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Thread: hypothetical question about stack....

  1. #81
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Members of this forum with more experiences on bodybuilding should be respect. For they are the gurus who helps everyone, I honestly think so!
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  2. #82
    Couchlockd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    Members of this forum with more experiences on bodybuilding should be respect. For they are the gurus who helps everyone, I honestly think so!
    God damn right Dave.

    Few think of the sacrifice that comes with life experience and then willing to share it for free.

    Hell, back I'm the day, you damn near had to give handjobs for mortal Kombat moves, now you can just smart phone answers

    Same with steroids and AAS, guys like GH, OBS, Kel-Kel, etc. Took the risk, played a dangerous game, took the bumbs on the head and then are willing to share the knowledge so guys like me don't have to take the knocks. Then we have negative Nancy's who want "scientists to back it up"

    With out ever realizing how scientific shit really started. TRIAL AND ERROR!
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  3. #83
    Quester's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    Something that needs to be made clear to all:

    #1 Not long ago this board had a very single minded approach to AAS.

    #2 We have a much more diverse group of opinions here now and much more tolerance of said opinions.
    Less name calling and less arguing.


    If you are some guy trying to look nice for the ladies, boost your sex drive, or just check out what happens when you cycle or step outside trt....

    You best take a conservative approach and follow the well explained and stickied protocols.

    IF YOU HAVE PUT CAUTION ASIDE and wish to be a freak or serious competitor or your own science experiment....

    Cycling "Time off = time on + pct" will be laughable at best.

    In fact cycling wont cut it period to be a mass monster or even a higher level classic physique competitor. Most dont even have the genetics to get to 200 lbs lbm at 6' with moderate cycles.

    This is a big community of people of all types and dreams.

    If someone reads something here and immediately starts shooting shit with no goals or direction then I guess natural selection can take its course.
    Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

    There is a reason many big beastly bodybuilders die young and it wasnt because they ate a 2000 calorie balanced diet while exercising in moderation.

    They ate shit tons of calorie dense food and shot every damn thing they could. The only time they werent shoveling food into their mouth was when they were dehydrating the hell out of themselves.
    Kidney and heart failure are prevalent amoung these people. Many lived fast and hard and died young. NONE OF THEM WERE SATISFIED with minimal. They wanted it all and they wanted it as fast as possible, to walk amoungst their Gods.

    In the end it is who we are.
    That lack of regard for safety in going after a dream comes with a slew of other common traits.

    These personalities are very Type A dominant:

    Never satisfied
    Always pushing the envelope
    Often self employed or frequently changing jobs
    Adrenaline addicted
    Dopamine dominant
    Closed off in relationships
    Often antisocial
    Often preoccupied with status or wealth (physique in my world)
    Focused evey minute on their goal to the point of suffering losses at every other aspect of their life.

    Guess what natural type A personas are very predispositioned for (No AAS or BBing)....


    Some people will be who they are. Something was going to kill my ass early from the first time I climbed down into the chutes and set a bulls back.
    Adrenaline was my drug not necessarily AAS.

    I would rather die than not be all I can and I will never be satisfied. I have dreams about slowing down and enjoying life, but the only fuckin time I am happy is when I can keep up and shit is flying in all directions. I am not the only one this way. Shit.... I wish I could introduce my brother.

    Now I am rambling.

    It is 2:30 am and I cant sleep because my mind is racing it is a constant battle. I would sleep better on two grams of tren , because at least I feel like I am getting somewhere. I am not on blast though so I get a flood of depressive feelings of failing and being a washed up piece of shit. It races faster and faster through my head until there is no peace. All because I am not pushing the limits I feel.

    I started my career because I was and am afraid of heights. It is 20x more deadly than being a police officer, firefighter, or EMT Speaking of which how dare people people have dangerous jobs!. There are safer ways to earn a living FFS!

    My biggest fear was leaving my high paying job.
    That knot in my gut became something I had to have.
    I havent felt right since I got divorced and beat two felony charges. I needed that stress to feel normal.
    Now, all is well and I can't bear the slow pace of things.

    "To some... speed means freedom of the soul. The question is not, "when he is gonna stop," but "who is gonna stop him?" -vanishing point

    Who is gonna stop me? What will stop me? Me.... when I have messed up bad enough for long enough.
    The only cure for my hardwired mentality is a frontal labotomy or medical incapacity. I would break the landspeed record in a wheelchair if paralyzed waist down. I would be the world champ in a staring contest if paralyzed fully.

