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Thread: Pin triceps

  1. #1
    EDCG19's Avatar
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    Pin triceps

    For anyone who injects triceps explain the method to me. I need a new injection site and I'm looking at the tris now but need to know how and where to pin

    I'll be using 27g needle and do I flex the tricep head or go in soft and pin into the muscle relaxed and not flexed??

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  2. #2
    KennyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    For anyone who injects triceps explain the method to me. I need a new injection site and I'm looking at the tris now but need to know how and where to pin

    I'll be using 27g needle and do I flex the tricep head or go in soft and pin into the muscle relaxed and not flexed??

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    Definitely wait on other answers because I'm not a veteran but I've heard to relax the muscle you're injecting into for better absorption.

  3. #3
    JDV_MV's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EDCG19 View Post
    For anyone who injects triceps explain the method to me. I need a new injection site and I'm looking at the tris now but need to know how and where to pin

    I'll be using 27g needle and do I flex the tricep head or go in soft and pin into the muscle relaxed and not flexed??

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    I've done both flex and straight arm found no difference...

    Easiest go in long head but even lateral head is fine.

    Always used 23G 1" in small muscle except glutes which used 21G 1 1/2"

    Don't put more than 2ml, which is 1.5ml would be better to avoiding oil pops out. Leave needle in once oil injected for about 30 sec before pulling out. Also inject slowly not Un one go to let the oil goes in properly...



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  4. #4
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    I crouch to a knee and set my elbow on a coutertop, with my arm bent and hand on my head or vertical, I pin dead center of the bottom side of my arm.

    And I shoot the sides occasionally.

    I dont asperate because I don't give a rats ass if I hit a vein or not but it makes some folks panic though I think injecting a vein is extremely rare and most guys imagine they are hitting one when they aren't. But I only have pinned myself thousands of times all over.

    In short of what this link will say...

    People asperate because the want to.
    No real benefit, no real negative.

    I have always considered people who do groundless things superstitious so I cant reall asperate, because I am not superstitious. My gf is though! She is cute as shit about it! You sweep her feet though and she will beat your ass!

    I have been injected by a shit ton of doctors and nurses. Never had an asperation performed. 8-l

    Why it is so prevalent of juice boards is monkey see monkey do or else these are the same folks that draw an "x" on their windshield every time they pass a black cat in their car like my girl does.
    Last edited by Obs; 12-26-2018 at 02:22 AM.
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  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    I hit tri's on regular

    Arm down, relaxed - pretty much in the tip(or around) the tri

    It's def an acquired taste, but I still can't get myself to shoot my bi's
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  6. #6
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    I have been shooting bi’s and tri’s recently. I have been using a .5” 27g needle and haven’t gone over 1ml yet. Tri’s have been the best by far. Arms straight but not flexed, and right into the upper center of the tri where the most meat is... maybe a coupe inches down from your rear delt. I experience no pain during or after the injection. Biceps have been ok but have had a couple problems...
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    I have been shooting bi’s and tri’s recently. I have been using a .5” 27g needle and haven’t gone over 1ml yet. Tri’s have been the best by far. Arms straight but not flexed, and right into the upper center of the tri where the most meat is... maybe a coupe inches down from your rear delt. I experience no pain during or after the injection. Biceps have been ok but have had a couple problems...
    Pinned prop in my bicep one time years ago when I was having to rotate so many places and it frogged up. It was really sore but I enjoyed the look of that swollen bicep for about 2 days lol
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  8. #8
    EDCG19's Avatar
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    I'm giving this a try in a day
    Doesnt sound to bad tbh but I have concerns since it's not easy as glutes or delts

    Or I'm over complicating it and as long as it gets into the muscle tissue it shouldn't be an issue...

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  9. #9
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    I think pinning areas and what not....goes like this.

    Example, Samson hits tri's on the regular, but can't bring himself to hut bi's.

    I on the other hand hit bi's on the regular, but can't even fathom tri's. I also prefer quads on cycle exclusively.
    I hit the all the time anything over .5cc goes into them.

    I can't fathom hitting the glutes or lats.

    Some guys who are terrified of needless only can use glutes and end up using a place like lats as secondary site.

    I believe it's all about or perceived notion of how it should feel like is what dictates how it feels to us.

    I fear triceps because it was a horrible horrible spot to get tattooed for me, fucking terrible, same with back.

    So I know it's sensitive there. It think i do, so I have this cringe about poking a thick needle there.

    Comes down to personal preference, and how adventurous we are to try something out if our comfort zone .

    I think we should make a pact for new years. We should all pin the spots we avoid out of fear or just haven't tried yet.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I think pinning areas and what not....goes like this.

    Example, Samson hits tri's on the regular, but can't bring himself to hut bi's.

