripheral vascular resistance increase, etc. (all of these are just AR-mediated effects). Nothing special about drostanolone again.

    What's special about Masteron is it's beneficial profit and loss account, that's all.

    Hypothesis about Masteron's unique anti-oestrogen properties are MISTAKENLY based on studies conducted in 1975-1983 (breast cancer in women). Actually, few studies compared drostanolone to nandrolone and guess what - treatment efficiency was THE SAME. Currently, we don't want to treat breast cancer with androgens.

    What?! Nandrolone is a nor-19 compound with actually significant gestagenic & weak estrogenic properties (you are getting "bloated", "brah") and was as effective in E2-dependent cancer as your amazing drostanolone.

    Take into account that 40 y.o. research is rich in analytical & deduction errors - science goes forward, you are standing still in the 80's, "brah". E.g. DHT indeed helps in the growth of breast cancer (in the presence of estradiol), the same about prostate enlargement/cancer and E2 contribution to progression of the pathology.

    Why do I write this? I hate such BS dogmas and in the end I just couldn't stand it. Finish pharmacy studies first, then talk about pharmacology, "brah".

    EDITED with some thoughts.
    Wow, you wear your bravado on your sleeve "brah".
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Wow, you wear your bravado on your sleeve "brah".
    A bravado is like a bananna hammock?
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  7. #7
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    A bravado is like a bananna hammock?
    Attachment 174931
    Damn straight
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  8. #8
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    has anyone ever stopped to wonder why the designers of the drug Masteron decided to call it "MASTeron" and also why an estrogenic side effect called "gynocoMASTia" contains the same word "Mast" in it. interesting also is when women with breast cancer have to get their breast surgically removed its called a "MASTectomy" .

    hmm . you know I really think there may be more to the whole 'estrogen' thing with MASTeron that the original designers of this steroid had in mind (also why they created the drug for women in the first place) , then what the whole bro-sicience has to say about the topic.

    sure bro-scicnce is wrong, imo, to assume masteron can work like an AI or at least a weak AI. but to assume bro science is completely wrong here, and then dismiss the anti estrogenic effects of masteron all together is definitely an over reaction. as the drug was originally designed with anti estrogenic properties in mind.

    no Masteron doesn't work like an AI . but it does work to blunt estrogen at receptor sites themselves (much like a SERM) as well as prolactin receptors. This is why guys will run Masteron with plenty of their cycles, just to get the estrogen blunting effects (its not going to lower serum levels of estrogen, but it will blunt estrogenic effects at receptor sites).

    so hmmm.. blunting estrogen at receptor sites like in breast tissue to prevent Gyno, or GynocoMASTia might be one reason the drug company decided to name the drug MASTeron in the first place imagine that , how creative of a marketing strategy eh

    edit- when I say "blunt" , basically what I mean is that estrogen can bind to the receptor, but its RNA transcription is weakened not having the full 'estrogenic' effect it would have had otherwise
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-17-2018 at 12:03 PM.
    HoldMyBeer, Quester, Obs and 2 others like this.

  9. #9
    MS_PHARM is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    has anyone ever stopped to wonder why the designers of the drug Masteron decided to call it "MASTeron" and also why an estrogenic side effect called "gynocoMASTia" contains the same word "Mast" in it. interesting also is when women with breast cancer have to get their breast surgically removed its called a "MASTectomy" .

    hmm . you know I really think there may be more to the whole 'estrogen' thing with MASTeron that the original designers of this steroid had in mind (also why they created the drug for women in the first place) , then what the whole bro-sicience has to say about the topic.

    sure bro-scicnce is wrong, imo, to assume masteron can work like an AI or at least a weak AI. but to assume bro science is completely wrong here, and then dismiss the anti estrogenic effects of masteron all together is definitely an over reaction. as the drug was originally designed with anti estrogenic properties in mind.

    no Masteron doesn't work like an AI . but it does work to blunt estrogen at receptor sites themselves (much like a SERM) as well as prolactin receptors. This is why guys will run Masteron with plenty of their cycles, just to get the estrogen blunting effects (its not going to lower serum levels of estrogen, but it will blunt estrogenic effects at receptor sites).

