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Thread: Throwing up a few times... I'm thinking it's the Superdrol?

  1. #1
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Throwing up a few times... I'm thinking it's the Superdrol?

    I'm getting really bad heartburn lately... I've thrown up once in the middle of the night.. and once while at work.. orals i'm taking : endurabol 20mg ed, proviron 50mg ed, cialis 20mg ed, superdrol 20mg ed.. (been on the sdrol for 11 days or so) I am also running test p @ 350 / week mast p 700 / week

    I stopped all orals today... I wanted to come here to ask opinions first before starting them again... (figured a day off couldn't hurt) Any advice on the heartburn? It's really bad..

  2. #2
    Gallowmere's Avatar
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    I’ve never run Sdrol specifically, but I got something very similar with Anadrol . After about two weeks, I’d find myself puking into my mouth and nose when I was asleep. Stopped taking it and spent the next couple of nights sleeping while sitting up, and it resolved itself.
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  3. #3
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    I'm getting really bad heartburn lately... I've thrown up once in the middle of the night.. and once while at work.. orals i'm taking : endurabol 20mg ed, proviron 50mg ed, cialis 20mg ed, superdrol 20mg ed.. (been on the sdrol for 11 days or so) I am also running test p @ 350 / week mast p 700 / week

    I stopped all orals today... I wanted to come here to ask opinions first before starting them again... (figured a day off couldn't hurt) Any advice on the heartburn? It's really bad..
    How does your blood pressure look? For me, it would upset my stomach (not like heartburn, but like nausea) and make me not want to eat (which made meal time a lot of fun :|). And I'd constantly be feeling lethargic (so I'd really be abusing the preworkouts). I had super high blood pressure from it and my liver got enlarged by it (went back to normal after I stopped).

    I get heartburn (really bad) and I've tried a lot of different stomach pills. What works for me, actually is Prilosec. I started with 20mgs per day and that did nothing, so my doctor bumped me up to 40mgs a day and that worked. I took it for like 4 months and my heartburn went away entirely.

  4. #4
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gallowmere View Post
    I’ve never run Sdrol specifically, but I got something very similar with Anadrol. After about two weeks, I’d find myself puking into my mouth and nose when I was asleep. Stopped taking it and spent the next couple of nights sleeping while sitting up, and it resolved itself.
    Thanks for sharing... I think I will stop the Superdrol for now... (i just started tren ace so I think that will be a good replacement) maybe I will keep the proviron , gw1516 and cialis going... Ironically I just got a new bed and a new adjustable bed frame... so i can try sleeping up a bit to help. It's been really miserable though, the dang heartburn.. ugh
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  5. #5
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    How does your blood pressure look? For me, it would upset my stomach (not like heartburn, but like nausea) and make me not want to eat (which made meal time a lot of fun :|). And I'd constantly be feeling lethargic (so I'd really be abusing the preworkouts). I had super high blood pressure from it and my liver got enlarged by it (went back to normal after I stopped).

    I get heartburn (really bad) and I've tried a lot of different stomach pills. What works for me, actually is Prilosec. I started with 20mgs per day and that did nothing, so my doctor bumped me up to 40mgs a day and that worked. I took it for like 4 months and my heartburn went away entirely.
    Dang I need to go get a blood pressure monitor... (i'm pretty sure it's high...) I also am getting the lack of hunger but on the contrary I'm getting very high at night and eating a lot as a bad habit.. lol I think the superdrol has come and I should probably quit it... I took 1 pill today (10mg) but maybe that was a bad idea.. I just wanted to run it for one more week but not if it's going to make me feel like this.

    So is Prilosec prescription? I should go get some if that's the case... over the counter stuff doesn't seem to do much for me. I guess when you have the heartburn you KNOW nothing you took is working.. hence the heartburn. I will look into that! Thank you!

  6. #6
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    Dang I need to go get a blood pressure monitor... (i'm pretty sure it's high...) I also am getting the lack of hunger but on the contrary I'm getting very high at night and eating a lot as a bad habit.. lol I think the superdrol has come and I should probably quit it... I took 1 pill today (10mg) but maybe that was a bad idea.. I just wanted to run it for one more week but not if it's going to make me feel like this.

    So is Prilosec prescription? I should go get some if that's the case... over the counter stuff doesn't seem to do much for me. I guess when you have the heartburn you KNOW nothing you took is working.. hence the heartburn. I will look into that! Thank you!
    You should get one and don't go cheap. Shop around and get a good one. A lot of people take BP meds while they're on gear to help control it.

    As far as the Prilosec goes, I have an RX for it. As I said, I started with 20mgs and that did nothing so I got bumped up to 40mgs. The OTC stuff (I believe) is 20mgs. It can take up to 4 days to start working, so if you don't feel better immediately, keep at it before you change dosages or give up.
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  7. #7
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    Thanks for sharing... I think I will stop the Superdrol for now... (i just started tren ace so I think that will be a good replacement) maybe I will keep the proviron, gw1516 and cialis going... Ironically I just got a new bed and a new adjustable bed frame... so i can try sleeping up a bit to help. It's been really miserable though, the dang heartburn.. ugh
    OK Im seeing two possible causes here. Its either the tren that u just started or like u said the sdrol. I get extreme nausea from tren and I have thrown up after meal. I cant use tren because of this. And anadrol does the same thing makes me sick to my stomach and bad nausea. Superdrol I have never used but im sure it has a similar effect as anadrol on the stomach. BUT depending on when u started the tren it could be that have u used tren before?

