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Thread: Sharing online ordering experience I had

  1. #1
    sn1per's Avatar
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    Sharing online ordering experience I had


    I haven't been on in a while. Mostly due to the ton of info on here, I really don't need to ask questions. My source got sloppy with the packaging and it was intercepted. It arrived with customs tape on it (I thought it may have been Taiwan customs). I had to go sign for it at the post office. The name on the package wasn't mine. It's a friends package. I think they checked my ID. Don't remember. I did my usual storage of items and had to deploy for job (intelligence world).

    When I returned from deployment I learned local, state, and federal peeps came to my house with pictures of my items. Wife knew nothing. They asked if I was in the post office on a certain date. She told them I was deployed. It freaked me out as it sounded like a controlled delivery. I was so panicked, I went fight or flight. Jumped in my car and left the area for a few hours. It gave me time to analyze the situation. I know first hand what big brother has in it's arsenal (local, state, & federal). They told my wife that someone may have used our mailbox as a drop point as we are out in the sticks.

    What I learned -
    1. I'm not signing for shit. If there is any question, I know nothing and it's not mine.
    2. I've gotten better at securing my stuff. I won't go into details here, but imagine the TV show Get Smart with the 500 doors. I have it IR, Thermal, and x-ray proofed. (told you it freaked me out).

    Anyway, just wanted to share my bad experience with online stuff.

  2. #2
    Octaneforce's Avatar
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    Im assuming it was an international source? Was it a ton of stuff? Pretty weird for them to waste their time on a couple vials of test.

  3. #3
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
    Test Monsterone is offline Anabolic Member
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    A lot of times if you don’t sign you don’t get your stuff.

  4. #4
    Dgs59's Avatar
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    Which country are you in? And how much stuff did you order? Usually few testosterone veils and few pills get caught, the custom doesn't chase you up for that, they will tell you it has been seized that's all because the quantity of stuff is just to low to follow up on it or spend their resources on 'you' rather then actual supplier. Unless you ordered for whole gym
    Last edited by Dgs59; 10-29-2019 at 12:46 AM.
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  5. #5
    sv.elia's Avatar
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    I always sign with a different signature for stuff I'm not willing to take responsibility for. For mine I used the left hand and the adress of the dorm where I spent my studentship . I don't know how effective this would be if someone were indeed looking for it, but I really doubt someone cares about two vials.
    Last edited by sv.elia; 11-01-2019 at 02:11 AM.
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  6. #6
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sn1per View Post

    I haven't been on in a while. Mostly due to the ton of info on here, I really don't need to ask questions. My source got sloppy with the packaging and it was intercepted. It arrived with customs tape on it (I thought it may have been Taiwan customs). I had to go sign for it at the post office. The name on the package wasn't mine. It's a friends package. I think they checked my ID. Don't remember. I did my usual storage of items and had to deploy for job (intelligence world).

    When I returned from deployment I learned local, state, and federal peeps came to my house with pictures of my items. Wife knew nothing. They asked if I was in the post office on a certain date. She told them I was deployed. It freaked me out as it sounded like a controlled delivery. I was so panicked, I went fight or flight. Jumped in my car and left the area for a few hours. It gave me time to analyze the situation. I know first hand what big brother has in it's arsenal (local, state, & federal). They told my wife that someone may have used our mailbox as a drop point as we are out in the sticks.

    What I learned -
    1. I'm not signing for shit. If there is any question, I know nothing and it's not mine.
    2. I've gotten better at securing my stuff. I won't go into details here, but imagine the TV show Get Smart with the 500 doors. I have it IR, Thermal, and x-ray proofed. (told you it freaked me out).

    Anyway, just wanted to share my bad experience with online stuff.
    BS your house is not thermal, xray, or IR proof. Your whole story is full of inconsistencies, and it's not how this stuff works. Plus if you were truly in the intelligence field and you saw the tape you wouldn't have signed for the package. I have received a pack with the tape, but it was just delivered as normal. Nobody in their right mind would sign for a package with bright green tape that says examined by customs/border patrol. I forgot the exact wording but that's roughly what the tape says, and its bright green.

    How did you explain away the products they had proof you took possession of? If they go through the effort of documenting the contents and delivering it your going to jail. I have inside knowledge of how some of this works, because I have worked for sources along with having buddies who sourced at a high level. One of them is in prison right now for operating a very well known lab.

    Bottom line is your story didnt happen the way you claimed it did.
    Dgs59, HoldMyBeer and XnavyHMCS like this.

  7. #7
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    International can go suck it, it’s not worth the effort atm

    And yes, you have to sign for most international shipments

  8. #8
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post

    International can go suck it, it’s not worth the effort atm

    And yes, you have to sign for most international shipments
    I know you have to sign for most international, but that's only due to the method they use. There are lots of options that dont require signature. If you ever saw the customs tape you would not sign for the package. The only reason I have seen it, is because a pack was delivered no signature required. It had been opened, and looked at the stealth was good enough that they didn't investigate further and sent the pack to me. If it would have required a signature I would have never signed for it.

