I injected 1mL (250mg) Test Enanthate + 1mL (300mg) Equipoise /Boldenone Undecylenate into my ventral glute just over 24 hours ago. This is a virgin muscle regarding injections, for what that's worth.
I warmed up the oil before pinning, and went very slow with the plunger (~1.5 minutes for the full 2mL).
It wasn't too bad overnight, or in the morning after, but I did a very light leg workout at home, which seems to have aggravated it. It does appear swollen, compared to the other side. Thankfully, it does not appear red and doesn't feel hot, so I am seriously hoping that's a sign that it's not an infection.
However the swelling does concern me, as does the pain and discomfort. It feels like I got vigorously kneed on the side of my ass by a Muay Thai champion lol, and hip flexion, extension, abduction and too much adduction hurts.

Rest or light activity to increase blood flow?

Really hoping for some constructive input here.