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Thread: Old man cycle advice

  1. #1
    Dazzle69 is offline New Member
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    Old man cycle advice

    I'm 45yo 6'2'' 215lbs. I've cycled on and off for 20 years. I'm coming out of a lay low and work period, meaning I'm carrying more bf than usual and haven't pushed a weight in 10months. I'm about ready to start in on the workout plan and decided to grab to gear along the way. I've cycled test, tren a and e, var and winny previously.

    I picked up some Sus250, TestProp, Mast, Tren A and a bunch of var. HCG and Adex. Nova for PCT. I know the source and tested them.

    I've never cycled with Sus before and have always wanted to. I'm not expecting to use all of what I bought, but thought I'd ask the group for a cycle advice with the Sus250. And I do like Var and run lots of liver support while taking it.

    I'm getting in 1 hour of cardio a day 5 days a week (tredmill slow walk) for the next month before jumping in, so any constructive help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    tlaloc is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazzle69 View Post
    I'm 45yo 6'2'' 215lbs. I've cycled on and off for 20 years. I'm coming out of a lay low and work period, meaning I'm carrying more bf than usual and haven't pushed a weight in 10months. I'm about ready to start in on the workout plan and decided to grab to gear along the way. I've cycled test, tren a and e, var and winny previously.

    I picked up some Sus250, TestProp, Mast, Tren A and a bunch of var. HCG and Adex. Nova for PCT. I know the source and tested them.

    I've never cycled with Sus before and have always wanted to. I'm not expecting to use all of what I bought, but thought I'd ask the group for a cycle advice with the Sus250. And I do like Var and run lots of liver support while taking it.

    I'm getting in 1 hour of cardio a day 5 days a week (tredmill slow walk) for the next month before jumping in, so any constructive help would be appreciated.
    After such a long time cycling, you definitely know your body better than anyone in this thread will.

    Bro, you been cycling for 20 years on and off (lets be honest, probably a lot more on than off) and you are 45 years old. Youve had a great run but should really start considering longevity. Consider dropping the Tren permanently and maybe even quitting orals permanently as well. Just do Test, Sust and Prop are both great. Any kind of Test is great.

  3. #3
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazzle69 View Post
    I'm 45yo 6'2'' 215lbs. I've cycled on and off for 20 years. I'm coming out of a lay low and work period, meaning I'm carrying more bf than usual and haven't pushed a weight in 10months. I'm about ready to start in on the workout plan and decided to grab to gear along the way. I've cycled test, tren a and e, var and winny previously.

    I picked up some Sus250, TestProp, Mast, Tren A and a bunch of var. HCG and Adex. Nova for PCT. I know the source and tested them.

    I've never cycled with Sus before and have always wanted to. I'm not expecting to use all of what I bought, but thought I'd ask the group for a cycle advice with the Sus250. And I do like Var and run lots of liver support while taking it.

    I'm getting in 1 hour of cardio a day 5 days a week (tredmill slow walk) for the next month before jumping in, so any constructive help would be appreciated.
    So you haven't lifted weights in 10 months, you're at your fattest and you want to start using tren? Another one of Kimbo's fake accounts.
    XnavyHMCS likes this.

  4. #4
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    not training in 10 months and you want to cycle.Well your muscles will grow faster than your tendons and ligaments not a good Idea.But do wat you got to do.
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  5. #5
    Cylon357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dazzle69 View Post
    I'm 45yo 6'2'' 215lbs. I've cycled on and off for 20 years. I'm coming out of a lay low and work period, meaning I'm carrying more bf than usual and haven't pushed a weight in 10months. I'm about ready to start in on the workout plan and decided to grab to gear along the way. I've cycled test, tren a and e, var and winny previously.

    I picked up some Sus250, TestProp, Mast, Tren A and a bunch of var. HCG and Adex. Nova for PCT. I know the source and tested them.

    I've never cycled with Sus before and have always wanted to. I'm not expecting to use all of what I bought, but thought I'd ask the group for a cycle advice with the Sus250. And I do like Var and run lots of liver support while taking it.

    I'm getting in 1 hour of cardio a day 5 days a week (tredmill slow walk) for the next month before jumping in, so any constructive help would be appreciated.
    Get your training in order for a year before jumping back on gear. Get bloodwork asap to see if you are a candidate for TRT. Dial in recovery and nutrition NOW, as you embark on that year long journey to get back into training. Then and only then should you consider cycling.

    Good luck

  6. #6
    Mooseman33's Avatar
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    its tough to even get advice around here nowadays with what scumbag kimbo did with all the trolling.

    OP clearly said he is doing an hour of cardio a day for 30 days before starting anything. That is good, would like it to be longer but lets be real, nobody really waits.
    OP- adjust the cardio to more intensity each week, and then just do a basic sust run man. Keep it simple, little test for 10-12 weeks and u will be good.
    That said, get ur diet right over next 30 days, really use this time to prime urself for the cycle.
    Cuz, Honkey_Kong and PackFan like this.

  7. #7
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    its tough to even get advice around here nowadays with what scumbag kimbo did with all the trolling.

    OP clearly said he is doing an hour of cardio a day for 30 days before starting anything. That is good, would like it to be longer but lets be real, nobody really waits.
    OP- adjust the cardio to more intensity each week, and then just do a basic sust run man. Keep it simple, little test for 10-12 weeks and u will be good.
    That said, get ur diet right over next 30 days, really use this time to prime urself for the cycle.
    That is the truth. He's pretty much made us think every "odd" question asked on here is him trolling.

    If he really hasn't lifted in 10 months, the only thing I think he should be doing is TRT (and I only recommend that if he's doing it with a clinic or doctor's supervision). At 45 years old, there's a pretty good chance that trt alone would make a big improvement on his physique (supposing he's training and eating right). He probably should put at least a good 6 months, but probably a year of solid liftting before he considers running a cycle.

    He should also get some bloodwork done and blood pressure taken right now BEFORE he's touched any drug at all to see where his "normal" levels are and if he's healthy enough to be running gear. There might be issues he doesn't know about.

    And he should also take a pretty good look at Austinite's sticky and take some notes:

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