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02-02-2020, 09:45 AM #1
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Chest sensation from tren ace or high test?
I've been having this like tingling or burning sensation in my chest.
It might be what others call itching as a sign of gyno.
I'm taking 250mg test c Sunday and Wednesdays. 40mg tren ace everyday
two .25mg caber tabs twice a week Sunday/Wednesday
40mg tamoxifen /nolvadex every day. Started at 20mg but bumped it up when I noticed the chest sensation.
Its been three weeks so far.
No sweats, no tren cough, no insomnia, not feeling hot when I eat carbs.
Soon I'm planning to stop the tamoxifen/nolvadex, and switch to arimidex 1mg every other day.
I'm also going to start dianabol 25mg twice a day.
And my test will be going up to 300mg twice a week.
Not sure what to do about the chest sensation, If the arimidex will help with that.
Don't even know if its from the tren or the test.
Also debating if I want to stop the tren and switch to 600mg deca per week.
Or maybe add masteron to help counter estrogen sides, if its even that.
Maybe I need to lower my tren, or take more caber?
This tamoxifen/nolvadex I've been taking says it is expired since October of 2019.Last edited by Chewbacca'sRedRocket; 02-02-2020 at 11:20 AM.
02-02-2020, 09:54 AM #2
Stop whatever you're doing and get a bloodwork. Hormones are complicated, you may end up with treating a condition you don't have and then have more problems than where you started.
1 mg adex is overkill and you don't even know you have high E2, why would you do that?
Mast is a good idea but bloodwork should be your guide.
02-02-2020, 10:12 AM #3
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your taking more ancillaries then your taking Tren ! your taking caber yet don't even know if you have prolactin issues, your taking 40mg of Nolva a day which is over kill, now your considering adding arimidex as well when tren doesn't even aromatize to estrogen to begin with..
drop all that crap and simply add some Masteron to your cycle. its that simple. MASTeron.. Mast means "breast" , its designed to blunt progestin and estrogen receptors, especially in breast tissue. its also androgenic and anabolic . all that other shit your taking is just toxic
02-02-2020, 10:14 AM #4
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I'm also taking 1mg twice a week of melanotan 2.
And I'm using SKALD fat burner one pill a day.
I'm getting labs done the 17th. I'm not checking E2 though.
HGH, test free and total, lipid panel, A1C.
For the full three weeks since starting tren my blood sugars have been coming down into normal ranges.
Now I'm consistently 70-80 fasting. Before I was like 200+
02-02-2020, 10:17 AM #5
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dont crash your estrogen i wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy chest sensation would be least of your problems. im on tren at the minute also with mast but i still have gyno flare up nearly every fourms out there besides this one says nolvadex makes gyno with tren worse. EDIT only 200mg mast a week though
Last edited by morton30; 02-02-2020 at 10:20 AM.
02-02-2020, 10:20 AM #6
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I'm going to start 10mg a day of GW-501516/Cardarine soon as well.
02-02-2020, 10:21 AM #7
When you say "chest sensation" can you provide more detail? I've gotten bad gyno before and lived with it for a while before it was removed. I know what it feels like when it starts, progresses, and gets really bad. I'll give you my opinion based on my experience, but you really need to follow TGH's suggestion. I wish someone would have told me the same.
02-02-2020, 10:33 AM #8
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I've been using 250mg - 300mg test every week, since May. Just test.
Never had any chest sensation till I started tren and bumped up to 500mg test.
Its a sensation within the chest not just on the layer of skin. But not deeper than muscle.
Its like a tingling. When i started taking the higher 40mg of nolvadex istead of 20, it didn't really change anything.
Likewise when the increase of nolvadex didn't help and I bumped up the caber from .25 twice a week to taking 2 .25mg tabs twice a week, this didn't really change anything either.
I'm not 100% sure my nolvadex and caber is legit. I tested my test c, and tren a, with a colormetric test kit.
02-02-2020, 10:47 AM #9
02-02-2020, 10:58 AM #10
When you say within the chest, does it start at or around the nipple area, or is it spread out all over the chest? Mine started at the nipple. It was sore feeling first that made me want to rub them. Then they started getting puffy, not really itchy, and the soreness got worse to the point it was painful. Not long after was when I felt the lumps, but just under / around the nipples. Then the painful soreness started to spread outward to where I was rubbing all the way to where my pec meets the armpit. At that point it was painful just to even wear a t-shirt. The physical symptoms didn't get any worse / painful than that and I lived with it for a little over a year before I was able to get through all of the denials from my insurance to have them removed. In the end I was made to take a mammogram which was incredibly embarrassing, not to mention the only reason I got the insurance to approve the surgery was because at that point I was working in the mail room at a large law firm and one of the lawyers I had a good relationship wrote a threatening letter.