    Most high level BB's are not batshit like me but they would find similarities.

    I am gonna go to the mirror and trash talk the skinny squirrel I see in it now. I hate that sonofabitch!

    Attachment 175434

    Goldman's dilemma...

    Quester, I admire you and your dedication to safety and education of such. Some won't be reached though and they are still going to post such as myself.

    I advocate safety. GH does too.
    I won't do it though. It is not my nature.

    AAS is not dangerous! Unless I have it. If I have it I will find a way to make it dangerous to myself.

    I also like to do weird sex stuff with women.
    I will try anything. Does not apply... Or does it?

    -At heart and in function, I am a libertarian.
    -Yesterday, the trail got lost (never get lost in the physical world, just the social world, LOL) and I had to call the park ranger to tell her (it was a her and she was more of a "naturalist" than a ranger) I was running late, as is the duty of anyone for whom another has responsibility. She bristled when I said I'm not lost, the trail has poor signage, I am at ... I said, in the Marines I was a forward observer (indirect fire scout) and the maps are deficient because they do not have contour lines, the mountains, so it is hard to determine position via context of surroundings and comparison to a child's treasure map. She said, "we don't put all of that on there because it confuses people."
    My point, we should enable people with information and let them make their own decision and face their own consequences.
    -Just carelessly throwing out info and without regard to context will hurt people. A shepherd might do more than I but a libertarian shepherd might do the same.
    -Definition of Science: A field where people employ the past experience of others in order to create an understanding of the universe.
    No, there isn't all of the answers in science because science attempts to disprove itself in order to make a strong foundation. The careless disregard for science, in fact it is another form of snobbery, that I see others often display (through lack of understanding of what really is the scientific process) disturbs me just as much as scientists and academics snobbishly disregarding the tried and true of common sense that takes years to learn and pass down to the next generations.
    -I repeat, for scientists and non-scientists alike: Science is built upon the experience of others. Just like common sense.
    -Many people, academics (even scientists) and non-academics, are dissilusioned by academia as a whole and mix it all up into one. A skinny, hippy, rich, 20 year-old, Ivy-leaguer burning shit in the streets of Downtown Portland or in Berkeley protesting against a speech by someone they are to ignorant to listen to because they disagree is not representative of science, they are representative of ignorance. Protesting for a political belief or social injustice, even if based on a "scientific study" is not science. Unfortunately, are stratified society of elitists and Ivory Tower academics do an injustice to science by grouping them.
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  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    -At heart and in function, I am a libertarian.
    -Yesterday, the trail got lost (never get lost in the physical world, just the social world, LOL) and I had to call the park ranger to tell her (it was a her and she was more of a "naturalist" than a ranger) I was running late, as is the duty of anyone for whom another has responsibility. She bristled when I said I'm not lost, the trail has poor signage, I am at ... I said, in the Marines I was a forward observer (indirect fire scout) and the maps are deficient because they do not have contour lines, the mountains, so it is hard to determine position via context of surroundings and comparison to a child's treasure map. She said, "we don't put all of that on there because it confuses people."
    My point, we should enable people with information and let them make their own decision and face their own consequences.
    -Just carelessly throwing out info and without regard to context will hurt people. A shepherd might do more than I but a libertarian shepherd might do the same.
    -Definition of Science: A field where people employ the past experience of others in order to create an understanding of the universe.
    No, there isn't all of the answers in science because science attempts to disprove itself in order to make a strong foundation. The careless disregard for science, in fact it is another form of snobbery, that I see others often display (through lack of understanding of what really is the scientific process) disturbs me just as much as scientists and academics snobbishly disregarding the tried and true of common sense that takes years to learn and pass down to the next generations.
    -I repeat, for scientists and non-scientists alike: Science is built upon the experience of others. Just like common sense.
    -Many people, academics (even scientists) and non-academics, are dissilusioned by academia as a whole and mix it all up into one. A skinny, hippy, rich, 20 year-old, Ivy-leaguer burning shit in the streets of Downtown Portland or in Berkeley protesting against a speech by someone they are to ignorant to listen to because they disagree is not representative of science, they are representative of ignorance. Protesting for a political belief or social injustice, even if based on a "scientific study" is not science. Unfortunately, are stratified society of elitists and Ivory Tower academics do an injustice to science by grouping them.
    I understand what you are doing and what your concern is and I respect it.
    You are making people aware but bear in mind GH does so too. He has stated many times it is not safe and is his advanced and crazy experiments. I am thankful for knowing the safe way and my way.

