11-22-2021, 06:31 AM #1Junior Member
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Trenbolone cycle ...
I am looking to run a cycle of Test / Deca / Tren ...
I've done a lot of reading on combining Deca & Tren and i'm comfortable with the combination.
my plan is to run:
Test sustanon 0.5ml 125mg
Deca 0.5ml 100mg
Tren enanthate 1ml 200mg
A total of 2ml every three days.
HCG is run throughout at 500iu three times a week. AI on hand.
I am thinking that 0.5ml (100mg) of tren every three days may be enough as I really am looking to minimise side effects whilst maximising efficiency.
From what i can tell running TRT or a low dose of test is better with a higher dose of 19 nor compound. I know its mixed reviews.
My reason for Deca in the first place is mainly as a joint support and synergy. I have read about TRT offering test and deca together at low doses for the long term.
To limit the sides of tren i was thinking of doing short 8 weeks cycles with a front load. I have run the numbers through https://www.steroidplotter.com/ and the bloods seem pretty stable for the most part of the 8 weeks.
I am on TRT and my plan to add in the Deca is my own but i'm going to run it past the doc when i next have a meeting. The reason why i've asked these questions here is becuase its mainly to do with the tren, which is obviously nothing to do with TRT LOL! Essentially i'd be running the tren for 8 weeks then going back to TRT levels of sust and deca and repeat.
I'm not sure about the long term use of tren as there are soooo many negative reports. I might trim right up then stay away from it and maybe up the deca or add in mast / eq or something.
On another note what does the jury say about low dose stack vs high dose single compound; such as, 600mg test vs 200mg of test, tren, deca for example; for maximising gains, and minimising estrogen conversion.
Thanks in advanceLast edited by BigGuns89; 11-22-2021 at 06:36 AM.
11-22-2021, 06:34 AM #2
Deca at 100 mg?? Do you mean NPP?
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11-22-2021, 06:48 AM #3Junior Member
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11-22-2021, 07:06 AM #4
You will see far better results with trt dose test with 19 nors versus just 600 mg test as you mentioned. You can run 100mg deca weekly alongside your trt for therapeutic needs joint repair and so on. I dont run tren e, i run ace. I prefer 200 ace over 400 e myself you dont need to run tren for a long time in order to stay healthy short tren cycles get my vote with a little masteron and trt for test
11-22-2021, 08:01 AM #5Junior Member
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Thanks, Cuz!
Thats music to my ears.
I would rather pin E5D but the enanthate ester I think needs to be E3D plus thats probably better for my sustanon . I hear you on Acetate but im not keen on daily jabs.
From what you've said, I think ill drop from 400mg to 200mg so it will be...
Sustanon 125mg
Deca 100mg
Tren 100mg
Totalling 1.5ML every 3 days
HCG 500iu mon/wed/fri - could maybe move to 250iu EOD but probably no biggy.
Very happy with this, just got to resist the urge to increase the tren dose haha
All the best
11-22-2021, 02:12 PM #6
11-23-2021, 12:30 AM #7
I wish I could run cycle ideas with my doctor.
But yeah, If you're on TRT and running a therapeutic dose of deca , just maintain course on those (maybe only slightly increase the deca dose) and let the tren do the heavy lifting. Like run 100 mg EOD of tren ace and 75mg daily of proviron (masteron , winny and primo could also do the trick).
11-23-2021, 12:47 AM #8New Member
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Waste of space
Last edited by Booz; 11-23-2021 at 01:23 PM.
11-23-2021, 06:39 AM #9Junior Member
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Hi Charger,
My goal is to work out a powerful annual set of cycles whilst minimising sides.
I'll be on 200mg of sustanon a week give or take on with HCG @ 1500iu per week on prescription.
I would like to add in a theraputic dose of Deca along side my TRT with or without doctor support as i have not yet raised this with them but I beleive it is possible.
I am thinking that although these doses are small there will be a number of benefits to cruising on this.
The reason i'm posting here and not in the TRT section is beause I am trying to figure out my blast cycle.
I am interested to know if running multiple compounds (stack) at a low dose would provide just as good body changes as running a high does of minimal compunds without the sides. EG. cruise on test at 200mg a week vs blast on 600mg test a week / test 200 deca 200 tren 200.
I know that Tren is a harsh compound so I was a bit reluctant to use it. I have done before (Parabolan Alpha Pharma) and all was good.
