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  1. #1
    slowsupraTT is offline New Member
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    Apr 2003

    Question Is this Logical?

    Well I have been thinking about this and to me seemed like the most logical thing. People go on a bulking cycle or a cutting cycle. Well, on a bulking cycle can’t you turn it into a cutting one? When you go on a cycle most of the weight comes on at the beginning of it. Well how about at the end turn it into a cutting one.

    I’m currently on my first cycle and I have been running test enanthate at 500mg a week. I’m about to finish up my 7th week and I went from 187lbs up to 208lbs. These last three weeks of my cycle I wouldn’t expect putting on more then 3 pounds. Well instead of finishing this cycle as a bulking cycle I could reduce my calories and maintain my muscle mass and shed away some fat. I was originally thinking of dieting down with clen /eca stack after my PCT. Then I thought of the muscle mass I would be losing. Why don’t I just diet down on the tail end of the cycle?

  2. #2
    BigGreen's Avatar
    BigGreen is offline Anabolic Member
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    There are very solid arguments in favor of what you are talking about (but I don't believe they hold water at your, I maintain that a cycle must be 15+ weeks in order for a proper transition into leaning from bulking to be even moderately effective). There are, as I said, several reasons why such dual-identitied cycles are worthwhile and several reasons why the are not. My cycle journal gives a decent summary of my arguments for this dual-identity, though I must admit that after talking to a few guys with a great deal of knowledge greatly exceeding my own, I do believe I will try two separate and distinct cycles next go around.

  3. #3
    slowsupraTT is offline New Member
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    Apr 2003
    Well when i cut down i wont be on a cycle. My next cycle wont be till january and that will be another bulker of test/eq/dbol . I'm just not sure if i want to cut the fat down at the tail end of the cycle or after PCT. I'm just thinking of muscle mass in the long run for the two. I dont want to cut down after PCT if it gonna mess up my gains i accomplished.

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