    AAS is like all things.

    Oxyco as an example... I was in pain so:

    I took one and got half relief.

    I took two and got full relief.

    I took three and got high.

    I took four. And overdosed and died.

    Science is not to be disregarded but science has not and will not ever study AAS at the doses we take them or in the means we do because it is considered unethical.

    Us looney toons are the only scientists in this respect through tried and proven methods.
    You and GH are both great guys and very knowledgeable.
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  5. #85
    GearHeaded is offline BANNED
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    -At heart and in function, I am a libertarian.
    -Yesterday, the trail got lost (never get lost in the physical world, just the social world, LOL) and I had to call the park ranger to tell her (it was a her and she was more of a "naturalist" than a ranger) I was running late, as is the duty of anyone for whom another has responsibility. She bristled when I said I'm not lost, the trail has poor signage, I am at ... I said, in the Marines I was a forward observer (indirect fire scout) and the maps are deficient because they do not have contour lines, the mountains, so it is hard to determine position via context of surroundings and comparison to a child's treasure map. She said, "we don't put all of that on there because it confuses people."
    My point, we should enable people with information and let them make their own decision and face their own consequences.
    -Just carelessly throwing out info and without regard to context will hurt people. A shepherd might do more than I but a libertarian shepherd might do the same.
    -Definition of Science: A field where people employ the past experience of others in order to create an understanding of the universe.
    No, there isn't all of the answers in science because science attempts to disprove itself in order to make a strong foundation. The careless disregard for science, in fact it is another form of snobbery, that I see others often display (through lack of understanding of what really is the scientific process) disturbs me just as much as scientists and academics snobbishly disregarding the tried and true of common sense that takes years to learn and pass down to the next generations.
    -I repeat, for scientists and non-scientists alike: Science is built upon the experience of others. Just like common sense.
    -Many people, academics (even scientists) and non-academics, are dissilusioned by academia as a whole and mix it all up into one. A skinny, hippy, rich, 20 year-old, Ivy-leaguer burning shit in the streets of Downtown Portland or in Berkeley protesting against a speech by someone they are to ignorant to listen to because they disagree is not representative of science, they are representative of ignorance. Protesting for a political belief or social injustice, even if based on a "scientific study" is not science. Unfortunately, are stratified society of elitists and Ivory Tower academics do an injustice to science by grouping them.

    ^ can you support any of these 'opinions' and 'ideas' and 'experiences' of yours with evidence and facts please

    of course you don't have to lol. its a public forum where we are all entitled to our own ways of thinking and doing things
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 01-06-2019 at 02:39 PM.
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  6. #86
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    -I am not suggesting there is any reason to preface any advice with a lecture about safety.
    -There are three types of people, Sheep, wolves and shepherds. Failing to be a shepherd makes you a sheep or a wolf.
    -The only thing two things I found objectionable are the same whether it is in this forum or in academia, misleading by intent or omission. If one takes it upon theirself to answer another's request for advice, one should show enough common sense and integrity to know the audience, know the question and try to deliver advice that fits the situation. It is acceptable that advice can be wrong, the intent is what counts.
    -What fired me up was the attack on the member in the workouts section who was on TRT and the attack on Dannyboy in this thread and the misrepresentation of science. Science is the one thing that our entire civilization is built upon, it is integrity, truth and reason. There are many countries, that do not have this, we call them communists and facists.
    -Anyone can attack all they want to, I will continue to be a libertarian shepherd. Over the past 44 years, I've taken many vows, pledges and oaths which dictate to me that putting the welfare of others first is what makes my world better.
    -The advancement of knowledge, in the science of AAS, that this forum provides those who will put the time in to listen and learn is a benefit to the greater good. Now that I have learned enough to use it for myself, the comradery sustains my involvement.
    -I will not take it upon myself to get involved but nor will I promise to ignore.
    Last edited by Quester; 01-06-2019 at 02:41 PM.
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  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by GearHeaded View Post
    ^ can you support any of these 'opinions' and 'ideas' and 'experiences' of yours with evidence and facts please

