Hello guys! I am new to this forum and i want to introduce my self and if you can help me with an advise for my second cycle? I am 5,11..225 with around 19%bf and my first cycle i did was Test E 400mg/week with HCG and of course i did my pct too! Now after 4 months "off" i want to do a cutting cycle! My diet is pretty clean plus i am working with a nutritionist to help me out but i am kind confused about the gear i can use for my 2nd cycle?
Here is what i can get in my hands!
1)test e
2)tren e
5)winstrol pills
and of course the pct( Nolva,Clomid, and HCG)

I did some researches about 2nd cycle in this forum but still i am confused!
I really appreciate any advise with the my questions!

Thank you !!!!