    so hmmm.. blunting estrogen at receptor sites like in breast tissue to prevent Gyno, or GynocoMASTia might be one reason the drug company decided to name the drug MASTeron in the first place imagine that , how creative of a marketing strategy eh

    edit- when I say "blunt" , basically what I mean is that estrogen can bind to the receptor, but its RNA transcription is weakened not having the full 'estrogenic' effect it would have had otherwise
    You haven't added anything new to the topic, everything you've written is taken from "reliable" articles (this "MASTbla" explanation always amuses me, read first article) + you just repeated few things I've wrote:


    I didn't say that bro-science community is completely wrong: "Yes, AR stimulation provides certain antagonistic effects oposed to ER activation, but it is NOT A DIRECT mechanism." plus "What's special about Masteron is it's beneficial profit and loss account, that's all.", but it's all wrong about explanation of antagonistic mechanisms regarding to E2 managment & drostanolone.

  10. #10
    MS_PHARM is offline New Member
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    I know that you're something like a guru on this forum (I visit this website sometimes to compare AAS users thoughts and experiences to literature facts - conclusions are sometimes very useful, sometimes I just have fun of a BS), but unfortunately you haven't added anything new to the topic this time.

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    has anyone ever stopped to wonder why the designers of the drug Masteron decided to call it "MASTeron" and also why an estrogenic side effect called "gynocoMASTia" contains the same word "Mast" in it. interesting also is when women with breast cancer have to get their breast surgically removed its called a "MASTectomy".
    I wrote that it was designed for this purpose, why do you repeat it unnecessarily?

    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    Hypothesis about Masteron's unique anti-oestrogen properties are MISTAKENLY based on studies conducted in 1975-1983 (breast cancer in women).
    This nomenclature analysis always amuses me. Type in google "Masteron as an anti-estrogen" and read the article from 2006, is this a place you take your brilliant ideas from? The name of the drug indicates the direction of it's action, it's a common practice, so what? It was designed for this purpose, YES, 40 years ago (when new solutions were sought, now Masteron is nothing compared to AIs, modern SERMs, etc.) - actually as I've mentioned ND provides the same effect despite it wasn't designed to treat breast cancer. Sildenafil was created to treat angina pectoris (slightly reduces symptoms actually, but ofc there're much better drugs in the field - the same about MASTbshitting). So your argument basing on nomenclature is completely pointless.

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    hmm. you know I really think there may be more to the whole 'estrogen' thing with MASTeron that the original designers of this steroid had in mind (also why they created the drug for women in the first place) , then what the whole bro-sicience has to say about the topic.
    They were just looking for another DHT derivative with AR-agonistic properties (so anti-ER) with alleviated sides.

    By the way:

    Experimental study of an antitumor preparation proloteston (1983).

    The preparation is practically non-toxic, possesses a high anabolic index, has a beneficial effect on hepatic function and lowers the glucocorticoid function of the adrenals. It is thought that application of the drug should not be limited to the treatment of breast cancer.
    It's often like that, nothing surprising - the researchers themselves suggest that it's just another nice DHT for BB purpose (lmao).

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    sure bro-scicnce is wrong, imo, to assume masteron can work like an AI or at least a weak AI. but to assume bro science is completely wrong here, and then dismiss the anti estrogenic effects of masteron all together is definitely an over reaction. as the drug was originally designed with anti estrogenic properties in mind.
    I didn't say that bro-science is completely wrong here, actually I wrote that:

    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    Yes, AR stimulation provides certain antagonistic effects oposed to ER activation, but it is NOT A DIRECT mechanism.
    I can't see any overreaction here.

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    no Masteron doesn't work like an AI . but it does work to blunt estrogen at receptor sites themselves (much like a SERM) as well as prolactin receptors. This is why guys will run Masteron with plenty of their cycles, just to get the estrogen blunting effects (its not going to lower serum levels of estrogen, but it will blunt estrogenic effects at receptor sites).
    No, not in this way.

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    so hmmm.. blunting estrogen at receptor sites like in breast tissue to prevent Gyno, or GynocoMASTia might be one reason the drug company decided to name the drug MASTeron in the first place imagine that , how creative of a marketing strategy eh
    Stop with this analysis of words, please, it doesn't add anything useful.

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    edit- when I say "blunt" , basically what I mean is that estrogen can bind to the receptor, but its RNA transcription is weakened not having the full 'estrogenic' effect it would have had otherwise
    Partly yes (ER-activation transcription final products synthesis is disrupted), but not in SERM type of action.