I beleive Tren at 200mg or 400mg a week is still considered quite a high dose for muscle building etc. and any more than that is a bit crazy. Therefore, I thought the following cruise / Blast protocal would be useful for really good gains:
Cruise for 4 weeks on:
Test 200mg per week
Deca 200mg per week (maybe less)
Blast for 8 weeks on:
Test 200mg per week
Deca 200mg per week
Tren 200mg - 400mg per week
And repeat
Nothing is set in stone so it might be that once my Tren runs out ill just go back to increasing the Sust & Deca for the blast and then reduce for the cruise. I got 30ml of Tren initially.
Blast for 8 weeks (or longer) on:
Test 200mg per week
Deca 600mg per week
By running the test deca tren combo above i just dont want it to be a waste but I guess I thought there would be synergy between the compounds so 600mg of three compounds would be like 600mg of one compound wihtout the sides.
Hope this makes sense
11-23-2021, 06:50 AM #10Junior Member
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My thoughts exactly. I'd get the theraputic benefits of the test & deca and let the Tren do the heavy lifting, say 8 weeks on and 4 weeks off.
I probably shouldn't keep cycling tren though so once my 30ml runs out I might just drop it and up the deca.
With the 19 nors im just trying to keep sides down hence not running the test too high although I have AI on hand. Not keen on Caber and dont really want to need too much of an AI.
Trying to balance the time blasting and crusing too factoring in the esters. Tren is harsh and enanthat at most (preferred over acetate just for less pinning), I dont think tren should exceed 8 weeks. Thats why I though 8 on and 4 off would be "ok".
If I dropped the tren after using it and upping the Deca which is a longer ester I would probably run 16 weeks blast and 6-8 weeks cruise. I would frontload so shouldnt matter too much but I think Deca is far safer than tren for longer periods.
I have thought about proviron , masteron , winny, primo , & EQ so i'll probably have a rethink once the tren is done and dusted.
It would be good to know if running Tren at just 200mg a week is sufficient for good gains longer term thinking more about for health implications.
I have only just started the TRT journey and whilst its mega expensive its good to know you can cruise and have bloods etc. obviously they dont want you to blast and I wouldnt tell them that but having done many cycles before its just something i cant resist! my main goal is to do it as safely as possible hence by reservation on the tren but i am comfortable running two 8 week cycles to see how it goes. It might be that I go the other way and run 750mg test and 200mg deca to blast with AI EOD I really dont know at this stage. Iv done Test only cycles before with AI and all was good up to 1000mg a week but it just seems really excessive.Last edited by BigGuns89; 11-23-2021 at 06:57 AM.
12-03-2021, 04:11 AM #11Junior Member
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Little update on my cycle...
I decided to go for 125mg sustanon , 100mg deca , & 100mg tren on Sun / Tues / Thurs. HCG at 500iu 3 times a week. Arimidex 1mg every three days.
Total weekly = 375mg sustanon, 300mg deca, & 300mg tren.
So far so good!
Will run this for 8 weeks then drop to 250mg sustanon and 100 - 200mg of deca both every five days for 4 - 8 weeks.
12-03-2021, 10:22 AM #12
12-03-2021, 11:15 AM #13
Kel, even if you don’t run mast? Would you use Nolvadex as a precaution?
03-19-2022, 12:33 PM #14
So you're cruising on Test, and blasting with Tren , right. What, if anything, do you do about sexual side effects and limp dick post-Tren, but still cruising on Test?
03-19-2022, 04:37 PM #16
Hmm. So my normal testosterone 'cruise' isn't enough to prevent issues?
What about using Caber or Bromo PCT? It seems to me progesterone/prolactin are the issues that cause erection and libido issues? So they need to be controlled while or after using Tren ?
Posted about this elsewhere, but no one seems to have an answer...
I think only you should include Masteron , masteron is dht and it's still a prolactin blocker...
Well, to combat progesterone this is done even in the cycle with some aromatase inhibitor (aromasin is one for example in a dosage of 12.5mg - 25mg per day..Progesterone increases estrogen by other mechanisms of action, which induces the prolactin receptors .. Well dopamine agonists like cabergoline pramipexole or bromine they work to fight prolactin but have heavy sides..... Masteron will marry well with any steroid with progestogenic characteristics, masteron directly blocks prolactin is still a DHT AAS.
03-20-2022, 09:15 AM #19
I'm thinking Tren -A low dose, like 200mg/wk, 6 weeks, and to have some Cabegoline on hand toward the end of my blast for any issues.
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