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Thread: HCG Experience On Cycle?

  1. #1
    Mula is offline Junior Member
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    HCG Experience On Cycle?

    What are your experiences from using HCG on cycle?

    I've been using HCG on cycle 250iu EOD. It feels like injecting female hormones.

    IMO I get gyno paranoid from it. My pecs and nipples get puffy from it. Even when e2 is under control.

    Can you get gyno or high prolactin from HCG use? What are your experiences and advice regarding HCG?

  2. #2
    teedoff is offline Member
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    What gear are you taking besides HCG ?

  3. #3
    956Vette is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Could get away with 100iu hcg doses with less frequency.
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  4. #4
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Always use HCG with Nolvadex at a dosage of 20mg per day from the beginning of the cycle

  5. #5
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Where the fuck do u get this from Davi?
    Plus, why do u give such confident advice when u have zero experience with it.

    I really hope nobody takes ur advice, I am fully convinced you are crazy.
    XnavyHMCS and JaneDoe like this.

  6. #6
    Fit4Florida's Avatar
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    I have been pinning 400-500iu/wk HCG for roughly the past year. Halfway thru my second cycle. This one running 500mg Test E/ 600mg EQ/ 50mg day Dbol . HRT in between of 150mg WK. Zero side effects, nuts seam like they only lost 10%ish in size.

    My understanding is that the HCG simply mimics LH in the male body triggering normal Test production in testes via leydig cells. I don’t think there is a physiological process to trigger androgenic side effects. Is it possible that your estro values are much higher than you think and is resulting in the side effects?
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  7. #7
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post

    Where the fuck do u get this from Davi?
    Plus, why do u give such confident advice when u have zero experience with it.

    I really hope nobody takes ur advice, I am fully convinced you are crazy.
    You're an idiot who can't read, operator above is having HCG -induced gynecomastia . Nolvadex is the only compound that directly blocks estrogen in breast tissue, fuck you idiot! Yes, it's good to use Nolvadex to prevent gynecomastia, as far as what I know about AAS is enough to continue my statement.....The operator is sensitive to hcg, and HCG is fucking it up..So you better it blocks estrogen directly in breast tissue.

    A higher dose of Nolvadex prevents any damage from the beginning of gynecomastia and this is not guesswork it is a true fact.... I'm a "crazy" that I know what I'm talking about.... And if I give confident advice it's because I know I'm talking about concrete things, I learned a lot about nutrition, AAS on my bodybuilding journey you envious nationalist.
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 07-24-2022 at 08:52 AM.

  8. #8
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    I guarantee that I can give any advice in this community, here it's very democratic, nobody is forced to accept my advice if they don't want to! But no one can shut me up either!
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  9. #9
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    you are a clown and it is very clear. keep cut and paste GH old posts.

    do u not remember we all read ur posts. u have no fucking clue man. you may be a good dude, but there is no doubt u parrot shit and have zero real life experience in this game.

    go take ur 3k shakes jerkoff
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by davimeireles View Post
    I guarantee that I can give any advice in this community, here it's very democratic, nobody is forced to accept my advice if they don't want to! But no one can shut me up either!

    Not me Davi. I live in California, thus I am either a socialist or a commie. Most definitely a libtard. However, I convincingly lied & they let me into this state (because I am clearly not any of those). So, keep your freedom of speech/expression to yourself IF you don’t mind please; thanks!

    Carry on.
    JaneDoe likes this.

  11. #11
    JaneDoe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    you are a clown and it is very clear. keep cut and paste GH old posts.

    do u not remember we all read ur posts. u have no fucking clue man. you may be a good dude, but there is no doubt u parrot shit and have zero real life experience in this game.

    go take ur 3k shakes jerkoff

    You're wrong, I don't copy and paste, I just answer what I learned during 3 years on this forum! Yes, many things I know about steroids I learned from GH, but not everything! I don't know what your problem is, man, if Austinite stickers themselves have become standard protocols here in this steroid community. So if I apply someone else's knowledge to myself, and pass along "am I a parrot?", no man, that's not being a parrot, but a person who abstracts what he reads and what he learns. The knowledge taught has to be passed on.. Just look at the fitness industry, you see a guy who doesn't know anything about AAS and nutrition hire a trainer and online, he will stay with this trainer for a while, abstracting knowledge, after 2 years he let go of this trainer and feel prepared to provide your own consultancy as a trainer in the fitness industry! So knowledge is abstracted from other people.


    I'm a guy who has read over 200 books on nutrition and fitness. And I read some books on steroids too! But about steroids I learned more on this forum than any book because it's about personal experiences... You might be thinking "Davi is copying what GearHeaded" said about using a higher dose of Nolvadex to deal with gynecomastia , yes I did protocols of GearHeaded in myself, I consider him a Guru. I see a lot of things that some guys on this forum have said that can still add a lot to new members. And if you don't consider me "someone" in this community, I respect that, because I'm not even a steroid guru like GearHeaded, let alone a trainer in the fitness industry. But I'm convinced that I know a lot of shit in this game, I'm not the "noob" in this game ok? But I still respect your neglect! Know that I'm still going to be somebody in this game, I've always trained, educated myself on steroids and nutrition because I love this sport called bodybuilding. I don't give advice to anyone to show up, but just to add to someone I learned.

    And if anyone wants to take your advice to ignore my answers because they think I'm a "noob", that's fine man! I have nothing more to add.
    Last edited by JaneDoe; 07-24-2022 at 10:07 PM.

  12. #12
    teedoff is offline Member
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    I am a noob and here to learn. And help if/when I can.

    The op mentioned gyno and taking hcg while on cycle. I asked what other gear he was taking. I didn't know hcg could cause gyno, but perhaps another drug he's taking might be causing his issues.
    Last edited by teedoff; 07-25-2022 at 01:09 PM.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by teedoff View Post
    I am a noob and here to learn. And help if/when I can.

    The op mentioned gyno and taking hcg while on cycle. I asked what other gear he was taking. I didn't know hcg could cause gyno, but perhaps another drug he's taking might be causing his issues.
    This is a very good question that got lost in the shuffle.

    HCG causes an estrogen peak like 24 hours after injection, IIRC. I feel it in the form of a libido bump, but others might feel it differently. I would not think it would be enough to trigger gyno, but maybe with other compounds in play, it could. We can respond differently to the same compound...

  14. #14
    Test Monsterone's Avatar
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    I heard people get off HCG because their estrogen got too high. Not sure why, maybe because it has such a short half life, or there is a different response when you have TRT and endogenously produced testosterone from the HCG? Or maybe HCG causes a feedback responses which ramps up estrogen conversion?

    I convert a good amount and my estrogen was definitely higher than the normal range last time I checked it and I was on just 125 mg test/week + around 900 units of HCG.
    JaneDoe likes this.

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