    I on the other hand hit bi's on the regular, but can't even fathom tri's. I also prefer quads on cycle exclusively.
    I hit the all the time anything over .5cc goes into them.

    I can't fathom hitting the glutes or lats.

    Some guys who are terrified of needless only can use glutes and end up using a place like lats as secondary site.

    I believe it's all about or perceived notion of how it should feel like is what dictates how it feels to us.

    I fear triceps because it was a horrible horrible spot to get tattooed for me, fucking terrible, same with back.

    So I know it's sensitive there. It think i do, so I have this cringe about poking a thick needle there.

    Comes down to personal preference, and how adventurous we are to try something out if our comfort zone .

    I think we should make a pact for new years. We should all pin the spots we avoid out of fear or just haven't tried yet.
    Using a smaller amount at first is important.
    Quads are still my least favorite.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Using a smaller amount at first is important.
    Quads are still my least favorite.
    Yea quads are an adventure for me like Diesel said. It seems when I get the wrong spot there that I have pinned directly into a nerve.
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  12. #12
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    for me the main difference between injection sites is simply how much gear that site can hold compared to another site.
    I'm comfortable with 3cc in my lats, but only 1.5cc in my outer bicep. which one of those I actually pin doesn't really matter. I pin front, side, and rear delts, triceps, outer bicep, inner bicep, pecs, lats, glutes, quads (and if I run out of places to put oil I guess I'll have to start hitting traps, calves and forearms too).

    just gotta get into the mindset that muscle is muscle. wither your pinning your pec or your tricep in reality there is not a whole lot of difference.

    though being familiar with artery and nerve routes in the body is important before you just go randomly jabbing yourself
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 12-27-2018 at 09:14 AM.
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  13. #13
    i_SLAM_cougars is offline Banned- for my own actions
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    I’ve heard rumors of higher blood plasma levels if you inject into larger muscle groups.

    You know anything about that Gear?
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by < > View Post
    ...., but I still can't get myself to shoot my bi's
    Once you start, you'll never stop. Like quads, it hurt like a mofo the first time (1.5ml) but now it's my favorite. Quads, bi's, pecs, delts, repeat. I can't reach my lats (because they're to small), i can't reach my ass (because I'm inflexible and uncoordinated), and F the calves (I'm too scared).

    I also don't asperate, mostly because of my uncoordinatedness. But whatever makes you feel good about it.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Charlie67 View Post
    Once you start, you'll never stop. Like quads, it hurt like a mofo the first time (1.5ml) but now it's my favorite. Quads, bi's, pecs, delts, repeat. I can't reach my lats (because they're to small), i can't reach my ass (because I'm inflexible and uncoordinated), and F the calves (I'm too scared).

    I also don't asperate, mostly because of my uncoordinatedness. But whatever makes you feel good about it.
    Charlie, if you do want to start aspirating what I found to be easiest is after you have stuck it in the muscle I just let the syringe rest In my hand and take my thumbnail and push back on the handle. This is of course when doing places where you can only use one hand. I know some people just have no desire to aspirate , anyway just thought I would share what works for me in case you wanted to try it.
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  16. #16
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars View Post
    I’ve heard rumors of higher blood plasma levels if you inject into larger muscle groups.

    You know anything about that Gear?
    yes this is true. the more muscle tissue surrounding a depot injection the more steady and better absorbed that depot will be (and thus better plasma levels).

    but, this is more relevant with very low dose cycles and trt. if your a bodybuilder running super high dosages (say 3-6cc of volume per day) then your just trying to fit all that oil wherever you can. and your dosages are so high to begin with the blood plasma levels are steadily off the chart anyways
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  17. #17
    i_SLAM_cougars is offline Banned- for my own actions
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    Makes sense when you put it that way

  18. #18
    EDCG19's Avatar
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    Basically third day pip in tricep now
    Not sure what was different between this pin than any other but i followed the same injection technique i usually use
    27g needle, pin for 30 seconds total (no aspirate ofcourse, not worried about coughing)
    So far three days pip, wondering if its probably because of the new injection spot getting all the oil into the tricep??

  19. #19
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    How much did you inject?

  20. #20
    EDCG19's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    How much did you inject?
    TRT dose
    Doesnt matter how much...

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  21. #21
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
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    What do you mean it doesn’t matter how much you inject? If you pumped 2mls into your triceps your going to feel a lot more pip than if you injected .5ml lol

  22. #22
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yeahbuddy289 View Post
    What do you mean it doesn’t matter how much you inject? If you pumped 2mls into your triceps your going to feel a lot more pip than if you injected .5ml lol
    What he meant was he pinned a trt dose as mentioned above about 4 posts. He was expecting the assumption to be 1ml or less, which is perfectly reasonable for any muscle to hold.

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