32 years old. Take medication for BP. 5'10 210lbs 11%bf. I stay very active. My father passed away of a heart attack last year and since I've been stressing it's gonna be me next. I was dumb when I was young and started blasting and cruising when I was 24 to about 30. Recently got on trt and just been doing that. Bloodwork is good. Had an echo, EKG, and everything came back fine. However I remain anxious which obviously makes you feel like you have heart issues. My trt is 150 mgs and ours my t levels at 1200. I'm prob gonna ask my Dr to lower me to 120mgs. I usually bump my t up in the summer to 300. Should I not do that this year? I feel like I did damage when I was younger but would of that showed up on the echo. Just looking to vent mostly haha.