    I have seen how things work from both sides, and a package with pictures would result in arrest. They did exactly what this guy is claiming for someone who received raws for an big lab. That was the beginning of the end. They wont take pictures and just let you pick up the package. They would have attempted delivery another time to get the pack in your hand on their terms. Then they would execute a search warrant.

    There were 2 large bust a couple years ago, 2 of the biggest labs sat the time, and I witnessed from afar how they busted both of them. It was the same way controlled delivery to one of the labs middlemen. This is the reason I got out of working for labs, the pay wasnt worth the risk anymore.

    His story doesnt add up, even without the secret squirrel IR proofing of his house. There is risk regardless of whether you order domestic or international. The number of packs seized is very low, and I dont worry to much when ordering international. If iran hormone, belco, capsian, and other pharmaceutical brands were available domestic I would choose that over international.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	images.jpeg 
Views:	75 
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ID:	177426
    This is what they use to re tape your package. Would anybody in there right mind sign for a package looking like that. Considering he used a fake name as well. Why not just tell them they have the wrong person and not accept the package.
    Last edited by jstone; 11-02-2019 at 02:27 AM.
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  9. #9
    Dgs59's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstone View Post

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	images.jpeg 
Views:	75 
Size:	7.8 KB 
ID:	177426
    This is what they use to re tape your package. Would anybody in there right mind sign for a package looking like that. Considering he used a fake name as well. Why not just tell them they have the wrong person and not accept the package.
    Hahahhaha well said, even if the tape was not discreet and I sign it I still wouldn't give a fuck about custom. well if I ordered few 10ml testosterone and they catch it obviously they will not give it to me but if they going to escalate the situation and charge me for it (even if I sign) well good luck to them wasting their time (they won't).

  10. #10
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Customs tape < that def makes me cringe
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  11. #11
    Noname81 is offline Junior Member
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    So how much was in this order. Was it just a couple vials or was it a huge order?

  12. #12
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    And, am I getting this right? All of the shit was still in there?

    I heard of this happening, just I would never . . . . .

  13. #13
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm not sure how sn1pers order happened, but mine came from a source I was working for at the time it was my monthly payment. So I received packs at least once a month. I knew exactly how it would be packaged so I could tell that they opened the package, and never opened the inner package.

    The stealth used was very good, and they sent it out resealed with the tape stating it had been examined. There was no signature required so it just came to my mail box. I dont remember the exact amount, but an order was usually minimum 10 vials and that was if it was primo or an expensive blend. Usually closer to 20 vials. I continued to work for said source for at least another year if not longer. I was remailing packs as well. So some months I could see a substantial amount of packs. That was the only time anything like that happened.

  14. #14
    sn1per's Avatar
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    -USA here.

    -I got it from an international source (Thailand). It was 9 bottles (3 test E, 3 deca , 3 tren ) and some dbol tabs.

    -He supposedly had a deal with their customs and it had Thailand customs tape, not the green tape. I've ordered many times in the past from him.

    -My Intel side (job) is smoke checking hadji's, not customs.

    -I did not say my house was thermal/IR/Xray proof, but an area is. How do I know? 1st check was using my ATN 384 Thermal/IR) on the area. I built the area the same as our xray room (for NDI of aircraft parts. Basically sheets of lead liquid nailed to the frame). Yes, it works as the Fire Department has to certify the Xray room we built stateside. We also check with a fluke 990. 3rd check was using a wescam mx-15 in a "training" orbit in my ao.

    -It was all there. I have friends who received letters. I never saw a letter. I wasn't home when they came and my wife didn't tell me until I returned from rotation. They did ask if I picked up a package at the post office on xx day. My wife told them It was overseas. I was a county sheriff, an unknown person, and a guy with dea shirt on. She said they had a picture of my gear. She said she didn't know what it was for and they explained that bodybuilders and weight lifters take it. They said people use other peoples mailboxes for drop points. Haven't heard a peep. It's been a couple of years. I may have over panicked securing my stuff. I even destroyed my computers and changed internet services.

    Anyway, I really don't care if people believe it or not. Just wanted to share what scared the f#ck out of me and maybe help someone else if they run across something like this.

  15. #15
    jstone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your new explanation puts more holes in your story. If local LE had pictures that means it was opened by customs or local LE. One would have the green tape, the other would require a warrant. Either way it doesnt just go away.
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  16. #16
    sn1per's Avatar
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    Could the Thailand customs have initiated this? I'm sure the tape was not green (kind of tan colored) and had weird print (I'm guessing Thai?).

    Ironically as I type this I see 2 people reading this thread. Me and the other name is the same name my old source used.

    I'll just go on the $195 a month legit path. Too risky.

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