    Summarizing, drostanolone is without a doubt a cool DHT derivative, but let's not look for magic where the matter is quite simple.
    Last edited by MS_PHARM; 11-17-2018 at 11:22 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    I know that you're something like a guru on this forum (I visit this website sometimes to compare AAS users thoughts and experiences to literature facts - conclusions are sometimes very useful, sometimes I just have fun of a BS), but unfortunately you haven't added anything new to the topic this time.

    I wrote that it was designed for this purpose, why do you repeat it unnecessarily?

    This nomenclature analysis always amuses me. Type in google "Masteron as an anti-estrogen" and read the article from 2006, is this a place you take your brilliant ideas from? The name of the drug indicates the direction of it's action, it's a common practice, so what? It was designed for this purpose, YES, 40 years ago (when new solutions were sought, now Masteron is nothing compared to AIs, modern SERMs, etc.) - actually as I've mentioned ND provides the same effect despite it wasn't designed to treat breast cancer. Sildenafil was created to treat angina pectoris (slightly reduces symptoms actually, but ofc there're much better drugs in the field - the same about MASTbshitting). So your argument basing on nomenclature is completely pointless.

    They were just looking for another DHT derivative with AR-agonistic properties (so anti-ER) with alleviated sides.

    I didn't say that bro-science is completely wrong here, actually I wrote that:

    I can't see any overreaction here.

    No, not in this way.

    Stop with this analysis of words, please, it doesn't add anything useful.

    Partly yes (ER-activation translation effects are disrupted), but not in SERMs type of action.

    Summarizing, drostanolone is without a doubt a cool DHT derivative, but let's not look for magic where the matter is quite simple.
    Just a heads up, I dont do nerd fights, but you come here with 7 posts acting like a condescending douche bag specifically to one member who is one of the top three most knowledgable here and you wont be around long.

    We will just assume you are cousinfaggot or marcus under a new profile name trying to stir shit with him like before.

    I hate it when newbies come in like they are on facebook. You have 7 posts of googled knowledge... Question is why are you already stirring shit cousin?

  12. #12
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    Yup yup!

    Ever post was worded as Gearheaded bait.

  13. #13
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    Attachment 174938
    Attachment 174939

    Not on my watch.

    I too smelled you getting off the elevator.

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  14. #14
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    Before I even read the first post I could see this was designed for attention.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Attachment 174938
    Attachment 174939

    Not on my watch.

    I too smelled you getting off the elevator.


    You have the best, most random personality of anyone I know!
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  16. #16
    MS_PHARM is offline New Member
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    Do you guys have something interesting to say or will just continue making conspiracy theories and clinging to the style of expression? Instead of contributing to the discussion you just perform funny-brilliant-forum-like rubbish (offtopic as they say?).

    P.S. How many posts do I have to collect to get your priceless respect? Strange determinant of acquaintance and reliability.
    Last edited by MS_PHARM; 11-17-2018 at 11:45 PM.

  17. #17
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    Summarizing, drostanolone is without a doubt a cool DHT derivative, but let's not look for magic where the matter is quite simple.
    Well this is your thread buddy . I didn't start it and I certainly didn't promote to YOU, or anyone else for that matter, that Masteron was some sort of 'magic' AAS.

    its got anti-estrogen 'like' properties . pretty sure thats all anyone around here has ever said . you started this thread with some sort of mission I suppose. not sure what that is.

    maybe you should start your own log. Run 1000mg of Masteron per week for say 8 weeks. log your results, then give us your professional pharmacological opinion on it.
    heck maybe YOU are the one who at the end of the day here will think its Magic.
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 11-17-2018 at 11:54 PM.
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    Do you guys have something interesting to say or will just continue making conspiracy theories and clinging to the style of expression?
    No one here said Masteron was an aromatase inhibitor ever that I have seen.

    I have probably shot a lot lot lot more gear with zero AI than you ever will.

    The only sides I got were increased prolactin and minor hard lump gyno.

    700mg of mast counteracted those sides on more test and tren than you can shake a stick at.

    You see this is why I dont do the wannabe scientist shit. I do it and find out for myself.

    Masteron can be used to eliminate the need for AI in many cases like it did with me. I have elevated estrogen which is anabolic and I get all the good from it with none of the bad. This doesn't work for everyone but it was an idea I tested after two years with no AI on big boy cycles. It worked like a charm.

