I finished my first ever Test only cycle in September with decent results , but left alot on the table and would say I maximized only 50% effectiveness .

turned 27 at end of sept, Been lifting on/off for 7 years , I got consistent with diet & training for 6 months before starting cycle. I ran Test cyp 500mg 2x per week .
6'1 starting weight 190 lbs . end weight 215 lbs . total cycle length from 1st pin 17 weeks

im muslim and fast for ramadan . ive always viewed this month as an obstacle because the fasting hours are so long that I end up not training the whole month because im drained of energy and the fact that I have little control over my diet that month messed with my head & every year I've always lost pretty much the previous 6 months of gains during that month

after learning about test and its muscle preserving qualities, i decided a cycle would be a good way to preserve muscle mass during the month of fasting, so i started with my first pin 2 weeks before first day of ramadan . i pinned 2x a week throughout the month but did not go to gym during the month at all (retarded i know) . i got in as much protein as possible during the hours i could eat and it did work to preserve muscle , i lost a few pounds compared to the usual 15lbs+ i normally lose .
as soon Ramadan finished, i started going consistent 5x day a week , ate heavy with high calorie & protein intake and increased lifts consistently and blew thru every plateau with ease. i screwed up by not being nearly as disciplined as i wanted to be and inconsistent in that i would take unplanned days off and also it was summer & i partied too much , drank heavy too often sometimes around 2x a week and had inconsistent sleep patterns .

after last pin , i had a 2 week gap and then did a 4 week PCT with nolva, clomid and arimidex which last day was Oct 12

taking all into consideration, i was happy with the results given half-ass effort and decided its time to take this seriously and get ready for another cycle that i'll actually give it everything ive got to maximize my efforts , which meant getting my shit together well in advance of next cycle

that meant a total lifestyle change .

starting on the Oct 14 , i gave up drinking entirely . havent had a sip of alcohol since and it will stay that way. also gave up pot and im completely clean of any substances at all. at end of PCT i was 205 lbs

since oct 14, ive been consistent 5x a week and training every session as hard as I can go, increasing lifts consistently , sleeping consistent 8 hrs a night and bulking diet in check tho i still have room for improvement.

im focusing on weaknesses (lower body ..due to not training lower body consistently in previous years up to 2017 )

im back at currently 215 lbs , about 15% bf and strongest i ever been , stronger than i was on cycle, with strict form ...but still nowhere near my goals
current supplements are creatine + whey

my goal is to use fasting of upcoming ramadan in 2019 (1st day is May 5 and last day is June 4th) to my advantage instead of as an obstacle and i want to figure out the best way to do so .

im planning to do a Test cyp + Tren cycle for 16 weeks

goal at end of cycle is be down to 10% BF and ideally 225 lbs

i have a 5 month runway until i have to start fasting and want advice on best way to approach this.. rough plan right now is to bulk until then and then cut during ramadan with high reps / low weight lifting + intense interval cardio .. and then back to a 12 week clean bulk (+300 cal over maint) and then cut for final 4 weeks of cycle
what is the best way to approach this to maximize effectiveness of the cycle?
should i start cycle after ramadan is over?

planning to bump up to 6x per week training during cycle