I have come to you today to discuss something about clen which may have already been discussed but ok please bear with me.

I have used clen for 2 weeks in the past and got great results. During that time, I started dosing with 20mcg and went a maximum of 80 mcgs. It was okay, not anything great but it worked it seemed.

At what dosage of clen, does it become quite heavy on the heart? If I were to cycle it 2 weeks on and off twice (20-80mcgs), lift weights per usual and throw in a brisk walk extended cardio which is LISS and not too straining on the heart. Am I safe from the heart hypertrophy? Can we prevent that by going for a stable heartrate than a high bpm HIIT cardio on clen?

TL ; DR : I don't want to enlarge my heart on clen and would like to know how can I prevent it.