    Since you have been here all of your posts have been to dig at GH and I know who you are.

    No one likes you.
    Since you have been gone like 2 people asked in passing "where is cousin?"
    Take your condescending negative ass somewhere else and go hack an admin account.

    You can read all the shit in the world, at the end of the day its people like me and GH that prove it or disprove it. Doing, not talking or busting balls on a forum.

    Do you know how fkin annoying a google cowboy is?
    We all have google son. We all know other boards.
    Please take your google and find a different board.

  19. #19
    MS_PHARM is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    its got anti-estrogen 'like' properties . pretty sure thats all anyone around here has ever said . you started this thread with some sort of mission I suppose. not sure what that is.
    The mission is simple - to inform community that they misunderstand drostanolone's mechanism of action.

    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    maybe you should start your own log. Run 1000mg of Masteron per week for say 8 weeks. log your results, then give us your prfessional pharmacological opinion on it.
    Why should I do it, if a random fool have done this and post his results for free on another forum already? This is why internet resources are priceless. The best dose of drostanolone for our purposes is still the commonly recommended one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Since you have been here all of your posts have been to dig at GH and I know who you are.

    No one likes you.
    Since you have been gone like 2 people asked in passing "where is cousin?"
    Take your condescending negative ass somewhere else and go hack an admin account.

    You can read all the shit in the world, at the end of the day its people like me and GH that prove it or disprove it. Doing, not talking or busting balls on a forum.

    Do you know how fkin annoying a google cowboy is?
    We all have google son. We all know other boards.
    Please take your google and find a different board.
    Dude, seriously. As a medical practitioner I'm obligated to refer you to a psychiatrist. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia include such pathologies as delusions you experience.
    Last edited by MS_PHARM; 11-18-2018 at 12:09 AM.

  20. #20
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    idk, maybe you could help the 'community' out by simply informing them about your personal last Masteron cycle and what the drug did for you and your physique and at what dosage you used it.
    then go from there using that experience as a spring board to engage in some useful discussion.
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  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    The mission is simple - to inform community that they misunderstand drostanolone's mechanism of action.

    Why should I do it, if a random fool have done this and post his results for free on another forum already? This is why internet resources are priceless. The best dose of drostanolone for our purposes is still the commonly recommended one.
    I am a random fool that did it.
    It worked awesome for me.

    Attachment 174944

    How is all that googling working for you?
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    Dude, seriously. As a medical practitioner I'm obligated to refer you to a psychiatrist. Positive symptoms of schizophrenia include such pathologies as delusions you experience.
    if your not really a licensed medical practitioner and currently getting paid $ to practice medicine ,, then its likely yourself thats delusional.

    just saying when you point fingers at people, remember you got 3 more pointing right back at yourself

  23. #23
    MS_PHARM is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I have probably shot a lot lot lot more gear with zero AI than you ever will.
    700mg of mast counteracted those sides on more test and tren than you can shake a stick at.

    The specificity of a forum discussion... You've came to discuss about pharmacology, you end up wiggling with guys who must prove how great they are because of their massive AAS intake, brilitant sense of humor and funny image resource. Anyway, thanks for contribution to the topic GH. I finish the discussion.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post

    The specificity of a forum discussion... You've came to discuss about pharmacology, you end up wiggling with guys who must prove how great they are because of their massive AAS intake, brilitant sense of humor and funny image resource. Anyway, thanks for contribution to the topic GH. I finish the discussion.
    Why dont you go pick some daisys and post your scientific findings.

    Yes mass doses. I can go shoot ten ml of pharma gradectest right now with zero AI and guess what will become of me...

    I will be full as hell in 48 hrs and feel like a train for a week.

    If you did it you would probably sprout a vagina and have a baby.

    Bottom line no one has said mast was an AI. Ever!
    You have done your damndest to put those words in someones mouth.

  25. #25
    MS_PHARM is offline New Member
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    Another thing and the last one hopefully, because the more you post Obs, the deeper my embarrassment.