After the surgery the surgeon showed me pictures of the amount of "breast tissue" that had to be removed not just by excising under the nipples, but from liposuctioning my whole chest. It was two piles about 5-6" in diameter and 2-3" tall. My chest is not symmetric and on one side he went so deep that it seems like my skin is attached to my ribs.
I don't know if you are experiencing the beginning of what I was, but I promise you, TGH has given you the best recommendation that you will ever get. You need to listen to him. The bloodwork will tell you what you need to do. If you can't get the orders from a doctor, get them from a place like PrivateMD labs. It will be a hell of a lot less expensive than gyno surgery.
02-02-2020, 10:59 AM #11
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I have an appointment to donate whole blood a couple days before I get my labs done.
Which is almost exactly 5 weeks in on what I plan to be a 12 week blast.
I'm planing to add Dbol the last 5-8 weeks depending what I can get.
And GW-501516 the last 8 weeks. Then back to just test 250-300mg once a week.
I'll also continue the caber and armimidez or back to nolvadex for one week after the end of tren and high test.
I'm saving when I use Dbol and GW till the mid/end because I feel like I let the higher test and tren build up.
And now I can get more benefit from the GW. Or like if I was to hit any plateau during my blast then adding more at the end should just keep me going.
02-02-2020, 11:05 AM #12
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Its not painful at all. Actually its kind of a pleasant feeling. Just raises concern because I don't know if its gyno, or what.
My nips have been big my whole life. They are not any more puffy than usual. If they did get puffy they would be huge seeing that they are already big in my opinion.
I don't really notice it at the nips any more than just spread out through the chest. I would guess to say the feeling is from below the nips, to half way up the chest.
And most the width of my chest but not into the pits.
02-02-2020, 11:27 AM #13
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In the first week of this blast I was lifting heavier, and more reps.
And I started getting an intense pump sensation while working out.
Good blood sugars too like I mentioned before. I haven't really noticed any fat loss, muscle gain, weight loss/gain.
I hear some people say they don't even feel tren kick in till week 3-5. I don't want to quit yet just because of some sides.
A few more weeks of this if I'm not getting bigger/leaner than I will probably switch to deca and run that for the last 6 weeks of this blast and then keep going an extra 2 weeks.
Sorry also, I just went back and read my original post. I made a correction. I accidentally typed that I am taking 49mg tren ace every day. It is actually 40mg tren ace every day.
I bought enough that was supposed to last me 12 weeks at 100mg every other day. But it came in ampules and every one of the ampules only had like .8 - .9 but not a single one had a full 1ml.
I hate dealing with amps so i just sat down and cracked them all open and transferred it all to one large vial. I paid for 40ml and ended up with 35ml. I was planning to take 100mg every other day,
but I keep reading that you get more stable levels injecting every day. And I got ripped off a little so I don't have enough to do 50mg every day. Not sure how 40mg every day of tren ace compares to 100mg every other day. If someone could give me some more info about that I'd like to hear it.
02-02-2020, 11:29 AM #14
Some people complain of teen cough. I’ve never had that but I have had that burning sensation in the middle of my chest after injecting. Lasts for a few minutes then leaves. Feels sort of like a heart burn. I’m guessing it’s when I nick a vein
02-02-2020, 11:46 AM #15
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this is a major concern brother . way more so then high cholesterol, bap lipids, elevated liver values etc.. none of those are concerning at all compared to running fasted blood sugar that high. no other marker will lead to death from cardiovascular disease, or other diseases faster then running chronically high blood sugars like that.
you need to keep tabs on that big time . good thing your checking your blood sugars. keep doing that
02-02-2020, 11:49 AM #16
Breast tissue can start growing across your chest before you feel any lumps. You have gotten excellent instructions from GearHeard and The God Himself. You absolutely need to add estrogen to your bloodwork with everything you are taking. Also, bloodwork in two weeks may end up being too late to be able to correct what you need to if you continue to take what you are taking / planning to add.
Like they have said, you're taking things to prevent gyno and you don't even know if you need them, which may result with you getting gyno with the combination of drugs you are on. They have a lot of knowledge and experience (way more than I have) and are trying to help you. It sounds like you are trying to rationalize ways to ignore their advice. Proceed with caution.
