52 year old male. Taking 200 mg Test Cypionate per week. Supplement with DIM every day to control estrogen levels. I was thinking Arimidex would be overkill. Been on this routine for about a year. I recently started taking Finasteride to help with my balding head and that is when the problems kicked in. All of a sudden I have zero desire for sex and now can not even get an erection when taking Viagra. So I had some bloodwork done and I came back with some numbers that are pretty out of whack. Here is what I got tested and the results:

SHBG: 76 (High)

Testosterone Total: 1623 (High but I think I am ok with that number)

Testosterone Free: 216 (High but think that is ok)

Estradial: 47 (Slighly elevated but not sure if this is causing my issues)

FSH:.7 (Very low. Concerning)

LH: .2 (Very Low. Also Concerning)

Prolactin: 9.1 (Normal!)

Just curious as to your thoughts on my bloodwork and what I should do. Yes, this is all self prescribed. Perhaps that is my problem. Not totally sure if the Finasteride had anything to do with this but this literally hit me about 3 weeks after starting Fin. I have stopped the Fin.

Any help would be appreciated.