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Thread: Plasma donation and gear

  1. #1
    Positiveweight is offline New Member
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    Plasma donation and gear

    This might seem like a silly question but if I donate plasma and have gear in my system. How does that all work out? I know with blood donation, well that's a donation of blood. But before they return the blood back into your system during a plasma donation your blood goes through a filter. Now I doubt any and if any oil were to manage to work it's way into the filtration system that it would be negligible. IF that's even possible. But what about gear that's already metabolizing in your blood stream? Would the filtration system have any, if any, effect during the donation process?

    Things I freak out about lol

  2. #2
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Positiveweight View Post
    This might seem like a silly question but if I donate plasma and have gear in my system. How does that all work out? I know with blood donation, well that's a donation of blood. But before they return the blood back into your system during a plasma donation your blood goes through a filter. Now I doubt any and if any oil were to manage to work it's way into the filtration system that it would be negligible. IF that's even possible. But what about gear that's already metabolizing in your blood stream? Would the filtration system have any, if any, effect during the donation process?

    Things I freak out about lol
    Just go in there as if you're going to make a donation. In the questioniare, do not say that you have injected anything. Your blood is fine, but if it wasn't, they screen it anyways.
    teedoff likes this.

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