02-02-2020, 12:23 PM #17
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You do mean my numbers pre blast were a concern right? My doctor wants me under 140. Normal is 80 - 130, so I'm doing well for an insulin dependent diabetic coming in consistently 70 - 80.
I'm just slightly lower on my blood sugar than where I should be at my best. I've even lowered my dose of insulin. I'm also a heart patient, high blood pressure, low testosterone .
I had shoulder surgery about 6 months ago. rotator tear repair, muscle fraying, and about six other things got fixed. I've had this shoulder pain for 20 years. From a wrestling injury.
Its so much easier, less pain working out now. I've only been back in the gym for about one month. I started eating better three months or so back though. When I said my numbers used to be 200+
I mean like 266 frequently. rarely over 300 but some times it would go that high. I'm doing way way better on my glucose control.Last edited by Chewbacca'sRedRocket; 02-02-2020 at 12:31 PM.
02-02-2020, 12:45 PM #18
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In my opinion...
you have no idea what you are doing.
Sorry to sound rude but...
You are all over the place with your drugs.
Keep it simple.
My guess is you are overweight, hence the high blood sugar.
What are your stats?... height, weight, bf%, lifting experience, etc...
I would recommend you stop everything except maybe just 500 test and take it slowly....
02-02-2020, 12:52 PM #19
In each reply, you give a little more information about your overall health. In addition to being a diabetic, you have cardiovascular problems, have only been back in the gym for one month, and you are taking all the PED's, melanotan, etc that you've described!? Forget about gyno, I seriously worry about your health. I hope the others that know more than I do see all of this and can give you the consequences you could suffer. Are there any other health problems that you have? Do you know what your cholesterol / lipid profile looks like?
02-02-2020, 01:23 PM #20
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I'm 36, 6'1", 265lbs. Confirmed low testosterone and diabetic since 2008, heart patient since 2015. Used gear off and on since 2009 but never got serious about it till recently.
I only started lifting not even a full year ago, and had to stop for 6 months after shoulder surgery. I've been back in the gym about a month.
My weight has been up and down rapidly. November 23rd I was down to 254.4 about a week or so after I started this diabetes medication Farxiga 5mg.
It made me pee a lot and get rid of a ton of water weight very rapidly. Then January 13th I was up to 273.6, now I'm at 261, only a few pounds less than my typical consistent weight of 265.
I'm not sure why you guys think I should stop when all I see is improvements. There's one thing going on. A mystery chest sensation. And you act like its its going to be far more than that. I think its potentially gyno at most.
So far the benefits far out weigh not doing this. I'd like to get it dialed in better, but not stopped. Sounds like I need blood work more than anything else. I will try to make that happen.
My gym is nothing to brag about, I go to Planet Fitness. My subtle gains I have managed so far are nothing special either. I thought it would be better though. I guess I'm leaner, or getting there.
November 19th cropped
Attachment 178102
December 3rd
Attachment 178103
December 10th
Attachment 178104
January 12th
Attachment 178105
January 21st
Attachment 178106
February 2nd
Attachment 178107
02-02-2020, 01:26 PM #21
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I waited till my lipid and everything I could manage to improve was all in a good range before blasting. The only thing I couldn't control was blood sugar and the gear helped with that.
02-02-2020, 01:27 PM #22
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These pics are of the shoulder that had surgery.
02-02-2020, 01:34 PM #23
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I've mostly used gear for TRT doses. I'm in a low range but just a bit into normal so I never get approved for TRT. Even when I did have a legit low number by a good margin my doctor still didn't help. She refereed me to an endo who tested me a couple more times and I came back a little into normal again so never got approved. this past few weeks is the only time I've ever taken higher than 400 test in a week. First time trying tren too. But I have used winny and deca in low doses for a short time but once each and it wasn't stacked. I've also used clen and ketotifen or benadryl and it didn't do anything, T3 didn't help either. I've tried test e 400, test cyp 250-300, andropen 275. Can't remember what else I've tried.
02-02-2020, 01:37 PM #24
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Drop everything besides TRT.
Learn what the drugs do and improve your nutrition, then worry about cycling.
You are going to end up worse off then where you started continuing as you are.
No offence meant, but you have no idea what you are doing and need to self educate.I no longer check my inbox. If you PM me I will not reply.