    Actually, basing on your following answers we can see you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Masteron can be used to eliminate the need for AI in many cases like it did with me. I have elevated estrogen which is anabolic and I get all the good from it with none of the bad. This doesn't work for everyone but it was an idea I tested after two years with no AI on big boy cycles. It worked like a charm.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Yes mass doses. I can go shoot ten ml of pharma gradectest right now with zero AI and guess what will become of me...
    You mean that your E2 level while on massive amounts of aromatizing AAS is skyrocketing without an AI (probably comparable to the 1st trimester of a pregnancy, which is obvious w/o an AI) and you experience no sides from that because of Masteron only. And you still benefit from E2 anabolic properties.

    Following this line of reasoning you say that drostanolone's anti-estrogenic unique properties allows you to deal with E2 excess sides in men. So you're not bloated, brah, and your bud is stiff as steel, since you say that only sides you experience is slight PRL increase and a modest mammary gland enlargement.

    Do you see at this point the lack of logic or want me to explain further?

  26. #26
    HoldMyBeer is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    I know that you're something like a guru on this forum (I visit this website sometimes to compare AAS users thoughts and experiences to literature facts - conclusions are sometimes very useful, sometimes I just have fun of a BS), but unfortunately you haven't added anything new to the topic this time.

    I wrote that it was designed for this purpose, why do you repeat it unnecessarily?

    This nomenclature analysis always amuses me. Type in google "Masteron as an anti-estrogen" and read the article from 2006, is this a place you take your brilliant ideas from? The name of the drug indicates the direction of it's action, it's a common practice, so what? It was designed for this purpose, YES, 40 years ago (when new solutions were sought, now Masteron is nothing compared to AIs, modern SERMs, etc.) - actually as I've mentioned ND provides the same effect despite it wasn't designed to treat breast cancer. Sildenafil was created to treat angina pectoris (slightly reduces symptoms actually, but ofc there're much better drugs in the field - the same about MASTbshitting). So your argument basing on nomenclature is completely pointless.

    They were just looking for another DHT derivative with AR-agonistic properties (so anti-ER) with alleviated sides.

    By the way:

    It's often like that, nothing surprising - the researchers themselves suggest that it's just another nice DHT for BB purpose (lmao).

    I didn't say that bro-science is completely wrong here, actually I wrote that:

    I can't see any overreaction here.

    No, not in this way.

    Stop with this analysis of words, please, it doesn't add anything useful.

    Partly yes (ER-activation transcription final products synthesis is disrupted), but not in SERM type of action.

    Summarizing, drostanolone is without a doubt a cool DHT derivative, but let's not look for magic where the matter is quite simple.
    After this thread, I've now decided I don't like you. You seem pretty douchee to me. You are now worse than those "brahs" you were previously mocking. Congratulations

    Oh and btw, those studies that are peer reviewed and published, you don't have the education or qualifications to question them. When the studies were published doesn't matter, the science hasn't changed. You're the one coming on here w broscience.

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
    Last edited by HoldMyBeer; 11-18-2018 at 06:44 AM.
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  27. #27
    MS_PHARM is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HoldMyBeer View Post
    After this thread, I've now decided I don't like you. You seem pretty douchee to me. You are now worse than those "brahs" you were previously mocking. Congratulations

    Oh and btw, those studies that are peer reviewed and published, you don't have the education or qualifications to question them. When the studies were published doesn't matter, the science hasn't changed. You're the one coming on here w broscience.

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    I don't care, the style suits me in the Internet, normally I'm cool. The thing is I absolutely have right to challenge old myths (oh and btw how do you know what my educational status is, lmao, another dashing guy), because I'm up-to-date in the research cus of my proffession and passion.

  28. #28
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    Attachment 174945

    Ok MS_PHARM, explain this. I saw this at the super Walmart the other day.

    How are his biomechanics letting him work the gas and brake?
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  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    Another thing and the last one hopefully, because the more you post Obs, the deeper my embarrassment.

    Actually, basing on your following answers we can see you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

    You mean that your E2 level while on massive amounts of aromatizing AAS is skyrocketing without an AI (probably comparable to the 1st trimester of a pregnancy, which is obvious w/o an AI) and you experience no sides from that because of Masteron only. And you still benefit from E2 anabolic properties.

    Following this line of reasoning you say that drostanolone's anti-estrogenic unique properties allows you to deal with E2 excess sides in men. So you're not bloated, brah, and your bud is stiff as steel, since you say that only sides you experience is slight PRL increase and a modest mammary gland enlargement.

    Do you see at this point the lack of logic or want me to explain further?
    No my estrogen levels are much higher than one pregnant woman.

