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  1. #1
    tripmachine's Avatar
    tripmachine is offline Senior Member
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    Lump in my glute from ED injections?

    Hey guys quickly my protocol was ED injections of about 1cc volume per day.... give or take usually it was a consistant .75cc ED injections were for a bit longer than normal time frame of 12-13 weeks.. I had 4 injection sites for this cycle.... although part way through I stopped injecting my left quad due to pain multiple times.. So 2 glutes and my right quad were cycled through ed injections. My left glute has a lump exactly where the hip abductor machine works.... 'I started doing that workout too about 3 months ago'

    So my question is.... Whats this lump? It's noticeable when I flex actually on both sides it is.... my left being most visible. Is it the injections / oils? or is it the new muscle growing that I never really trained before? UGH haha... The luump was painful to the touch for about a week now it's not nearly as painful.

  2. #2
    yeahbuddy289's Avatar
    yeahbuddy289 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Definitely from the injection. I believe either your body is not agreeing with the gear or the oil is possibly sitting on some scar tissue and not absorbing as quickly as it should. I sometimes get this in my glutes too... if I move the injection site slightly I think I’m able to miss the scar tissue and dont get the hard sore lump.

    They say heating the area helps the oil absorb but I haven’t found this to be true in my experience. Also, don’t hit the same area more than once a week. Triceps and biceps aren’t too bad with a .5” 27g needle.

  3. #3
    Dgs59's Avatar
    Dgs59 is offline Member
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    There was one time I got a lump, the reason was the needle was not deep inside the muscle when injecting, I was being careless and injected with the tip of needle (slightly more) in without even looking (was just too over confident)... I realised when I was going to take the needle out but it was too late, all the oil was in, I rubbed the area pretty hard right after realising my mistake and in this process some oil came out but not all, this created a lump for 1 week, I could feel it and it was hurtful (not too much) ... Never happened again as I make sure needle is deep in. It has to go into muscle, not in the skin, if you injecting in the skin definitely skin is going to create a bump...

    Just my experience, yours might be different...

    FYI I am using 23g 1.5'' to inject

  4. #4
    bobspix is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    Hey guys quickly my protocol was ED injections of about 1cc volume per day.... give or take usually it was a consistant .75cc ED injections were for a bit longer than normal time frame of 12-13 weeks.. I had 4 injection sites for this cycle.... although part way through I stopped injecting my left quad due to pain multiple times.. So 2 glutes and my right quad were cycled through ed injections. My left glute has a lump exactly where the hip abductor machine works.... 'I started doing that workout too about 3 months ago'

    So my question is.... Whats this lump? It's noticeable when I flex actually on both sides it is.... my left being most visible. Is it the injections / oils? or is it the new muscle growing that I never really trained before? UGH haha... The luump was painful to the touch for about a week now it's not nearly as painful.
    I had the same issue. The issue faded when I switched gear. Mine was legit too but it was thicker and always gave me mad lumps which her itchy and kinda warm to touch. after skipping 2 weeks worth of injections, it was fine and I constantly iced it and used heatpad and it helped. What helped the most was a cream used specifically to undo lumps. It's called Thombofob by zydus Cadilla

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