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Thread: STEROIDS FOR GIRLS! Keeping things girly! Request assistance

  1. #1
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    STEROIDS FOR GIRLS! Keeping things girly! Request assistance

    Request Performance enhancers that are female friendly, or less prone to virilization. what about ancillaries?

    My GF used test before I met her, so she could perform better within her job. It worked and she said she loved it, but she didn't like the fact that her C#(t grew bigger. she is once again considering performance enhancers for another challenging job. she's a small woman and will be required to pick up and throw an object that weighs as much as her onto her back-then carry it a few meters.

    I can get her stats if they are requested

    all I need is a list to research and then I can ask more questions later.

    we don't plan on jumping head long into this, but we do want to get educated on it. I am personally a little curious how some of the hot female body builders do it.

  2. #2
    PHunter is offline New Member
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    Im keen to hear this as well. My wife has mentioned maybe trying a few things but doesnt want to get masculine.
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  3. #3
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    Long term Var, GH or both

    Then maybe mast & Primo

  4. #4
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    got it. that's not even a list though, lol. How is Var for endurance.? she needs strength and cardio endurance. Var is Anavar , correct? and that's an oral right? isn't that costly to the liver? what's long term SAFE use? we can't afford real GH, so peptide combos and MK677 will have to do. Mast and Primo huh? I actually have mast / drostanolone enanthate . 20 ml at 200mg/ml. NOICE! So because i have mast, why do you say "maybe" that concerns me as it should. I assume there is a recommended protocol for females using mast eh? do you have one? i know mast is a very dry steroid that doesn't convert in men. it's very virilizing isn't it? it's an androgen. I hear lots of positive things about Primo. mostly that it's an interesting steroid that functions uniquely compared to common steroids -test, tren , dreca...

    Mast seems bad for girls: its seems bad for men to.

    Primo seems perfect to combo with GH like peptide combos and var: i've never used primo... seems great. SHOOT! i might want to use VAR, PRIMO, GH like peptide combos, and TEST. would it be ok to throw in some trenbolone ?
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 10-27-2020 at 07:27 PM.

  5. #5
    scotty51312's Avatar
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    some females have good results with EQ, its good for endurance

  6. #6
    Too-$mall's Avatar
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    The horse steroid . Here's a link for the readers:

    so what does EQ best combo with considering the areas it shines in? it needs complimentary steroids , but they are not listed in the description above.


    I'm reading that EQ increases collagen synthesis? and that winstrol /stanozolol is actually good for tendons? this topic of tendon strengthening interests me.

    Stimulation of Collagen Synthesis by the Anabolic Steroid Stanozolol

    does anyone stack EQ, DECA , Primo, Anavar , and run a low dose of test?

    im reading that EQ, DECA, PRIMO, anavar are great for strengthening tendons. i might make this a post all on it's own.
    Last edited by Too-$mall; 10-27-2020 at 09:55 PM.

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