    Since you seem so interested I fuck three times a day. No bloat, no retained water from estrogen.
    My dogs are scared of me they watch me fuck my gf and yell so much.

    Guys like you will let logic get in the way of everything. You wont ever be shit at this because you stay in your safe zone and yell out from the sidlines that everyone is stupid.

    I have done it. I am doing it.

    Flawed logic? The only thing out of range in my standard bloodwork (heart liver kidneys areteries...) is my cholesterol wich is pretty much standard for tren use.

    You are blind as shit to everything I have said cousin.

    Go back and re read until you understand. I covered every single aspect of your post.
    Last edited by Obs; 11-18-2018 at 09:44 AM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MS_PHARM View Post
    I don't care, the style suits me in the Internet, normally I'm cool. The thing is I absolutely have right to challenge old myths (oh and btw how do you know what my educational status is, lmao, another dashing guy), because I'm up-to-date in the research cus of my proffession and passion.
    There was no myth on this board.
    You invented a myth and attackrd gh when he commented. That was the whole reason you made this thread and suprise it worked.

    No one ever said Mast was an AI.
    It can be used to mitigate the sides of elevated estrogen allowing you to reap the anabolic benefits from the estrogen without the sides.

    Do you got that cousin?
    HoldMyBeer, GearHeaded and balance like this.

  31. #31
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    No one ever said Mast was an AI.
    It can be used to mitigate the sides of elevated estrogen allowing you to reap the anabolic benefits from the estrogen without the sides.
    doesn't get anymore simple of an explanation then that.
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  32. #32
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    This thread has run its course. Topic has been discussed and both sides stated thier views.

    It's now locked.


    PS. Don't make me flex my authoritay
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  33. #33
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    There was no myth on this board.
    You invented a myth and attackrd gh when he commented.
    I never even got a chance to really even respond to the OPs original points. all I did to start was show that Masteron was originally designed by a pharmaceutical company with 'anti estrogenic' properties in mind, hince the reason they named the drug MASTeron .

    thats a non debatable fact . yet somehow it still got debated . hmmm, sounds like someone whose whole purpose is simply to look for arguments
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  34. #34
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    the simple fact of the matter is in the last few months this board has really taken a turn for the better and there's only two variables that have been removed cousin muscles and Marcus

    This is not the attitude we need here and MS pharm.

    it's really quite obvious who you are and what your goals are we're not going to let you turn this board into a fucking split down the middle clicked up faction orientated hell hole again

    If you don't like it you can leave
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  35. #35
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    Remember guys. We want to hear different sides.
    But let’s not do it in a condescending way.
    Pharma- please allow differing opinions from yours and have an intelligent discussion.
    GH has been professional about this and has not made any personal attacks.
    The site has turned a corner and is much more open to differing opinions. Let’s not return to the “my way or the highway” mentality.

    BTW- Couch- your fired! This was not blocked. LOL

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  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Remember guys. We want to hear different sides.
    But let’s not do it in a condescending way.
    Pharma- please allow differing opinions from yours and have an intelligent discussion.
    GH has been professional about this and has not made any personal attacks.
    The site has turned a corner and is much more open to differing opinions. Let’s not return to the “my way or the highway” mentality.

    BTW- Couch- your fired! This was not blocked. LOL

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    Take it up with the higher ups.

    I've been asking for admin powers to no avail.

    I couldn't even get 300 seconds on my birthday.

    But it's fun to pretend.
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  37. #37
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    Masteron as an anti-oestrogen agent - NO

    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Take it up with the higher ups.

    I've been asking for admin powers to no avail.

    I couldn't even get 300 seconds on my birthday.

    But it's fun to pretend.

    Pretend your fires then!

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  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post

    Pretend your fires then!

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    Now I got to pretend to collect food Stamps and unemployment. I'm imaginary fucked.

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  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    Now I got to pretend to collect food Stamps and unemployment. I'm imaginary fucked.

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    You made my day!!!

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  40. #40
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    And this thread shows why I rarely post. You’re just another weak bitch trying to start trouble because you know someone can’t snatch your smart ass mouth up. Gh is the reason I found new interest in this board and here you are trying to bash someone for sharing knowledge that goes against the grain a little. I bet high school was really hard on you
    Obs, Capebuffalo and Chrisp83TRT like this.

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