    of course you don't have to lol. its a public forum where we are all entitled to our own ways of thinking and doing things
    -GH, it is unclear what ideas or opinions you would like to be clarified.
    -I've said many times before, you are very knowledgeable and I respect that, I respect you as much as anyone else.
    -I look forward to learning more from you. And, most should know by now, the previous statement is not kissing your ass because you are worthy respect for that and I don't have enough concern for others to lie just for the sake of peace. Hopefully, you take satisfaction in knowing that I am also learning from you.
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  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    -I am not suggesting there is any reason to preface any advice with a lecture about safety.
    -There are three types of people, Sheep, wolves and shepherds. Failing to be a shepherd makes you a sheep or a wolf.
    -The only thing two things I found objectionable are the same whether it is in this forum or in academia, misleading by intent or omission. If one takes it upon theirself to answer another's request for advice, one should show enough common sense and integrity to know the audience, know the question and try to deliver advice that fits the situation. It is acceptable that advice can be wrong, the intent is what counts.
    -What fired me up was the attack on the member in the workouts section who was on TRT and the attack on Dannyboy in this thread and the misrepresentation of science. Science is the one thing that our entire civilization is built upon, it is integrity, truth and reason. There are many countries, that do not have this, we call them communists and facists.
    -Anyone can attack all they want to, I will continue to be a libertarian shepherd. Over the past 44 years, I've taken many vows, pledges and oaths which dictate to me that putting the welfare of others first is what makes my world better.
    -The advancement of knowledge, in the science of AAS, that this forum provides those who will put the time in to listen and learn is a benefit to the greater good. Now that I have learned enough to use it for myself, the comradery sustains my involvement.
    -I will not take it upon myself to get involved but nor will I promise to ignore.
    I am no shepherd.
    I guess I am a wolf because this shit is illegal and science has confirmed it dangerous at high doses.
    I will still do it though. I will still talk about it too.

    If some reads my dosages or methods and applies them thinking they are safe then they are SOL.

    Scientific advancements are made by ballsy people taking risks.

    The right brothers were called idiots and told if God wanted man to fly he would have wings.

    One of them strapped his as into a homemade POS and took off though.

    Knowledge is up to the individual to learn and expand on. Its not my place to keep secrets and protect them from my opinions. In fact to do so would be very.... Wolfish.
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  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    -GH, it is unclear what ideas or opinions you would like to be clarified.
    -I've said many times before, you are very knowledgeable and I respect that, I respect you as much as anyone else.
    -I look forward to learning more from you. And, most should know by now, the previous statement is not kissing your ass because you are worthy respect for that and I don't have enough concern for others to lie just for the sake of peace. Hopefully, you take satisfaction in knowing that I am also learning from you.
    I like this post a lot and I hope you see that this is what GH is doing and I belie e you were misunderstood as well. Everything should be questioned and not blindly followed.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I am no shepherd.
    I guess I am a wolf because this shit is illegal and science has confirmed it dangerous at high doses.
    I will still do it though. I will still talk about it too.

    If some reads my dosages or methods and applies them thinking they are safe then they are SOL.

    Scientific advancements are made by ballsy people taking risks.

    The right brothers were called idiots and told if God wanted man to fly he would have wings.

    One of them strapped his as into a homemade POS and took off though.

    Knowledge is up to the individual to learn and expand on. Its not my place to keep secrets and protect them from my opinions. In fact to do so would be very.... Wolfish.
    Based upon what I said above (and I do not put myself out there as the one who decides, it is the individual who decides) I fail to see how this makes you a wolf. None of what I said is in opposition with this post.
    Last edited by Quester; 01-06-2019 at 03:18 PM.
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  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    Based upon what I said above (and I do not put myself out there as the one who decides, it is the individual who decides) I fail to see how this makes you a wolf. None of what I said is in opposition with this post.
    I misunderstood from the start.
    My apologies

  12. #92
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    No need, brother.
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  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    No need, brother.
    Now.... time for a group hug!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Now.... time for a group hug!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I prefer circle jerks
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  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I prefer circle jerks
    For you, my friend:

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  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    For you, my friend:

    Haaahaaa! Thats terrible!

  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    - in the Marines I was a forward observer (indirect fire scout)

    Damn. Thank you for your service Quester!
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  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obs View Post
    I prefer circle jerks

    Why is no one surprised?
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  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dannyboy51577 View Post
    Kel- sorry to have to be the one to tell you, but the eagles wont make it out of the first round. No dog mask, super bowl appearance this yr

    Condolences Danny!
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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  20. #100
    wizzy is offline Junior Member
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    well that was a interesting 3 pages to read ngl

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