02-02-2020, 01:40 PM #25
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i say drop everything go on a trt dose eat clean in a surplus and train hard. somone of this fourm said this to me about a year back i did not listen just like your not the past year ive had so many problems mentally/physically due to the roids ive done nearly every steroid out there trained to the extreme diet on point. do i now look like i take steroids ? no not at all somtimes i look at myself and im not even sure if it looks like i lift all i know is i could of got to this point with just trt. you have had heart problems also mate come on
02-02-2020, 01:52 PM #26
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Looks like labs are going to run me $217 for the few things I'm interested in. I could check more but it adds up.
Attachment 178108
02-02-2020, 02:24 PM #27
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Here's my labs from November being really bad. And December after changing my diet. My doctor says this is really good for a heart patient.
If it was bad after all the changes I've made then I would have waited even longer before blasting. The better numbers are with no meds too.
I stopped atorvastatin and fenofibrate and feel much better. My triglycerides were almost LEET before. I can't wait to see my next results.
November 8th, insane numbers.
Attachment 178109
December 23rd, good numbers.
Attachment 178110
02-02-2020, 02:46 PM #28
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I recently ordered some dumbbells and a bench too.
And I've been reading a lot about how to build muscle with dumbbells.
02-02-2020, 03:25 PM #29
So this will be my last reply to this thread. You have been given pretty much the same advice from some of the most knowledgeable and experienced members of this board multiple times. I don't include myself in that group, but since you asked about gyno, and I do have experience with that, I replied. It looks like you keep replying until you get the answer that validates what you want to do. I wish you the best of luck with everything and hope it turns out for the best. For the last time though, please listen to the veterans on this particular issue.
02-02-2020, 03:34 PM #30
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I've lost just enough weight that I don't qualify for my insurance to cover gastric bypass.
I'm supposed to have a BMI of 35 and at least 2 co morbid conditions, or a BMI of 40+ by itself.
I am 34.4 now, but at one of my appointments recently I came in at 34.8 which is now in my record.
I'm pretty sure the requirements says the minimum BMI has to last for at least a 5 year span.
I asked my doctor if I could get my HGH tested and she has skirted around it every time I've said something.
I asked about getting zinc and HGH tested. She said she would add testosterone to my next labs.
So i asked again about zinc, and HGH. Then she says she could add zinc to the order but I would have to pay for it,
because there is no medical reason to have zinc checked. She said nothing about the HGH. So I asked her again about the HGH test.
And I asked if I would have to pay for that too. She ignored me again and hasn't said anything more. So I am paying $99 to have it checked myself.
I also have untreated sleep apnea. I asked years ago for a sleep study. My doctor said that my insurance wont cover it unless I do a simple at home test first.
So I did that and it showed I have sleep problems. That is what I needed to have my insurance cover a legit sleep study. But the sleep doctor never contacted me.
I called them a few times but their receptionists were of no help. I'm going to bring it up again in a few weeks at my next appointment.
I've known for years that zinc is used in the brain to send a signal to the testes to make testosterone. But just recently I read that its not just testosterone.
A lot of things depend on zinc. Including insulin , and zinc had some effect on vitamin D as well. I'm in a low testosterone range, diabetic, vitamin D deficiency.
As far as I know al of these things could be impacted by low levels of zinc. I also told my doctor that I recently saw a video where this guy was talking about HGH
deficiency in adults and it can cause a short bowel, or gut. And this short gut makes it so you can't absorb as much vitamins and things, zinc included.
I told my doctor I looked at the symptoms of HGH deficiency and I have everyone one of the symptoms.
A lot of the HGH deficiency symptoms are the same symptoms as what I get with a lower testosterone range.
It was after I said all of this that she said I would have to pay to have zinc tested because, there is no medical reason to have it checked.
Maybe I am confused, but I thought I told her about at least three medical reasons it should be checked,
and one medical cause/possibility that could lead to it, which further implied that my HGH should be checked.
I've been trying to find a different doctor in my area that takes my insurance and I can't find any.
I don't even know why she wants to check my testosterone again.
She didn't do anything to help the last time she checked it and it actually came back low.
I would rather go straight to the endo and have them test me, if she is just going to send a referral anyway.
That way it saves my insurance having to pay for the labs through my regular doctor.
And this way I would only have to test low twice in a row to get approved, and not test three times in a row.
I hear 30% of TRT doctors don't even check levels before prescribing.
If my HGH does come back low, I'm not going to be happy about having to just get it checked myself.
And they better start looking into it as well.