  8. #8
    tbjake34's Avatar
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    I forgot it could also be the GW. GW gave me the worst nause of any drug ive ever used I literally felt like I had food poinsing all day long it was the worst in the morning. Could be that as well bro.

  9. #9
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    I forgot it could also be the GW. GW gave me the worst nause of any drug ive ever used I literally felt like I had food poinsing all day long it was the worst in the morning. Could be that as well bro.
    Yes it's horrible!! I stopped in the high school parking lot today on the way home from doing a detail.... I only had gatorade zero and water so far for my morning and I was throwing up there in the parking lot... UGH! I stopped the Sdrol.... i started the tren 7 days ago.. stopped the sdrol 7 days ago too... I think it could be the tren making me feel this way.. .or the gw1516 if you think ? I have used tren before.... a handful of times... I'm pretty sure it gave me the heart burn and stuff before... I really want to do this tren cycle though lol. maybe i'll stick it out one more week and see if I can find something that works. I'll stay off the endurabol for 1 week and see how that goes too

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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    Yes it's horrible!! I stopped in the high school parking lot today on the way home from doing a detail.... I only had gatorade zero and water so far for my morning and I was throwing up there in the parking lot... UGH! I stopped the Sdrol.... i started the tren 7 days ago.. stopped the sdrol 7 days ago too... I think it could be the tren making me feel this way.. .or the gw1516 if you think ? I have used tren before.... a handful of times... I'm pretty sure it gave me the heart burn and stuff before... I really want to do this tren cycle though lol. maybe i'll stick it out one more week and see if I can find something that works. I'll stay off the endurabol for 1 week and see how that goes too
    Yea drop the GW thats what was causing it for me im pissed off about it cuz ive heard really good things about GW and was pumped to see how I responded to it theres no way I can handle the nausea its that bad to the point where I literally couldnt eat and I can always force it down. It also gave me a weird feeling in my chest its hard to explain but it was a really uncomfortable feeling in my chest/lungs area. I stay away from SARMS for this exact reason they have WEIRD ass sides but I wanted to try GW and boom weird ass sides haha

  11. #11
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tbjake34 View Post
    Yea drop the GW thats what was causing it for me im pissed off about it cuz ive heard really good things about GW and was pumped to see how I responded to it theres no way I can handle the nausea its that bad to the point where I literally couldnt eat and I can always force it down. It also gave me a weird feeling in my chest its hard to explain but it was a really uncomfortable feeling in my chest/lungs area. I stay away from SARMS for this exact reason they have WEIRD ass sides but I wanted to try GW and boom weird ass sides haha
    LOL thanks for all your input! I will keep off the gw and see that HOPEFULLY that's the culprit since I don't want to stop the tren .. I will keep you posted! Thanks again

  12. #12
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    hows sides with 20mg of cialis day?

    pharm grade?

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    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    hows sides with 20mg of cialis day?

    pharm grade?

    How do you not expect to get gurd with all that shit? - I got terrible heart burn when I ran a lot of tren + a bunch of orals. . . .Best, thing I found for it was glutamine
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  14. #14
    tripmachine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    hows sides with 20mg of cialis day?

    pharm grade?
    I don't know since I was running too many compounds I couldn't really tell what the sides from just the Cialis is... Sorry for the slow reply. I get a rock hard boner a lot.... I actually just finished the tren / mast/ sdrol is done... I'm running test prop 525mg week... proviron 75mg ed winny 50mg ed and var 50ed for now... I'll see how that goes for me. Looking for something else to do but dang... after my TREN MAST TEST... proviron and stuff I got shredded! Never really had a 6 pack before but now I feel sooooo good and have one. Heartburn still sucks lol

  15. #15
    SampsonandDelilah's Avatar
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    20 mg pharma grade Cialis tears my stomach apart, just by itself. It’s awful. Let alone adding in everything else. Tren is a GERD nightmare too, add them up and no wonder you’re hurting

  16. #16
    killionb12's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tripmachine View Post
    Thanks for sharing... I think I will stop the Superdrol for now... (i just started tren ace so I think that will be a good replacement) maybe I will keep the proviron, gw1516 and cialis going... Ironically I just got a new bed and a new adjustable bed frame... so i can try sleeping up a bit to help. It's been really miserable though, the dang heartburn.. ugh
    Tren is notorious for heartburn and acid reflux. Not a good replacement at all.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  17. #17
    fit_deskjocky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SampsonandDelilah View Post
    20 mg pharma grade Cialis tears my stomach apart, just by itself. It’s awful. Let alone adding in everything else. Tren is a GERD nightmare too, add them up and no wonder you’re hurting
    Cialis also relaxes muscles for more blood flow, such as the ones in the esophagus and pharynx. This allows stomach gases to rise freely. I like low dose Cialis, around 5mg per day and these side eventually subside as my body becomes more accustomed to them when I'm not on a cycle but it takes a few weeks of continued use before that occurs.
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