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Thread: Weight gain on Clenbuterol (is it muscle or fat?)

  1. #1
    bloatedcitrus is offline New Member
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    Weight gain on Clenbuterol (is it muscle or fat?)

    Hey guys,
    I'm 33, 5ft 5in 160lb. I've been struggling to get rid of the last few lbs and decided to take some Clen .

    I'm running Balkan Pharma Clen along with ZPHC Anavar (80mg /pd).

    Clen over last days has been; 20mcg, 40mcg, 60mcg, 80mcg, 100mcg, 120mcg, 120mcg, 120mcg. (now on day 9). I plan to do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

    Diet - I usually aim for around 1,800 calories a day with 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat generally.


    Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday I do one major muscle group and one minor on each day.
    Abs 5-6 days a week.

    Cardio - 40-60 minutes 5-6 times a week.

    Ok, now my stats are out the way.

    I'm wondering why my weight is going up?

    I was 154lbs and now I'm 160lbs+ but when I look in the mirror even just over these last eight days I don't appear to have put on weight.

    If anything my apollos belt is more visible as abs starting to show with less tensing the area.

    Could the weight gain on the scales be muscle? or am I actually getting fatter?

    I dunno about the Anavar... I'm definitely looking more vascular, but I know the Clen is legit as I'm super shaky, I track my heart rate all day on my Garmin. resting heart rate is usually 54bpm and now it's between 75-100, and I'm in a world of my own half the time.

    What are people's thoughts?

    Obviously I don't want to take the risk of continuing to use the Clen if I'm just getting fatter. No amount of money paid for them is worth the risk if there is no benefit lol.

    From the research I've done I'm doing enough cardio but should be moted my body is well adapted to cardio as I used to be an ultra-marathon runner and long-distance cyclist.

    Let me know if I missed any info etc. Thanks.

  2. #2
    MakoShark's Avatar
    MakoShark is offline New Member
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    Based on your concern over the weight gain while taking a steroid , I’ll assume this is your first cycle. I highly suggest you do your research and educate yourself on proper and effective use. Doing a var/Clen cycle probably won’t be highly suggested.
    Dgs59 likes this.

  3. #3
    Quester's Avatar
    Quester is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Why take the Anavar without Test? It isn't lypotropic-it doesn't "burn fat." As one of the most medically used and therefore most researched AAS, there is still no scientific literature to support Anavar as a fat burner. If Anavar burned fat, doctors would prescribe it less often for wasting syndorme, one of its primary medical uses. Hence Anavar should be used to support muscle growth, perhaps in a small way, Var will help with muscle retention during a cut by promoting protein synthesis but, by far, the most effective way to promote protein synthesis is eating protein.
    As for gaining fat while taking clen , fat loss/gain is simply a function of caloric intake versus expenditure. Clen nor anavar nor the combo can beat excess caloric intake versus expenditure. No bro-magic mixture of pills or supplements can compete with calories in vs calories out. Perhaps saving the money on Var, if used for this purpose, would allow you to reward yourself with other, non-food, incentives for successfully losing the weight? This would be a more valid strategy than spending the money on Var, for the purposes of weight loss.
    Dgs59 likes this.

  4. #4
    charger69's Avatar
    charger69 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    Why take the Anavar without Test? It isn't lypotropic-it doesn't "burn fat." As one of the most medically used and therefore most researched AAS, there is still no scientific literature to support Anavar as a fat burner. If Anavar burned fat, doctors would prescribe it less often for wasting syndorme, one of its primary medical uses. Hence Anavar should be used to support muscle growth, perhaps in a small way, Var will help with muscle retention during a cut by promoting protein synthesis but, by far, the most effective way to promote protein synthesis is eating protein.
    As for gaining fat while taking clen, fat loss/gain is simply a function of caloric intake versus expenditure. Clen nor anavar nor the combo can beat excess caloric intake versus expenditure. No bro-magic mixture of pills or supplements can compete with calories in vs calories out. Perhaps saving the money on Var, if used for this purpose, would allow you to reward yourself with other, non-food, incentives for successfully losing the weight? This would be a more valid strategy than spending the money on Var, for the purposes of weight loss.
    To go a little further..... I make my diet and adjust my cardio to lose more or less than what I am presently losing. I do not adjust the input , but adjust the expenditure.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Mooseman33 and Dgs59 like this.

  5. #5
    VallStorm is offline New Member
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    I’ve been down the road of trying to gain muscle while managing fat, so I totally relate to your post. A while back, I tried using Clennbuterol as part of my routine, but honestly, it wasn’t the magic solution I hoped for. I found that combining a solid diet with strength training worked way better for me in the long run.

    A friend of mine had great success with some products from It’s all about finding what works for you and listening to your body.

    Just remember to stay patient and consistent. Everyone’s journey is different, but with the right plan, you can definitely achieve your goals!
    Last edited by VallStorm; 08-06-2024 at 07:03 AM.

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