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Thread: Roids work in 50% caloric deficit

  1. #1
    navjit is offline New Member
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    Dec 2014

    Roids work in 50% caloric deficit

    Hey guys tell me ,are steroids work if i do 50% caloric deficit with macros at 50% proteine 30% carbs and 20 % fats.
    Last edited by navjit; 01-07-2021 at 10:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    What do you mean by work???

    They will help you to retain some muscle but you won't gain muscle in a 50% deficit.

    And IMO you shouldn't cut anywhere near a 50% deficit,
    Cuz and navjit like this.

  3. #3
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Thats a major deficit because you are litterally cutting your maintenance cals in half? What for? AAS will help keep muscle tissue but at that deficit nothing will hold your tissue I wouldn’t think
    navjit likes this.

  4. #4
    Gallowmere's Avatar
    Gallowmere is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    Thats a major deficit because you are litterally cutting your maintenance cals in half? What for? AAS will help keep muscle tissue but at that deficit nothing will hold your tissue I wouldn’t think
    Depends on the duration more than anything. There are tried and true rapid cutting protocols that can go far lower than this, but they are very short term things.
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  5. #5
    Fluidic Kimbo's Avatar
    Fluidic Kimbo is offline Morale Officer (de facto)
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    If you're trying to drop weight for some sort of sport that is segregated by weight categories (e.g. boxing, judo, powerlifting), then if you starve yourself of food (i.e. you eat less calories than you need just to maintain your current weight), then taking anabolic steroids will result in less muscle loss.

    Of course remember though, if you're building a house, it doesn't matter how many builders you have, it doesn't matter how much you pay them, and it doesn't matter how many hours per day they work -- if you just simply do not have enough bricks.
    navjit likes this.

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