And if I end up getting treated for it then I hope I can get my money back that I had to pay for the HGH test.
Here is some of the symptoms I read about HGH deficiency.
Its hard to believe I have all the symptoms, and my doctor won't order labs or look into it.
She refused to acknowledge it at all.
Anxiety and/or depression
Baldness (in men)
Decrease in sexual function and interest
Decreased muscle mass and strength
Difficult to concentration and lack of memory
Dry, thin skin
Elevated triglyceride levels
Fatigue and/or tiredness
Heart problems
High levels of LDL (the "bad") cholesterol
Insulin resistance
Lower tolerance to exercise
Reduced bone density, making you more susceptible to developing osteoporosis
Sensitivity to heat and cold
Very low energy levels
Weight gain, especially around the waist
02-02-2020, 03:46 PM #31
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I stopped taking my multi vitamin because it has biotin, and I read to stop taking biotin 72 hours before getting HGH checked.
I don't recall why, if biotin had an effect on lowering or increasing HGH, or just what the reason for stopping biotin is.
02-02-2020, 03:48 PM #32
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The place I found is
I could get the blood draw itself done at Quest lab though.
02-02-2020, 03:50 PM #33
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It cost me $99 to order a HGH test.
02-02-2020, 04:10 PM #34
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At the Private MD lab, I could get my HGH, E2, Prolactin, and Ferritin. All for $189.41
If I cancel my original order for HGH testing, I will only be like $90 shy if I go with Private MD.
For UltaLab do I need to register and login? I can't find any pricing.
I'm not 100% sure I'm on the right site for UltaLab.
Not everyone would agree. But telling me where to get cheaper labs is one of the best comments.
This is something I can actually use.
Attachment 178112
02-02-2020, 04:54 PM #35
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At UltaLab I'm seeing the total for everything I want as $106.35
I might have to do this. It seems too good to be true, I could get it all so much cheaper.
If this is legit it saves me just under $210. All I need to do is cancel the $99 order for HGH, and I can do this.
Thank You, for the tip.
Edit: I'll have to find the Ultrasensitive test.
Attachment 178115Last edited by Chewbacca'sRedRocket; 02-02-2020 at 04:56 PM.
02-02-2020, 05:13 PM #36
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Dang, its too far into the process to cancel my HGH test.
I need to come up with another $86.
02-02-2020, 07:52 PM #37
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Okay, so lets say if I give in to your suggestions and stop everything.
I don't really want to do this. But it just crossed my mind.
I haven't injected any test today, so the last time I did was Wednesday.
If I stopped it all from here on. Till I get my labs done.
Would stopping now give enough time for my testosterone level to crash, well below normal so I for sure qualify for TRT?
Labs are in two weeks.
02-02-2020, 10:01 PM #38
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I just had this thought that what if all the amps I said were .8 - .9 that were supposed to be 100mg/ml 1ml each ampule.
What if each amp had the full 100mg of tren ace in that .8 - .9 and I put it all in one big vial and changed the ratio of what was in each amp possibly 100mg / .8 ml
I had 35ml so it should have been 3500mg in all. How much stronger would it be if it is actually the full 4000mg I paid for which should have been 40ml.
But that same 4000mg is now in 35ml. And I've been taking .4 ml thinking that would be 40mg. But maybe its more. How much could I be taking if this were true?
I think that would make it more like 114.28mg / ml. 4000mg divided x 35ml = 114.28571mg/ml I use .4 ml, so 40% of 114 = 45.6mg every day.
That could be 39.2mg more per week than I thought I was getting. I'm not so sure this happened, but maybe.
I didn't want to buy more tren to make up for the missing 5ml, which could have last me ten more days at 50mg per day.
I was planning to go 12 weeks so 12 weeks x 7 days = 84 days. I have 35ml's divided by 84 days. The most I could take is .41 ml every day.Last edited by Chewbacca'sRedRocket; 02-02-2020 at 10:11 PM.
02-02-2020, 10:20 PM #39
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If they dosed it too strong I guess it could be more than 45.6mg every day.
Maybe its closer to 55mg every day and its just too much for my first tren cycle, and thats why I have this weird chest tingling.
02-02-2020, 10:35 PM #40
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I paid about twice as much as my new connect too.
If it was over dosed by as much as it was over priced then it could be twice as strong.
91.2mg every day. I seriously doubt this though. But the amount I paid I could see it maybe be over dosed by some amount.
For that price I just wouldn't expect it to be under dosed.
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